
Doggerel Dave

Notice of absence from Doggerel Dave
I do return sometimes... occasionally...

Have you seen a game of footy lately?

All codes – jeez do they have to be so rough.

Nothing left of gentlemanly conduct.

They go for it now, all in and so tough.


Ladies (oh sorry – didn’t I tell you?)

Where are your earrings lippy and high heels?

They’ve fair put the terrors up me lately –

But just now they’re starting to get good deals.

  • Author: Doggerel Dave (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 30th, 2024 01:08
  • Comment from author about the poem: Go girls, go….
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 48
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cassie58, Cheeky Missy
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  • Neville

    My interest in this particular field sport resumed when the girls got involved .. indeed, I prefer it to watching 22 multimillionaires' diving in agony if a gust of wind happens to catch them ..

    • Doggerel Dave

      The crowds are certainly gathering...

      • Doggerel Dave

        You talking about the round ball game? Yeh there do seem to be a few Prima Donnas.... (Careful Dave there could be a gendered debate brewing re use of terminology...)

        • Neville

          I like Ozzie rules too .. 🦘

        • Michael Edwards

          Much prefer the Ladies game - it's more honest and dare I say passionate.

          • Doggerel Dave

            In truth I don't watch a lot of footy - though I wouldn't miss State of Origin for quids. But the women are on the rise and I admire them for it.

          • Goldfinch60

            I do not watch football Dave but I am a rugby nut and seen the ladies play both codes, you would never argue with them!


            • Doggerel Dave

              Adaptable I think is your middle name, Andy - you never argue with anybody.😊

            • Poetic Licence

              The Men could learn a lot from the Ladies in how to conduct themselves as a professional sports person, nice read

              • Doggerel Dave

                Different countries, different cultures, different carry ons....or carry offs... I've largely given up on the UK.....

              • orchidee

                I'm riding my little pony! lol. A completely NS comment there.

                • Doggerel Dave

                  Nothing more than I expected, orchi - nothing to add, nothing to subtract, nothing to contribute, nothing but trouble to find Cloud Cuckoo Land.

                  • orchidee

                    You knows me - if I got nothing much worth saying, I will say it anyway, in about 500 words of twaddle, and asking things like 'Is heehee the same as teehee? if not, what are the major differences?' lol.

                    • Doggerel Dave

                      Youneed a whole new post of your own to resolve that one, orchi - go to it now!

                    • arqios

                      As with knights in jousting they must be preparing for some real battles… but that’s me conjecturing… again…

                      • Doggerel Dave

                        I think they are getting there....

                      • Cassie58

                        Can you see me smiling? I’m not falling for the bait. Women are producing some great football at the moment without resorting to lippy and bad manners on the pitch. I’ve given you a fav here Mr Dog. 😂

                        • Doggerel Dave

                          Where to begin:
                          No bait There's a hint that you aren't sure where my allegiance lies. The first three lines of the second stanza are pure irony. Doubts? read "Comment from author about the poem: Go girls, go…." Search through my back catalogue - other evidence there.
                          AND I'm not asking for one, but you promised it, Yet there is no evidence of a fav up top Cassie (Lassie incognito).
                          Post Script: Previously you have complained 'Where are the Women? Certainly not here.....

                          • Cassie58

                            I keep my promises. My bloomin phone screen is difficult to manoevre. The award ceremony has taken place😂.
                            Apologies and a curtesy.

                            • Doggerel Dave

                              Balls to the curtsey......😜

                              • Doggerel Dave

                                PS: Communication can be difficult sometimes. Did you mean 'curtsy'?
                                And there are a couple of similar words in that area which are making it difficult indeed....

                                • Cassie58

                                  I did, my spelling, can be rubbish. Something else - sorry

                                • Tristan Robert Lange

                                  Women in sports is refereshing. Ilona Maher, a USA women’s rugby player) was on Dancing With the Stars and got second place. Her athleticism was second to none, she out did Danny Amendola (The Patriots, Super Bowl Champ), and many others. O was rooting for her all the way! A fantastic athlete and, as it turns out, ballroom dancer! All this to say, go women in footy and every any sport they choose to play. C’mon men, the competition scare you that much? Well done friend! 🌹👏

                                  • Doggerel Dave

                                    Thanks for the affirmation, Tristan. The women are only now beginning to receive justice with respect to pay and conditions, but still, by all accounts have a way to go.

                                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                                      You're welcome. This was a very refreshing read. Indeed, they do have a way to go, but any progress is encouraging to see.

                                    • sorenbarrett

                                      Haven’t seen that game lately, Dave I guess I’m getting too old. The last game of FC I saw was that played by lovers. High heels would be a problem. My wife used to ask me to rub her feet until I found out the secret and squeezed them too hard. She didn’t ask after that.

                                      • Doggerel Dave

                                        Thanks for your randomised set of thoughts on the subject, Soren.
                                        Your last move sounds like a twenty first century form of foot binding....

                                      • 2781

                                        If your watching league? Some of those women outclass some of the men.

                                        • Doggerel Dave

                                          Couldn't agree more. Thanks for calling in.

                                        • Tony36

                                          Great write

                                          • Doggerel Dave

                                            Great of you to call, Tony.

                                            • Tony36

                                              You're welcome

                                            • Cheeky Missy

                                              It's verily a strange new world where feminism has erased the boundaries. Are they even women now that they're participating in such a sport? Sorry, girls, where I come from there's such a distinction in the sexes, it's not even possible. Ahem. Pardon me. Excellently rendered in your characteristic style so charmingly to boot, with a delightful poignancy and superb imagery. Thank you for sharing.

                                              • Doggerel Dave

                                                Oh Missy! I hope you haven't taken any of my individual lines seriously - the whole piece except for the last line (observational) was satirical/ironical. Take the 'gentlemanly' line - no footy game whatever code was/is gentlemanly - that adjective was somewhat dubiously attached to cricket....
                                                And sorry, where you come from, if really as you describe, feels like a historical period piece.

                                                • Cheeky Missy

                                                  Haha! Thank you for clarifying, good Sir.

                                                  • Doggerel Dave

                                                    Madam, you are more than welcome.

                                                  • Thad Wilk

                                                    I think the women should
                                                    get some good deals in
                                                    sports these days I say! 👏
                                                    I will never get bored
                                                    watching them gals play! 👀 😳 😍🎉
                                                    Have a great weekend my friend!
                                                    Best regards ✌️ Thad

                                                    • Doggerel Dave

                                                      Cheers Thad - both to you and the girls....👍

                                                    • Kevin Hulme

                                                      Why when the Male Footballers score a goal , they all become ‘Mime-Artists.
                                                      At least the Girls Congratulate each other like in the old days.

                                                      • Doggerel Dave

                                                        I do think, particularly with the round ball game that it can be a little bit drama filled...
                                                        Thanks for the call.

                                                      • NafisaSB

                                                        i agree with these sentiments -'go girl, go'
                                                        a good write, my friend
                                                        keep them coming

                                                        • Doggerel Dave

                                                          I'll do the best I can, Nafisa.

                                                          • NafisaSB

                                                            more power to your thoughts, and your pen - go,man,go

                                                            • Doggerel Dave

                                                              ☺️to You....

                                                              • NafisaSB

                                                                reciprocated with thanks - have a productive weekend

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