Tune: Laus Deo
('Bright the vision that delighted')
Isaiah 40 v.13-18
1. Who has the Spirit directed?
Who has taught Him, who Him led?
Who has been His counsellor sure?
That He should exalt you more?
2. With what humans took He counsel
That He without us should fail?
Cannot be thus, for He acts so
His own plans, will, does He know
3. None has taught Him judgement, learning
Nor knowledge any does bring
To Him, nor showed Him the right way
His own purpose clear as day
4. He almighty, none can compare
To His wisdom, none can bear
To see Him in full revealing
Yet Him praise we can Him bring
5. Behold, the nations so small are
He omnipotent by far
Nations as a drop in bucket
As mere dust of sand or grit
6. For see, He the nations up takes
As very little thing makes
Lebanon's forest, cedars tall
If burnt, shall not cover all
7. For they not sufficient to be
Used in burnt offerings, see
Nor there beasts enough to offer
To Him, we do all concur
8. For He is Lord, and all nations
All their daughters and their sons
Are as nothing, less than nothing
Vanity be everything
9. He the Lord incomparable
None is like Him, none at all
Yet we humbly here His people
May praise Him and on Him call
orchidee (
- Published: September 11th, 2017 08:29
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 8787 on the greatness of God. A somewhat long-winded title! The theme is God's greatness, though mankind is as vanity (verse 8), yet not meaning He does not care about us.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 52
Thanks G/F. I think me big words have backfired! Isn't that a double negative? Incomparable and Incon-wotsit? Does my title mean we CAN conceive of comparisons with God?! If so, I probably had too much sherry to come up with that long word!
Very well done!
Thanks C.
Super stuff O
Thanks M. Have I done a double negative on the title? e.g. as if someone says 'I ain't got none'. That means they have got some! Or - what am I waffling on about?!
I guess it's a sort of tautological pleonasm if you get my drift.
Ahh yes a tauto wotsit. I thought it might be! Me 'drift' has gone - drifting on the high seas somewhere, in the back of beyond. Bit like if you ask me to explain that tauto thingy!
There's nothing like waffles when you're drifting. But beware the backside of beyond !!
As you know STEVE I revel in big and INCONCEIVABLE words ~ so your Title both pleased and amused me ~ normally only a lady can achieve that ! Love tune ~ awesome Organ and another Poetic Gem. Thanks for sharing. Please check my poems & Fusion ~ Thanks B,
Thanks B. Never could have thought of that word without a sherry or two! lol.
"He the Lord incomparable
None is like Him, none at all
Yet we humbly here His people
May praise Him and on Him call "
Beautiful and truthful.
Thanks M.
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