Sages say the real "I" inside me knows it all,
understands well
the make-up of one cell, what causes dawn,
where light is born,
or how oceans come thus far and no further,
the make-up of stars,
how lightning forms, what tales ants murmur
or the reason for seasons,
knows the language of whales, how bees fly
and why birds migrate,
the meaning of beasts hierarchical wildness,
how to make beauty
in one awesome snowflake, or nature's way
of life-reproduction
within polluted rivers, oceans and lakes.
Savants say the higher Me has full access
and taps great Intelligence,
that this real "I" understands why all have
laughter and can feel pain
in other hearts, understands how to prove
care by compassion,
never under-estimates the power of Love,
and intuitively uses its
means to restore earth's balance although
my inner "I" has not
yet informed me how to control this flow
of reflective wisdom
found within my senseless "not-knowing."
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: December 21st, 2017 03:16
- Comment from author about the poem: I shall be away from today for a little while but wishing you all festive season's best greetings.
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 68
- Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
A fine write Fay. Seasons Greetings too!
Great write and thanks for all your postings over the year - best wishes for Christmas.
My dear Poetess Fay...
Enjoyed your awesome write! The mysterious “I” within us knows. It knows and understands the beauty and generosity within YOU, my dear Fay! Bless you and yours! Enjoy the holidays! Be safe and return soon!
We would all like to know more but if we got to know everything for what would we strive.
Have a great Christmas Fay.
A simply wonderful write today, Fay! Merry Christmas to you!
Wisdom is reflected in asking the right questions, which your intriguing poem does so well, dear Fay. Have yourself a wonderful Christmas. I look forward to your return and continued brilliant writes.
From my inner 'I' to your inner 'I': Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year. May the poems keep on flowing from your pen!
Thanks FAY we shall all miss YOU ! Being (by training~ experience & study) An Environmental Scientist I have a COGNITIVE UNDERSTANDING of many of the Natural Phenomena you highlight in your first verse. I would stress that my knowledge does not diminish their Wonder & Mystery ~ in fact for me it enhances it !
Your second Verse Human Behaviour and Emotions the Behavioural Sciences of Psychology & Sociology in which (unlike the Physical Sciences) there are no ABSOLUTES & CERTAINTIES and conflicting Theories can be equally true in practice. SEA SALT is always NaCl never Na2Cl or NaCl2 ~ it always has Square Symmetry and the sodium ion is always Na+ and the chloride ion always Cl - The crystal structure is so well established that it has appeared on a UK Postage Stamp ! The Behaviour Sciences are fluid and Theories change from decade to decade which is what makes them so intrinsically exciting. I have studied SOC & PSYCH with the OU (and other Courses) but I am none the wiser and much of what I learned 10 years ago is now obsolete ! I learn about LOVE & LIFE ~ through my OWN MISTAKES and (honestly) I am getting better ~ AT BOTH ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ HAPPY CHRISTMAS ~ Love under the Mistletoe ~ BRIAN XOX
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