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Wallace Stevens Poems


Born in Pennsylvania in 1879, American Wallace Stevens was an insurance executive turned poet and writer who won the Pulitzer in 1955. He went to public school and fell in love with the classics in Greek and Latin. He originally trained as a lawyer, attending Harvard initially and then a law school in New York. In his early twenties, Stevens married ...

Algernon Charles Swinburne Poems


Born in London in 1837, Algernon Swinburne became one of the most well-known poets of the Victorian age, producing verse that often shocked and shook the morals of the conservative elite of the city. The oldest of 6 children in a wealthy family, he was sent to Eton to begin his studies where he discovered his love of poetry and ...

Mahmoud Darwish Poems


At one time considered a poet of the resistance by Israel, Mahmoud Darwish was born in 1941 in the West of Galilee and was a potent voice for Palestine over the last 60 years. Though his mother was illiterate, his grandfather taught him to read at an early age. When his family were forced off their land by the Israelis they ...

Nikki Giovanni Poems


Born in Tennessee in 1943, Nikki Giovanni has been one of the most influential voices in American literature in the last 60 years, a poet and activist who was influenced by the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s. She was also greatly influenced in her early years by the stories from her grandmother, introducing her a rich African-American heritage ...

Li Po Poems


Born in the middle of the Tang Dynasty in 701, Li Po was one of the most prominent writers of his time in China, developing poetic art and producing about 1000 poems in his life time. He and fellow poet Du Fu were responsible for a golden time in Chinese writing, exploring relationships, the natural world, as well as the ...

Bonnie Parker Poems


When most people hear the name Bonnie Parker their first thought is unlikely to be “this was a famous American poet of the early 20th century”. A more likely adjective to use is actually infamous because, of course, she was a part of one of the most notorious criminal gangs in history. Along with her partner Clyde Barrow she set off on ...

Anne Bradstreet Poems


Although known as one of the first female writers to be published in the North America colonies, Anne Bradstreet was actually born in Northampton, England, in March 1612. Her father Thomas Dudley and mother, Dorothy Yorke, were able to afford a very good education for Anne and she was well tutored in languages, literature and history. At the age of sixteen she ...

Cecil Frances Alexander Poems


The work of Cecil Frances Alexander will be familiar to people all over the world. As one of Ireland’s foremost writers of hymns and poems she produced what is arguably one of the most famous and well-loved hymns of all time; All Things Bright and Beautiful. In April 1818 she was born in Dublin, the third daughter of land agent Major John Humphreys ...

Donald Hall Poems


Donald Hall is a multi-award winning poet, novelist and children’s writer, a sometime sports journalist and editor who has spent the best part of seventy years setting down his thoughts on subjects ranging from living the rural life in New England, baseball and relating the work we do to our contribution to society through that work. At a particularly tragic time in ...

Isaac Rosenberg Poems


The name of Isaac Rosenberg is one the famous 16 that is engraved on a slate stone that can be found in Poets’ Corner, Westminster Abbey. This simple memorial is to commemorate noted poets of the First World War and was unveiled in 1985 on that significant date, 11 November. Isaac’s parents were of Russian descent but they had fled the anti-Jewish pogroms ...