Comments received on poems by trin

Jungle Madness
L. B. Mek said:

such raw honesty
a relatable read, so well written
thanks for choosing to share

September 8th, 2023 05:21

The miscast
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"The miscast” by Trin (Trinity Franklin)
The emotions are gut feelings; note that they don’t come from the heart, but from the middle of the body. The feelings have such a hold on the poetess that their ending will damage her. Her mind is racked by thoughts; they “extend” her mind; her imaginations are amplified; they leave her at a loss. The lover discreetly exerted his charm but his power was short-lived, for the girl retook control in some way. The love changed the life from a calm one to a conflicted one. The love showed to her was a negative one, but she failed to notice that it was so. At first she was entranced by the overtures an blindly believed the words, but eventually got disappointed and could see through it all. The exciting dreams promised by the adventure but eventually proved to be unproductive. The poetess wonders how she evolved from love to some desert life. The word “gyrated” denotes turning and turning around. The negative transformation happened quite fast. It all appeared to be some make-believe, stringing the poetess along (“extensive play”), accompanied by deep deception (there were high expectations). In the end she found herself to be the wrong one in the relationship : “miscast.” Soman Ragavan. 8 September, 2023. //

September 7th, 2023 22:30

I am not ME
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"I am not me” by Trin
Petals are blown off the flowers and fall to the ground. From red they turn to black. Butterflies in the stomach means being anxious or worrying about something. The black petals appear to be worse than butterflies in the stomach. The poetess has feelings of emptiness; she is going through a despondent phase. “Tears pool…” : cries. “stubborn eyes” : not giving up, struggling to cope. “only when I am wearing a disguise” : not liking it really; putting up some make-believe. “I hate myself really” : a conflicted relationship; at times the love is not reciprocated. “never has a warning sign of growing into someone you may no longer adore” : inexperience means you don’t get warnings that you might be changing yourself into somebody you won’t like; an unwelcome transformation. Soman Ragavan. 8 September, 2023. //

September 7th, 2023 22:13

Jungle Madness
peto said:

\"Survival presumes we have something to live for \"
You certainly do
To pass such messages on
A stunning write
Felt like a history lesson at times in the best possible way
The:fields of flowers \" line and those just before and after were amazing
1st I\'ve read from you
Won\'t be the last
Superb content

September 7th, 2023 16:47

My beautiful Sunshine
Caring dove said:

This makes me think of self care and taking care of ourselves .. a lovely writing 🙂 liked reading this

December 21st, 2022 16:53

Doomed Death
Goldfinch60 said:

Emotive words Trin.


March 12th, 2021 03:07

A message or a reminder
Doggerel Dave said:

Powerfully put together. Looks you’ve got toxic interpersonal relationships well and truly sorted now, trin. I’m sure at the first sign, of another, you will walk away. After this, you can only grow stronger.
Good luck to you.

January 29th, 2021 18:19

A message or a reminder
heatherbee said:

Strong words a great read.

January 29th, 2021 17:48

A message or a reminder
FredPeyer said:

Trin, this is a very well written and powerful message that should be read and followed by the many people who let others decide their lives. Well done.

January 29th, 2021 17:47

A message or a reminder
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good read.

January 29th, 2021 16:38

A message or a reminder
Pacifique Niyitanga said:

Nice piece Trin, you\'re right with your experience... Let them know and learn from your point of view, like i did

January 29th, 2021 16:33

The Most Important Ride
FredPeyer said:

Trin, this is a great metaphor of life. As for \'I am lost without a guide\', just remember if you don\'t know where you are going you cannot get lost! :-)
Truly enjoyed reading your poem!

April 23rd, 2020 12:02

I am not ME
angmaria said:

I love this 💕

March 5th, 2020 18:17

I am not ME
TheBalladofMebo said:

nice, Damn.

March 5th, 2020 08:42

Light is found, again
Clara said:

Wow, I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you :-)

August 31st, 2019 00:52

Seek said:

Trin, this a very moving poem. It speaks of unconditional love where surrendering oneself to the beloved becomes a rewarding sacrifice. Very impressed. You certainly aroused my curiosity about the person this was intended for! Lucky dog.

August 27th, 2019 09:24

Fay Slimm. said:

A gem of a love poem and written with such honest expression making a dream of a read. Thank you trin

July 25th, 2019 04:56

dusk arising said:

I don\'t think i have ever read such a compelling expression of love as you have written here. It\'s quite beautiful.
Of course your piece is a certainty to enter my favourites.

July 25th, 2019 04:42

sonyaspeak said:

Beautifully written.

March 11th, 2019 00:43

One Track Mind
sonyaspeak said:

Another magnificent poem, Trin!

March 11th, 2019 00:42

Fay Slimm. said:

Serious points made here trin - -a poignant and touching read and thanks for sharing.

March 5th, 2019 04:17

Dark Thoughts
Suresh said:

Why is it that our negatives are
more powerful
longer lasting
Intensely gripping
why? why?

March 4th, 2019 00:45

Dark Thoughts
Egyptianqt79 said:

August 24th, 2017 19:15