Comments received on poems by deepthoughts

Stained Glass
Ternic73 said:

beautifully done

July 22nd, 2018 13:12

The Quietest Place
Ternic73 said:

I really like this poem, straight to the point.

July 22nd, 2018 13:11

Netashi said:

Masterfully descriptive keep up the good work


April 25th, 2018 14:41

deepthoughts said:

Everbody, I got a good grade on this! Thank you all for helping me out and giving me tips and advice.

March 6th, 2018 12:55

The Quietest Place
Saima said:

So simple and true, love this

March 1st, 2018 22:51

Little Jewel
Caring dove said:

hi deep thoughts im sorry you never recieved a comment on this and no , this does not suck , its completely amazing and i love it ! firstly , when i read the first stanza, i think of a girl who is only held upright by the shoes on her feet, they are what keep her walking a nice path or an ok path , now that the shoes have disintegrated , there is no longer anything to keep you on this stable path and down a lost and confusing hole , you go . \'\'

this poem makes me think .. how there is only so far we can go down before we have to travel back up again , kind of like a rollercoaster , sometimes the only way out of the depths is to swim back up again .. and for me , the little jewel is the spark in you which makes you want to reach the top again , just my thoughts . really loved this tho , great poem

February 27th, 2018 12:06

Love is a Killer
Caring dove said:

hello deepthoughts, i love the ending , with the tree and the stars! you choose your next path , for you and only for you , forget everyone else, do what makes you happy ! loved reading this :-)

February 27th, 2018 11:52

The Weather Outside
Caring dove said:

very nice .. i love the idea of you sitting inside by the fire . .the contrast of warmth and cold in this poem , is nicely expressed

February 27th, 2018 11:40

Spring is Here!
Caring dove said:

lovely :-)

February 27th, 2018 11:36

Fish in the Ocean
Caring dove said:

interesting .. i like ! :-) i like your term \'\' alphabet of fish \'\' nice

February 27th, 2018 11:34

The Quietest Place
Poetic25 said:

so true, a nice little piece that speaks volumes (quietly :))


February 22nd, 2018 13:31

orchidee said:

Well, you made it a sonnet (14 lines) as well as a poem. I would give it 8 out of 10. Let us know how you get on!

February 13th, 2018 15:24

orchidee said:

If you see this in time - you being in USA and me in UK.
* First line: Adjust to?: \'Music is the thing to turn to....\'

February 13th, 2018 12:07

Lorna said:

Just a suggestion: Last line:

Who you really are

(picks up the rhyme of superstar)

February 13th, 2018 04:43

orchidee said:

Good write DT. I don\'t usually comment on the \'poetic style\' of poems as such. I\'m no professional poet.
But to try to analyse it a bit:
* Last stanza has a bounce to it, I feel.
* Music can be a way to express anger - turn it up loud, etc. An unusual aspect maybe. Many listen to music for the aspects of comfort and solace.
* It also shows, I feel, how music can help, and yet it may \'back-fire\': \'Let your anger unfurl\', BUT, \'Beware... it pulls at your mind\' such as in some hypnotic beats.
* There is some deeper psychological thing about music too, I feel. We choose certain types of music, depending on our personalities, etc.
* You may wish to see a couple of my hymn-poems - music included in the clips there.
* On a deep level, somehow music can affect our spirit and our soul, I feel. So in some way, or partly so, it can help us to \'see who we really can be\' - a good concluding line to your poem. Yet of course we know music is not the ONLY thing in life. It need not become obsessional, as if our whole life depended entirely on music. Not that having record (if older!) or CD collections is wrong!
* Hope this helps!

February 13th, 2018 03:33

The Girl on the Park Bench
Noah said:

I love the description in this. Great piece!

January 30th, 2018 18:57

The Girl on the Park Bench
Tony36 said:

Great write

January 30th, 2018 17:04

Personal Reflection
Poem Goals said:

Great life confronting poem! I\'m giving this a 10/10 for it\'s exclusive vocabulary.

December 29th, 2017 03:02

Christmas Day
Laura🌻 said:

Your poem reminds me of my childhood! Happy memories! Enjoyed reading it! Great write!

December 26th, 2017 20:00

Love is a Killer
she_was_torture said:

Love this poem! It\'s so deep and uses great imagery- I hope you write more like this one!!

December 24th, 2017 01:59

LukeCoomer said:

Exceptional and very deep I’m favoriting this one!!

December 19th, 2017 12:30

Love is a Killer
Allysnewworld said:

Powerful for sure. Vivid imagery. Take the path you deem fit for yourself. Love will follow any route you take, and so will happiness. Lovely write:)

December 16th, 2017 21:12


A fascinating insight into the mechanism of your inspiration.Poetry is a wonderfully effective way to process, work through ,strong emotions, thoughts, feelings. It does, however, reveal your emotional identity, your persona to the world. Thank you for the read ♥️

December 16th, 2017 04:07

victoriamarie said:

chilling. what a captivating really have a way with your words.

December 15th, 2017 02:00

The Clock is Ticking Down
whoweare said:

Quite inspiring

December 14th, 2017 23:01

The Past

WELCOME LUCY ~ Thanks for your first poem and thanks for penning a NEW POEM every day ~ they are all challenging ! My MANTRA is CARPE DIEM (Seize the DAY !) Yesterday\'s gone My friend ~ Tomorrow may never be mine ~ Help me today ~ show me the WAY ~ One step at a time ! So personally I don\'t worry about the PAST (It\'s over let it GO !) or the FUTURE (I\'ll cope when it comes !) ~ I LIVE FOR TODAY ! Thanks for sharing & caring ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Thanks for your elegant odes on my Fusions ~ I would love to add a POEM to yours ~ Please add me as a FRIEND ~ Thanks B.

December 13th, 2017 18:22

Life will be Worth it
LukeCoomer said:

Inspiring deep!! Makes me happy!!

December 13th, 2017 17:08

The Array
Laura🌻 said:

As a mom, I think all parents should read this skillfully penned poem! I think we would be in a better place today! Enjoyed the read very much!


December 13th, 2017 14:11

The Past
Ember said:

This is a very beautiful poem

December 12th, 2017 19:59

Little Jewel
deepthoughts said:

You can tell that your poems suck when you\'re the only one who comments on it :)

December 11th, 2017 17:24

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