Comments received on poems by Shearonder1987

The best me
Mason Vollman said:

So True, Theres No other choice but to be the best you can be, mind over matter, theres no choice to be anything else...

February 27th, 2023 20:40

The God I Know
Mason Vollman said:

Wow, Shearonder, this has a powerful meaning, God bless you, and I hope this can spread to more hearts.. And more souls.

February 27th, 2023 20:37

This way of life
Goldfinch60 said:

Super words Shearonder, it is exactly the way I feel as well.


February 2nd, 2022 07:04

The God I Know
Goldfinch60 said:

May your god always be with you Shearonder.


January 29th, 2022 01:31

The God I Know
orchidee said:

Good write S.

January 28th, 2022 08:02

My demeanor
Goldfinch60 said:

Life is a wonderful teacher.

January 27th, 2022 01:31

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful positive words Shearonder, may that time always grow within you.


January 26th, 2022 01:36

L. B. Mek said:

great message!
thanks for sharing, dear poet
(and please, say hi if you see me faltering
on that same path, of self discovery)

January 25th, 2022 07:18

The way u lead
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good and profound words Shearonder.


January 23rd, 2022 02:40

The way u lead
Poetic Dan said:

As always another outstanding read! Thank you

January 23rd, 2022 02:06

Your Love
Vamsi Sudha said:

Pleasant feeling of Love, Liked your poem, dear Poet !!

January 21st, 2022 11:52

Only for you
Vamsi Sudha said:

Lovely Love poems , Dear Poet !!

January 21st, 2022 11:52

Your Love
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful lyrics or hymn, just need the music now
thanks for sharing, lovely flow

January 21st, 2022 08:23

Paul Bell said:

I maybe wrong, but I\'m thinking you like this guy.

January 19th, 2022 10:43

Take heed
GypsyLady said:

I really love your positive life affirming message in this well-done rhyme! Good write!

January 18th, 2022 10:58

Take heed
L. B. Mek said:

(a Brilliantly, life-affirming message
and I just love
the passion of your poetry\'s wording,
thank you for sharing, dear Poet)
yeah, I too believe
we Have, to
make choices in our lives
that define, us
or else
the Universe and all its endless
Bull sht, will influence
Our choices
and we end-up, mere passengers
of consequence and strife..
yeah, whatever
of the two worst choices we\'re faced with
(as it often seems in life)
we Have to Choose, one
and path our own way;
as hiding, behind
victimhood and those feelings of ineptitude
won\'t change a damn thing..
we Have: to Choose!
and grasp Life...

January 18th, 2022 08:24

Take heed
dusk arising said:

Have to, have to, have to, have to..... really?

January 18th, 2022 06:55

Elevated mindset
L. B. Mek said:

\'To control my actions and all that I do,
The way I react now I can\'t lose,
Sober living is the life I choose,
I\'m still in the process of getting right,
Loving my progress enhancing my life,
The strength in me is loving the fight,
I choose to be strong I choose to show might,\'
good luck, dear Poet
fight! the good fight

January 17th, 2022 08:36

A different state of mind
Paul Bell said:

You\'ve hit the nail on the head.
Adversity is a state of mind, and if you let it do its job, you\'ll fly.

January 16th, 2022 06:19

The love in me
Caring dove said:

Lovely words ))

January 15th, 2022 04:03

The love in me
Poetic Dan said:

A sweet reminder of the things I can be! Fantastic as ever, thank you for sharing

January 15th, 2022 03:58

I am the light, in my darkness
dusk arising said:

If you are the light then why have you got darkness? Contradiction LOL Or does your light fade away perhaps when you do that fighting you mentioned.

November 7th, 2021 08:19

Powerful Soulmates
Olivia. said:

Beautiful words! What a delightful tribute to your love. X

February 21st, 2021 17:26

Amazingly Perfect
FredPeyer said:

A beautiful Valentine\'s day poem! Well done!

February 18th, 2021 19:57

Amazingly Perfect
L. B. Mek said:

such be the fruits of unwavering belief, even if I don\'t align directly: I still choose to be happy for you - in these bleak days, what a powerful weapon you wield - that thing, called faith, you so wholeheartedly possess..
a good read my friend

February 18th, 2021 06:22

Amazingly Perfect
heatherbee said:

A lovely read.

February 18th, 2021 04:39

Amazingly Perfect
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful loving words Shearonder.


February 18th, 2021 01:39

In Your Eyes
Olivia. said:

WOW absolutely beautiful x

February 14th, 2021 08:35

L. B. Mek said:

strong start to a wonderful read and dedication:
\'Loving you has put me at ease,
You comfort my heart u are my peace,
Your all I got and all I need. Only thing I ever wanted is the love u bring,\'

February 12th, 2021 06:39

FredPeyer said:

Well penned, Shearonder, I don\'t think a declaration of love could be any stronger than this one.

February 11th, 2021 19:39

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