Comments received on poems by Jack Cohen

Cassie58 said:

Much enjoyed. Visually pleasing. A lovely poem Jack.

June 11th, 2024 14:09

aDarkerMind said:

a very impressive write.

loved every word Jack.

June 11th, 2024 12:17

Goldfinch60 said:

That songbird will always come back and sing for you again Jack.


June 6th, 2022 23:49

Bound Beneath
tallisman said:

A true story teller!

June 6th, 2022 00:27

The Door The Door
tallisman said:

Really enjoyed this story and Poem, thank you!

June 6th, 2022 00:21

A will-o\'-wisp
L. B. Mek said:

\'The ember world once sealed away
Returned this night under moonlit rays

The twilight veil that hides my eyes
shifts and writhes in shadow lies\'
just love your word choices, so accessible
yet jam packed
with crisp, fantastical imagery
pure poetic, wizardry!
thank you, dear Poet

March 29th, 2022 05:03

The Scarecrow
Rozina said:

Interesting read. Thank you.

January 24th, 2022 05:02

The Scarecrow
Crystal Hope said:

i love you told a story. Sometimes we do feel like scarecrows just drifting in the wind

January 23rd, 2022 17:16

The Valley
Ameljor said:

Loved how this made me feel 😊

December 3rd, 2021 18:56

The Valley
dusk arising said:

I couldn\'t find a meaning for your word \"Azule\" even on google. What is it? Or did you mean azure.

December 3rd, 2021 18:30

Winter\'s Night
L. B. Mek said:

I always love the layers, you imbue
into your write\'s
what is seemingly, a simple but refreshing take
on love poetry
reveals, many depths
the more times I read it,
what a wonderful gift, in a poem..
thanks for sharing
(in my humble opinion
each next write, we\'re inspired
to scribble and attempt
is: our \'normal style\'
if we don\'t experiment, and let
our imagination\'s run free
we risk, boxing our creativity
into a tight corner,
nobody else can see, but ourselves

November 30th, 2021 06:09

Winter\'s Night
Lorna said:

You did this so well! Very lovely......

November 30th, 2021 05:33

Bound Beneath
L. B. Mek said:

Keep on climbing, aspiring
dear Poet
as the trail, you\'re leaving behind
for us
to follow: be shinning!

\'Carried us deep
into the Earth, *Daring
us would-be,* thieves
to find its worth.\'

\'And the prize
begging us to claim *her.*\'
(why is it a Her?
leaning a little towards
absentminded misogyny, I think
\'that whole, damsel in distress
metaphor, inequality
is an archaic crutch
of oblivious, literary traditions
to say the least)

forgive me, these are just my 2 cents worth of feedback
I don\'t mean to undermine your creativity or perspective, in any way

November 18th, 2021 05:26

Dark Tides
L. B. Mek said:

what a polished work
of poetic first person, narrative
you\'ve eloquently sculpted, dear Poet
(it\'s such a treat
to join in the journey
of talented wordsmith\'s, striving to perfect
their chosen art)
thank you! for choosing to share
(if you ever get to read
\'Captain Corelli\'s Mandolin\',
in the first half of the book, before
it derails into meaningless drivel,
that section of beautifully poetic prose
where it starkly portrays
the crude: brutality, of war;
it is the greatest of praise
I can offer you, when I honestly state
what you\'ve written here
can effortlessly be inserted as a soliloquy chapter
by one of the suffering soldier characters;
you should, Personally
be very proud of what you\'ve achieved in this poem)

November 8th, 2021 05:43

The Hungry Beast
L. B. Mek said:

showcased that eternal dialogue, poetic voice
really well, the duality of estranged oneness
captured, framed and explored..
an intriguing read,
thanks for sharing dear poet

October 29th, 2021 03:51

The Hungry Beast
John Prophet said:

Yup, modernity dealing with biology.
Difficult struggle. Nice jobπŸ‘πŸΌ

October 28th, 2021 18:44

The Hungry Beast
spilleronsheet said:

Very well expressed the conflicting thoughts one holds inside
Truly it’s a battle between will and hunger of beast
Keep writing and sharing your work dear poet

October 28th, 2021 13:46

Safe Harbor
L. B. Mek said:


They\'re all
my crew, my friends
Into the night they went.
And on this ship, gun in hand
Went the days
that I have spent.
This wood soaked tomb,
this smelly bog
Is where I\'ll surely die

I hear the scream
they know I\'m near
Oh god!
Don\'t let them hear

my cries!\'..
(just a suggestion, in how I would have tried to structure the pacing)
really enjoyed this scenes, especially liked how you added a deft touch to detail and context, enough
to keep us wondering and enticed.
thanks for sharing, dear poet..
(if this evolves into a more detailed short story, I would be intrigued to read some more, especially
if you were to play around with characterisation, I think that could a lot to your style
\'in my humble opinion\')

October 5th, 2021 05:42

This Town of Mine
L. B. Mek said:

so many, have memories and past\'s they can look back on, longingly;
and yet, just as many
are inundated with yesterday\'s, they can\'t rid themselves - of,
no matter the strength of their sleeping pills...
we, need to exist
between the shadow and sunlight, so as to remind ourselves
how crucial it is, we appreciate
the Now: we\'ve yet to taste!
(a great write, took me on reminiscing journey of my own,
indeed, we all have a past we try to deny or a regret, we\'re too scared to confront)

September 17th, 2021 03:59

A Wicked Scheme
L. B. Mek said:

\'Every night
awoken by fright
feeling me lose my mind.

The final dream
it revealed to me
the reason for my birth.

It\'s using me
a wicked scheme
to open a door upon the earth.

now it\'s out
needs me found
needs the final lines written.\'
indeed, this is wonderfully written
really adore, your style of flow dear poet
a unique voice, a beautifully tender one
that\'s hidden under so much bluster and aesthetic wordplay..
I shall always invest in your write\'s, because I know
they stem from and are inspired-by
something, deeply meaningful..
thank you, for choosing to share
(please forgive me
if my words cause offence
I sincerely meant them to be supportive and encouraging)

September 13th, 2021 06:17

A Wicked Scheme
James Michael said:

Very well written. A little criticism if I may. It needs to be tightened up. Possibly too much thought. Possibly too many Guinness for me!

September 12th, 2021 21:52

What Must I Be?
iAli said:

A great writing dear Jack. Really heart warming..πŸ™‚

September 10th, 2021 11:57

What Must I Be?
Jayasree said:

Reading this made me very sad. So touching.

September 9th, 2021 08:03

What Must I Be?
L. B. Mek said:

\'seat or strive
wait or strike
choices aplenty
but inevitability a certainty
waste life, or utilise
just know that, in the end
\'Time\': won\'t give a F\'ck...!\'
(a good read!
thanks for inspiring my own feeble reply)
and I\'m sorry if my rude word choice, caused offense
no disrespect intended, just got lost in the vibe

September 9th, 2021 05:05

L. B. Mek said:

that darkness within, we so want to regress
and keep hidden
but, only by acknowledging its presence
can we limit
our ability to sabotage ourselves and bring forth
our own demise...
insightful message, and timely
sadly, we no longer have a \'wiser\' older generation
to share such nuggets of life with us,
what a loss!
thanks for sharing, dear poet

August 12th, 2021 05:34

The Strangers
Goldfinch60 said:

Many strangers do not show their faces until they are understood.


July 28th, 2021 01:02

We Only Are
Eugene S. said:

I get a very atmospheric New Orleans or Ybor City vibe when reading this.....Anne Rice comes to mind. Great read.

July 26th, 2021 02:13

From the Corner
dusk arising said:

Great stuff! Well composed and very entertaining.

July 26th, 2021 01:30

From the Corner
Saxon Crow said:

A good poem. I enjoyed it very much

July 26th, 2021 00:09

From the Corner
jarcher54 said:

Glad you escaped... this time! Nice little adventure you took us on.

July 26th, 2021 00:07

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