Comments received on poems by Sophenia

333 thoughts
Rocky Lagou said:

Lovely execution. As a person with mental health issues I can relate to this even more. Sometimes we just get caught up in our own thoughts and it can really become overwhelming. You explained it really well!

March 30th, 2022 10:27

The path to enlightenment
Rocky Lagou said:

Yesss!! Shine your beautiful brilliant and illuminant light onto the whole world! I\'m so ready for it and I totally am a believer of grabbing your identity and worth by the throat and displaying it to the whole world! 💖

March 29th, 2022 13:21

The path to enlightenment
dean langmuir said:

Well wrote,I am always excited for the person when they seek to shine.may you polish your glow often,take care.

March 29th, 2022 06:34

The path to enlightenment
L. B. Mek said:

good on ya!
\'onwards, then\', dear poet
each step, loud n proud
\'live it, as much
as you
believe in it\'
so strive, to find that something
you believe-n, with all you\'ve got!

March 29th, 2022 05:52

Love And Light
dusk arising said:

I can assure you that this place MPS is a place where you can express yourself freely. Many do, I certainly do.

Having a place to express your true feelings will become a self healing, cathartic sort of thing. Go ahead, explore yourself, the deeper you go the more wonderful things you\'ll find.

Oh and read some of the other peoples poetry on here, Doing just that has taught me a lot - enjoy.

March 29th, 2022 05:04

The path to enlightenment
dusk arising said:

To quote the words of a famous rock song \"Shine on you crazy diamond\".

So many fences are erected in society which we are expected to live behind/within. It\'s good to read you have seen them for the hinderance that they are. We all have every right to be freed from these mind controls and tread our path in the light rather than under a shadow.
Yes \"shine on, child of the universe\"

March 29th, 2022 04:52

I will always be grateful for you
Christina8 said:

Since I lost my mother to cancer, and quickly, I can so relate to your poem. Its hard to feel what we feel then they come in torrents. Cancer sucks! Thanks for sharing your poem!

March 28th, 2022 19:05

I will always be grateful for you
Dahlia said:

this is beautiful, one day at a time, we faced a similar situation back in 2016, keep faith & may God guide you & yours,

March 28th, 2022 10:34

I will always be grateful for you
L. B. Mek said:

wading through shock
is a time consuming, effort
be kind to yourself,
in the words of Keats:
\'the tears will come, let them...\'
never give-in, but
prepare yourself
maximise every chance you get
to add to your memories
and reach out to those
who reach out, to you
allow each other to build
that necessary
scaffolding, embrace of support..
I\'m so sorry, I can\'t imagine
what it must be like
stay strong! dear poet
thanks for showcasing
the everyday utility of our beloved Poetry

March 28th, 2022 05:59

Love And Light
Dahlia said:

excellent & nice closing paragraph
Happy Sunday!

March 27th, 2022 12:06

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