Comments received on poems by Aradhya

Down the memory lane...
aDarkerMind said:

a very touching poem Aradhya

May 13th, 2024 15:38

Fondest Regards...
Pop64 said:

This is a very captivating write. It reads with emotion and uses clear imagery to convey the feelings and meaning. Well done!

September 28th, 2023 08:49

Bella Shepard said:

The feeling of isolation can be overwhelming. And yet, sometimes in isolation we find reflection, and in reflection we find strengths we never recognized. Very eloquently expressed my friend, and such a great read.

August 24th, 2023 14:24

Aradhya said:

Dear Sonam, I too am glad have accepted your friendship and many many thanks for taking a moment to read my poems and like them. Also thank you for your kind and encouraging words, it truly means a lot. Really grateful the friends like you on this site. Again thank you so much!

July 24th, 2023 00:20

Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"Isolated” by Aradhya
Thank you for accepting my friendship. I have read your poems and Liked them. Those who persecute you are wrong. What goes round comes round. What they started will bound back at them. It was cruel of them to stand near your door to harass you and torture you psychologically. Remember :
---“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” >Sun Tzu (544 BC - 496 BC), China : “THE ART OF WAR.”
You have friends on this site. Soman Ragavan. 24 July, 2023. //

July 23rd, 2023 22:23

To the Memories II
Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu said:

Very nice piece

July 23rd, 2023 15:12

spilleronsheet said:

Those emotions
Let them dance on white sheets
Those words sing their melody
Cause your poetry is hitting hard on every line….

July 23rd, 2023 12:41

peto said:

Glad you found this platform
No.longer isolated
Their chatter is nothing
Your writing everything
Keep em coming

July 23rd, 2023 07:17

Blood Rose
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow, your imagery is so vivid and lucid! I literally adore the way you draw inspiration from movies and books. Most of my poems just come from the dark places in my mind, lol. But truly you have a talent, never stop writing!

December 19th, 2022 13:57

Neville said:

Nature is a law unto her good self isn\'t she ........ a bloomin fine poem that clearly emphasises the point that I make here beneath it ..Neville :)

December 2nd, 2022 04:30

Fondest Regards...
Neville said:

Your title, that which serves as a vivid visual header for the whole page that follows, could not have been better chosen to pave the way for all that which flows feather soft until the conclusion .. Much like the tireless and undulating flight of an unnamed but beautiful bird through the seasons and years and looking down upon the two lovers and their doomed love .. All in all, very muchly enjoyed my friend and from end to end ..Neville :)

December 2nd, 2022 04:25

Fondest Regards...
Rocky Lagou said:

Omg beloved poet you never fail to deliverrrrr!!!!! I love how you were inspired by a film, I\'m curious as to know which one? 🧐 The imagery you portray is so rich and vibrant. And that final line, ufffff! It\'s so heartbreaking, \"And a heartfelt candle weeps for me.\" Love this!!

November 29th, 2022 10:44

Cruel Rejection
Neville said:

ouch .. I bet that memory still hurts now & then .. but bloomin well crafted nevertheless and now safely wrapped in the warm hug of a poem ... Neville :)

August 28th, 2022 03:12

Fragrance of kindness
Neville said:

this makes perfect scents .. my eyes, heart and nose have insisted I thank you ................... N :)

August 27th, 2022 01:00

To the Memories II
Neville said:

I found this little bit of brevity intriguing .. clearly something to ponder as I meander through another weekend .. quite lovely too, if you don\'t mind me saying so ... Neville

August 27th, 2022 00:55

Flowers bloom from Time to Time
Neville said:

I am so glad you found me today my friend, otherwise, I may not have fallen for this .. what a delightful introduction to your ink .. I have no doubt I shall pass this way again .. Neville

August 26th, 2022 06:02

To the Memories II
dusk arising said:

Many many wishes are but tiny fishes swimming against the tide. Though time and tide wait for no man.

August 26th, 2022 05:43

Fragrance of kindness
Rocky Lagou said:

Omg Aradhya this is glorious!!!!
It is a known fact that it is much easier to write a \"long\" poem than it is to write a \"short\" one, because you have to try to stuff so many different ideas and emotions concisely, but you\'ve done marvelouslly.
The way you considered the way blind and deaf people perceive flowers is beautiful and the surprise ending is even better.

August 25th, 2022 10:17

Fragrance of kindness
arqios said:

An awesome poem on the scent we let off with other sensed things in our daily lives. Thanks for sharing.

August 25th, 2022 03:40

To the Memories...
MendedFences27 said:

A reflection or a remembrance, I thought, of someone close to the poet. Your first two lines reminded me of Wordsworth. \"\'To laugh or To cry?\' I wonder\" caused me to believe this memory was an emotional one, maybe a loss of someone close. It happened a while ago, thus the mention of \"Time.\" That\'s what I got from this well crafted poem of yours. I enjoyed reading this and found it to be very sincere and personal . O.K. so I loved it. - Phil A.

August 20th, 2022 15:02

Saxon Crow said:

This has made me think which is always a good thing and always a bad thing haha

August 6th, 2022 01:24

Doggerel Dave said:

You won\'t find out just laying there ....😊
A refined, neatly structured piece.

August 5th, 2022 19:50

Medusa ; Betrayed Innocence
Chris Duffy said:

I wrote something called Medusa but it wasn’t as good as this. Fabulous!

August 5th, 2022 15:31

A Rose with Thorns
Jonas Robinson said:

Sounds like you\'re a popular girl. Thank you for sharing. :)

May 28th, 2022 15:12

A Rose with Thorns
MendedFences27 said:

A rose and her thorns, A great quandary of Nature. Excellently presented, highlighting the contrast of beauty and pain. Some would say the \"Love\" theme in Nature\'s own words. Some fresh phrases in your poem: \"a blood tear.\" \"a moment transient,\" \"too unwilling to part.\' I loved how you breathed life into the rose, making her a living being. Well done. - Phil A.

May 28th, 2022 15:08

A Rose with Thorns
Bella Shepard said:

Sometimes beauty cautions us to beware. Admire me, but I am my own. A tale beautifully told in lovely verse.

May 28th, 2022 14:29

A Rose with Thorns
JudyStella said:

For, what is A Rose without her Thorns?
Love this verse! A very reflective poem. Stems from the theme of perfect imperfections 🌹

May 28th, 2022 08:42

A Rose with Thorns
arqios said:

An excellent poem to read. Just amazed how several rose 🌹 related poems are being posted at the site today. Thanks for sharing.

May 28th, 2022 07:10

Abandoned Manor
L. B. Mek said:

a haunting read, thanks for sharing

May 27th, 2022 05:35

When tears fall...
Bhagi\'s Blog said:

Wonderful expression indeed

May 27th, 2022 03:17

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