Comments received on poems by BlessedbyGod

This too shall pass
orchidee said:

A fine write B.

September 16th, 2023 09:56

Give thanks
Teddy.15 said:

We all have to find our strength from somewhere, faith where ever it comes from is so important . A beautiful poem 💖

September 15th, 2023 11:46

Give thanks
orchidee said:

Good write B.
I saw a bird, if its \'silly\' - a jay, I think, looking round, observing life!
Sometimes some hymns we can \'hide\' behind, if they\'re too \'general\', if you know what I mean?

September 15th, 2023 10:51

Give thanks
peto said:

Your name suggests tremendous faith
As do these words
Strong message with lovely rhyme

September 15th, 2023 10:34

We won\'t break
Sakwa Franc said:

Strong message dear poet
\" Trying to break us is only wastage of time and energy\"

We are beyond being broken .
Thanks for this

September 14th, 2023 15:50

My husband
Teddy.15 said:

no matter what we promise when we marry, it\'s the actions that count and you have touched my heart 💓 beautiful

September 14th, 2023 11:11

My husband
orchidee said:

A fine write M.
You are certainly watching- in more ways than one?! (you knows it! heehee).

September 14th, 2023 08:04

Morning coffee
Lorenz said:

Essential morning ritual : M y coffee at the café !

September 13th, 2023 11:07

Morning coffee
Teddy.15 said:


September 13th, 2023 11:02

Faith in hard times
Saxon Crow said:

Amen to that!

September 12th, 2023 13:42

Bella Shepard said:

Reading your words I admire the strength of your faith. I suppose we find faith in different ways, and when it all coalesces into one love for all, then we are truly blessed, and we share. God bless dear poetess.

September 12th, 2023 13:05

Life can be overwhelming
orchidee said:

I\'m NOT joyful about TWO hats passed round in same service for two collections in the same service. Doh! That\'s being greedy.

September 12th, 2023 10:49

Life can be overwhelming
orchidee said:

Sometimes I think \'Should people be so joyful in church?\' followed by the old thing we dig up ....while there are people starving in the world, etc?\'
Well, yes, OK to rejoice I say, as long it doesn\'t become escapism, or \'I\'m all right, Jack (or Sue, or whoever!)\'.

September 12th, 2023 10:47

Life can be overwhelming
Teddy.15 said:

I couldn\'t ever pretend I was religious but I give the same respect to all. I have no doubt you soothe and comfort many dear poetess, with your beautiful words. 💖 and yes life is sometimes overwhelming, and also overwhelmed that you came to me today. 💖 thank you.

September 12th, 2023 10:35

orchidee said:

Good write B.

September 11th, 2023 09:01

Lord, I need you
orchidee said:

Good write M.
We need a certain \'key\' too - you knows it! :)

September 7th, 2023 13:16

Finally home
orchidee said:

Glad for the good news B. A fine write.

September 7th, 2023 01:40

Giving up
orchidee said:

I know - it\'s easy for seemingly \'super-spiritual\' preachers to give cliches, even verses (though true as they are).
Sometimes I fuss about folk enjoying themselves too much, as if having no troubles. Eh?
Yet we were partly made to praise God, happy clappy, or whatever style.

September 4th, 2023 02:05

Giving up
Goldfinch60 said:

Where was god when he took my wife through her dementia and death!!!


September 4th, 2023 02:03

Faith in hard times
orchidee said:

Good write B.
Yes, there\'s the temptation to give up, e.g. in prayers - seemingly not answered sometimes; or not in the way WE wish them to be answered.
KP of course wants her cake AND wants to eat it too! lol. Her latest thing (in the papers again of course) is writing to a 70 year old prisoner. Doh! You couldn\'t make it up.

September 3rd, 2023 01:51

Stress free
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Melissa.


August 27th, 2023 01:47

Stress free
2781 said:

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers them from them all.

August 25th, 2023 17:15

Stress free
orchidee said:

Good write B.
Oh woe is me, made my life 100 times more stressful marrying KP. lol.

August 25th, 2023 13:28

Stress free
Pop64 said:

What a world that would be. Great read for a rainy Friday morning.

August 25th, 2023 09:28

The look in your eyes
orchidee said:

A fine write B.

August 10th, 2023 14:29

I will praise you
orchidee said:

I\'m put off by \'altar calls\'. It seems cliquey - or \'what if I\'m the only one, or one of a few, who don\'t go up to the front? What will others say?!\' Those things distract me.
I suppose it doesn\'t have to be a \'performance\' by only \'going forward\' in services.

August 8th, 2023 13:08

I will praise you
orchidee said:

Good write B.

August 8th, 2023 13:06

Fractured ankle
orchidee said:

Yes, good wishes M.
Doh! See what too much persisting can do to us?! (you knows). lol.

August 4th, 2023 02:04

Fractured ankle
Goldfinch60 said:

Sorry to hear this Melissa, I am sure all will heal in time and that your man will do everything for you in a true love way.


August 4th, 2023 00:29

Faith Over Fear
orchidee said:

A fine write B.

August 2nd, 2023 02:22

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