Comments received on poems by emptythoughts

relationship troubles
sorenbarrett said:

A poem that grows darker as it proceeds. Strong emotions are evoked with this piece.

July 19th, 2024 05:39

The Filter
peto said:

This is quite sad empty
What happens if someone pulls the plug and the internet goes down ?
No filter no hiding just you
That got to be ok he LIKES/prefers that
Beauty always has and always will be in the eye of the beholder
Far to harsh on yourself
You like how you look when using filter
He prefers you without
Gotta be win win
Beauty comes from the inside
It\'s unique
That same filter is cloning thousands to all look alike
He and I like you as yourself
Hopefully you can see yourself as we do

June 29th, 2024 17:47

Spiraling In Silence
Qurrathul Ain said:

I\'m sorry but there must be some light you could hold onto. We won\'t know who is willing to give us a hand or shine a light on us when we are in this prison. I think everyone\'s been to this place. But if we try reaching outside, there definitely be some help. Sometimes, instead of reaching outside for help, we could try reaching within ourselves. It does wonders. Don\'t give up on yourself. You\'re the only one who can be there for you.

June 10th, 2024 20:48

I didn\'t write this poem
Cassie58 said:

Your lines conveyed your struggle well to this reader. Always persevere.

I’m just a ghost in this lonesome play
Such an excellent line. Thank you for sharing.

May 21st, 2024 04:17

Disappearing Act
Thomas W Case said:

Wonderful writing and very relatable.

May 8th, 2024 10:02

escapism in purest form
emptythoughts said:

i’ll comment on my own poem because no one else will.
to boost my own ego?
or out of the sadness i feel for myself?

May 1st, 2024 15:48

what have i done wrong?
peto said:

I have also at times took on undeserved blame/shame
Until I learned
Every time someone points a finger at me they have 3 pointing back at themselves
Keep writing
Your thoughts are far from empty

March 1st, 2024 13:52

Oh So Tired
p0em.writter said:

i can relate

February 20th, 2024 20:19