Comments received on poems by Emile Dubois

Flow Without Flow
FredPeyer said:

Ina quest to feel something I over thought.... We over think, we over do, we over correct, we over edit. And then we sit there wondering....
Enjoyed your poem very much. Thank you!

July 4th, 2017 21:30

Flow Without Flow
Poetic Dan said:

Wow you\'ve just captured the very moment I\'m in. I shall read again and reflect on this, thank you.

July 4th, 2017 16:16

The survivors
Louis Gibbs said:

Well stated, insightful message poem. Kudos, Emile!

June 24th, 2017 09:51

The survivors
Borys said:

This is a brilliant poem. Please keep writing more!

June 24th, 2017 05:57

Half the world enslaved
FredPeyer said:

Unfortunately, since man started to make records, history was always written by the winners, the survivors. The oppressed and downtrodden had no words. Maybe now with the internet and social media anybody can record what is really happening. How that will play out in the future we will see.

June 23rd, 2017 22:36

Half the world enslaved
Louis Gibbs said:

Sounds like you\'ve been peeking behind the curtain, Emile. Good poem!

June 23rd, 2017 21:24

My Repition Precedes Me
onepauly said:

I learned something from it.

June 22nd, 2017 21:15

My Repition Precedes Me
malubotelho said:

Short and full of sincerity. I really like it.

June 22nd, 2017 20:42

malubotelho said:

Lovely desperation.

June 22nd, 2017 20:41

My Repition Precedes Me
Heather T said:

I think the same repetition precedes the majority of us! Enjoyed.

June 22nd, 2017 19:55

P.H.Rose said:

I like this very much

June 18th, 2017 16:39

A fitting tribute
Jeff said:

Very well written..nice job

June 14th, 2017 10:40

Despair And I
Augustus said:

That must have hurt a lot. Nice.

September 21st, 2016 18:40

Cremated Ashes Into Glass

Awesome body of work here....Very well written..

September 19th, 2016 07:41

Cremated Ashes Into Glass
Augustus said:

"For a long time I have been at war with the grave." From one of the members of the dead poet's society.

September 18th, 2016 18:50

Augustus said:

Our experiences, society and new culture can make us feel that way, left on the side of the road dead.

September 17th, 2016 09:39

Everything Fades To Nothingness
camille said:

I see a depth and simplicity in this. A starkness and honesty bourne of great musing and reflection. A poignant piece ..🌹

September 15th, 2016 11:52

Everything Fades To Nothingness
lysistrata said:

Catchy Title,
But I didn't find the treasure...💎
Maybe Next Time?!

September 15th, 2016 11:25

Everything Fades To Nothingness
Tony36 said:

Great write

September 15th, 2016 11:08

Everything Fades To Nothingness
Seeker said:

Brief and illuminating. Excellent!!

September 15th, 2016 06:02

The desparation that comes from longing to belong
Jeff said:

Nice write...good job

September 14th, 2016 13:31

The desparation that comes from longing to belong
Augustus said:

I take it you didn't drink the Kool-aid. Thanks.

September 14th, 2016 13:11

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