Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Bohemian Rhapsody.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. Was we hearing it in 1066? The Hastings Rhapsody?

August 25th, 2020 01:52

Tosca Acrostic.
MendedFences27 said:

A very moving write. Opera is a fine blend of dramatic storytelling and powerful music. It can certainly raise the emotions you describe here. Thank you for this post. - Phil A.

August 24th, 2020 11:50

Tosca Acrostic.
dusk arising said:

Hmmm opera. Few and far between are the operas my ears will tolerate. As a child i was tortured with opera from fathers low-fi hi-fi and biased my opinion.

August 24th, 2020 06:45

That Smile.

BRIAN HERE ~Thanks Uncle Andy *The Memory of her Smile* that lovely Photo of your beloved Joyce (& the Song) reminds us all of what a Blessing she was to all who met her. Thnaks for keeping Her Memory alive and reminding us that one Day when You are called Home you will be together forever in the Starry Starry Dimension ! This encourages us all to believe in *Life beyond the Grave * AMEN !

Love & Peace to You & Yours
Angela - Brian - Smokey ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ–ค

August 24th, 2020 05:33

Tosca Acrostic.

BRIAN HERE ~ Good Monday Uncle Andy ~ Thanks for sharing TOSCA & the ACROSTIC ! Angela & I love Classical (& Light) Opera ! It is perfect fusion of Acting & Music two Divine Arts. We have mentioned the eclectic nature of the Music you share each day in our POEM Today MUSIC - MUSIC - MUSIC - AMEN !

Blessings to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey !!!

August 24th, 2020 05:19

Tosca Acrostic.
L. B. Mek said:

dramatic and moving accompaniment to the video,
well measured

August 24th, 2020 04:39

Tosca Acrostic.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

August 24th, 2020 01:54

That Smile.
dusk arising said:

What better gift could anyone give to the world than a natural unpretentious smile, so infectious that it becomes a possession in many peoples memory.

August 23rd, 2020 13:20

That Smile.
Michael Edwards said:

Those who can smile and see the lighter side of life are the ones who will always be remembered for the joy they bring. Joyce was obviously one of those gifted people.

August 23rd, 2020 03:30

That Smile.
Fay Slimm. said:

Your Joyce had that lovely smile which would light up every day and also the hearts of all whom she met - thank you for sharing the beauty of such a gift with us dear Andy.

August 23rd, 2020 03:08

That Smile.
orchidee said:

Yes, a lovely tribute Gold.

August 23rd, 2020 01:41

That Smile.
FineB said:

Hi Andy,

An incredible good write and an amazing tribute to a wonderful lady.

Keep writing โœ and safe during these challenging times.

August 23rd, 2020 01:28

Carol\'s Autumn.
Neville said:

there is something rather special about autumn isn\'t there Andy.. and your daughter appears to have captured the very essence of it here ...

August 23rd, 2020 01:18

That Smile.
Neville said:

it aint hard to see exactly what you mean my friend ..

that is a smile that would make anyone smile ..

August 23rd, 2020 01:09

Carol\'s Autumn.
Michael Edwards said:

Now that drawing is special - and a great poem to go with it.

August 22nd, 2020 09:29

Carol\'s Autumn.
dusk arising said:

Lucky man to have such a gift from such a talented daughter.
And it really is a nice piece of work too.

August 22nd, 2020 05:52

Carol\'s Autumn.
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful picture, the wind swept wrath of mother nature in Autumn - I can only imagine how impactful it must be with the harrowing depth, charcoal artworks seem to emit naturally
thanks for sharing

August 22nd, 2020 02:55

Carol\'s Autumn.
Fay Slimm. said:

What a talent your daughter has Andy - her work with charcoal is simply amazing. Thank you for sharing Carol\'s Autumn.

August 22nd, 2020 02:54

Carol\'s Autumn.
Saxon Crow said:

Great poem Andy. I love autumn as well

August 22nd, 2020 01:51

Carol\'s Autumn.
orchidee said:

Good write and pic Gold.

August 22nd, 2020 01:46

Experiences Enjoyment.
Michael Edwards said:

Each one\'s a bonus - here\'s to today - cheers!

August 21st, 2020 13:09

Experiences Enjoyment.
dusk arising said:

Same here tough some will wonder w.hy. This morning the beautiful giver of light shines through my window upon my shoulders whilst a strong breeze tussles the hedges. Clouds paint unique characters across the sky expanse and there\'s a whole day of expectation ahead....

Beautiful world in which i am now free to wander at will (pandemic allowing) and enjoy those i meet along the way.... and their dogs.

August 21st, 2020 02:12

Experiences Enjoyment.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. A Pop Festival in our town is cancelled this August.
They are not troublesome, but messy, and don\'t clear up after themselves.

August 21st, 2020 01:52

Experiences Enjoyment.
Neville said:

Good on ya sir Goldie .. that\'s the spirit my friend .. there aint nowt gonna stop you is there ....

August 21st, 2020 01:02

Natures Glory.
L. B. Mek said:

I too have been entrapped by the dazzling brilliance of that mesmeric Aurora: magnificence,
sometimes - I have even glimpsed the wonder of Eos\'s: orthodox majesty, itself lol
wonderfully descriptive and uplifting

August 20th, 2020 05:19

Driving in the Rain.
L. B. Mek said:

I\'ll be truthful I was chuckling away after just reading the author\'s comments, anyone that\'s ever owned a car will relate so easily,
wonderfully quirky

August 20th, 2020 03:49

Driving in the Rain.
Michael Edwards said:

Mines in for a service today but the usual clean they give it is not going to happen thanks to covid - do they think the car might catch it I wonder.

August 20th, 2020 02:37

Driving in the Rain.
Neville said:

you are not the only one,
there\'s a lot of it about mate ...

oh\' n thanks for that bit o nostalgia Andy .. I do remember that clip


August 20th, 2020 02:20

Driving in the Rain.
dusk arising said:

I guess you are tongue in cheek but hey... meet the real thing because my days of washing cars are long gone. It gets about three or four washes a year from the eastern european guys with pressure washers and of course rainfall.....

Like minded.

August 20th, 2020 01:51

Driving in the Rain.
orchidee said:

Ah yes, makes sense!

August 20th, 2020 01:49

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