Poetry blog

We keep you updated on the world of poetry with our news roundups.

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John Wilson Poems


John Wilson FRSE, also known as John Wilson of Elleray, was a Scottish writer, academic, literary critic and advocate.  He made many contributions to a periodical called Blackwood"s Edinburgh Magazine using the pseudonym Christopher North.  During the final two decades of his using the pseudonym Christopher North.  During the final two decades of his life he served as professor of Moral Philosophy at Edinburgh University. He was ...

John Ashbery dies peacefully at the age of 90 – Poetry News September 5th


Today’s poetry round-up brings the sad news of the death of one of the biggest influences in American literary circles of recent times. We have just learned that poet John Ashbery has passed away.  Awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1976 for his poetry collection, “Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror”, Ashbery died early on Sunday 3rd August at his home in Hudson, New York ...

Diana Tribute/Love Poems/Odes to Trump – Poetry News Roundup 4th September


We start this week on My Poetic Side with a round up that includes a tribute to the People’s Princess, a poem that led to marriage and the rise in a new type of poetry referred to as Trumpian verse. Lewis Hamilton Tribute to Princess Diana Emotion can be a powerful feeling and can lead to even the unlikeliest of people feeling the urge ...

Jónas Hallgrímsson Poems


Jónas Hallgrímsson, is one of the most well-known and respected Icelandic poets. He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of romanticism in Iceland. His poetry was heavily influenced by the iconic Icelandic scenery and he is accredited with introducing a number of foreign meters, including pentameters to Icelandic poetry. He was also an author and a naturalist, as well ...

Pam Ayres & Poet Under House Arrest – Poetry News Roundup 1st September


In the last poetry round up of the week, we look at the very popular Pam Ayres and travel to an event in Jaffa that was organised to show support for a poet who has been under house arrest for the last two years. Pam Ayres – Live Performance Poetry comes in all different shapes and sizes, some poems rhyme, some are short and ...

John Van Alstyne Weaver Poems


John Van Alstyne Weaver was an American screenwriter, novelist and poet at the beginning of the 21st century. A poet of the Carl Sandburg and Ring Lardner school, Weaver wrote his poetry about the average person on the street, using the dialect and vernacular of the working man. H.L Mencken, whose interest he attracted, with his work, believed that he was ...

J. Otis Powell Passes Away – Poetry News Roundup 31st August


In today’s news roundup, we bring you the sad news that J. Otis Powell – a Poet and performer has passed away. J. Otis Powell – Poet and Performer dies at 61 The poet, playwright and performer J. Otis Powell passed away on Monday 28th August of kidney failure at the age of just 61. He had been suffering with ill health for several ...

James Oppenheim Poems


James Oppenheim was the founder and chief editor of an important literary magazine of the early 20th century; The Seven Arts. However, he was perhaps best known as an American poet and novelist, with over 14 published novels and several collections of poetry. He also contributed many short stories, articles and even poems to a number of important American publications during his ...

The Poetry Machine – Poetry News Roundup August 30th


Today in our poetry round up we here at My Poetic Side looks at the concept of the poetry machine and how it has evolved, and we offer our congratulations to the new poet Laureate of New Zealand. The Poetry Machine It sounds a bit far-fetched; a machine that writes poetry but the pursuit of creating such a machine has been consuming inventors for ...

James Ryder Randall Poems


Named after Father James A. Ryder S.J, the 20th President of Georgetown University, James Ryder Randall was a 19th century poet. He was also an American newspaper editor and correspondent as well as doing short stint as a teacher. He is best remembered for Maryland, My Maryland; the poem he wrote which eventually became the war hymn for the Confederacy. Born in Baltimore, ...