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Forough Farrokhzad Poems


Iranian poet Forough Farrokhzad was born in 1935 in Tehran and is noted as one of the most influential female writers and film makers of her time. She studied dressmaking and art at Kamalolmolk Technical School where she also began to write her own poetry, before being engaged to marry noted satirist and writer Parviz Shapoor who was her cousin. Her family ...

Charlotte Brontë Poems


Charlotte Brontë, one of the greatest English writers of the Victorian period, was described uncharitably as ‘a little, plain, provincial, sickly-looking old maid, which was not strictly true. Whilst her health undoubtedly suffered in adulthood she conformed to the fashionable attractiveness of the era and, far from being an old maid, did marry. She is known best for writing novels, most notably Jane ...

Richard Wilbur Poems


Richard Wilbur has had a long and interesting writing and teaching career which actually began when he had his first poem published in a magazine in 1929, when only 8 years old. Since then he has published a good number of collections of poetry for which he has won countless honours and awards. He also became only the second United States Poet ...

Theodore Roethke Poems


Born in Michigan in 1908, Theodore Roethke was one of the major poetic voices of the first half of the 20th Century and was awarded the Pulitzer in 1954. His father had immigrated to America and was an accomplished gardener, and the young Roethke spent much of the time in his family’s large greenhouse, something that influenced his sense of imagery ...

Richard Brautigan Poems


Noted for his dark satires and parodies, American poet and author Richard Brautigan was born in Washington in 1935. Raised in a working class family, his father left home before the young Brautigan was born, though his mother had begun living with another man by the time he was four years old. His real father would never learn that his son ...

Marianne Moore Poems


Marianne Moore was an accomplished American writer who, throughout her long life, had the advantage of being popular amongst her readers but was also revered by her writing contemporaries and the literary critics.  Her technical ability with the language was often noted; while sometimes her poetry did not scan in a conventional sort of way it was still considered to be technically ...

Jane Austen Poems


When driving in southern England, and crossing the border into the county of Hampshire, you cannot fail to notice that the road signs refer to “Jane Austen Country”. Such is the esteem that this writer who died nearly two hundred years ago is still held in these parts. There is “Jane Austen” history almost everywhere you look, especially in the eastern parts ...

Andre Breton Poems


Andre Breton was the French founder of surrealism, a revolutionary movement which began in the 1920s aiming to blur the lines between reality and dreams, allowing free-form expression of ideas. He moved away from Dadaism, which itself began during World War One as an irrational, nonsensical expression of anti-war rhetoric. Along with Louis Aragon and Phillippe Soupault, Breton co-founded a journal called ...

Oodgeroo Noonuccal Poems


A vociferous activist on behalf of the Aborigine people, Oodgeroo Noonucca was born Kathleen Ruska in 1920 and is noted as one of Australia’s most prominent poets. She was the first person from Aboriginal origins to publish poetry and she was one of the key people involved in changing the Australian constitution that gave more rights to the country’s indigenous and ...

Robert Graves Poems


Born in 1895 in London, Robert Graves is perhaps one of Britain’s most successful and best loved poets and novelists of the 20th Century. Perhaps better known for his historical novels such as I, Claudius and his war memoir Good-Bye To All That, he was also a prolific poet and critic. For a man who lived to the grand old age of ...