Babette Deutsch Poems


Babette Deutsch was an American poet, literary critic and novelist. She was also a renowned translator of Russian literature into English, her most notable work being the translation of Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin along with a number of poems written by Boris Pasternak. Her own poetry received critical attention for the first time in 1919 when she published a collection called Banners, the ...

Adelaide O’Keeffe Poems


Adelaide O'Keeffe was an Irish poet and novelist who was best known for her highly successful collections of verse written especially for children. She was also responsible for historical novels such as Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, written in 1814. This was a novel with strong religious themes throughout, focusing on conversions from paganism to Judaism and also from Judaism to Christianity. She also ...

Barry Pain Poems


Barry Pain was an English writer whose work included parodies, light humour and, at the opposite end of the spectrum, tales of horror and the supernatural. He “re-imagined” stories such as Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and Robert Louis Stevenson’s Robinson Crusoe, taking the characters further on. Stevenson studied Pain’s work and compared him to the French short story writer Guy ...

Barcroft Boake Poems


Barcroft Boake was a tough 19th century Australian stockman and drover while at the same time he was a sensitive, if unstable, character. He wrote poetry about the injustices meted out to his fellow workers by usually uncaring, and often absent, land and stock owners. He seemed to be at home out in the bush and it was said that he looked ...

Barron Field Poems


Barron Field was an English poet, judge and botanist who spent much of his working life in the Australian colonies of New South Wales as well as holding legal appointments in Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka) and Gibraltar. He was something of a minor poet but he does have the distinction of being the first published poet in Australia. First Fruits of ...