William Lisle Bowles Poems


Born in 1762 in King’s Sutton, Northamptonshire, William Lisle Bowles was a clergyman and poet who is most popularly remembered for his short collection of poems called Fourteen Sonnets. The son of a vicar and from a family that had to work hard to gather all their spare money to educate him, Bowles studied at Winchester College in his teens ...

William Hart-Smith Poems


Although he was born in Kent, in 1911, William Hart-Smith is considered one of Australia and New Zealand’s more important poets and writers. His youth was spent in England where he undertook most of his education before the family moved to New Zealand in 1924. At the age of just fifteen he began work as a radio mechanic, a job he ...

Wilhelm Busch Poems


Born in 1832 Wiedenszahl, Wihelm Busch was a multifaceted writer and artist, widely known at the time for his comic stories and humorous verses which took a satirical swipe at the narrow minded lives of Germany’s city dwellers. He was brought up in a large family with stern parents who had an ethic of hard work to go alongside their strongly ...

Xavier Villaurrutia Poems


Xavier Villaurrutia was a 20th century Mexican poet who was, perhaps, more famous for writing short plays. His most famous work was published in 1953, three years after his early death at the age of 47. He composed some theatrical dramas which were named Autos profanes. These were compiled in the work Poesía y teatro completes. While in his early thirties he was ...

William Noel Hodgson Poems


There are a number of well-known English poets who wrote about the First World War, many of whom were on the battle fields of northern France when they did so. Lieutenant William Noel Hodgson, MC was one of their number. What makes him stand out though is that he wrote a poem that was published just two days before he became one ...