Leon Gellert Poems


Born in 1892 in Adelaide, South Australia, Leon Gellert was a poet and writer who served in the disastrous Gallipoli campaign during the First World War before being wounded in battle. He was brought up by an indulgent mother and a Methodist father of Hungarian origins who did not believe in sparing the rod. Gellert himself was a strong child and ...

Mary Leapor Poems


Mary Leapor was born in Northamptonshire in 1722 and is noted for being one of the most acclaimed poets of the time who actually came from a working class background. Her achievement, particularly the publication of her most well-known work Poems Upon Several Occasions, is all the more remarkable in that she died at the age of just 24. Leapor was the ...

Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska Poems


Born in 1891 in Krakow, poet Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska spoke multiple languages and spent her life traveling from place to place in Europe, rising to prominence as a writer during the interval between the two world wars. From the beginning, she was born into a very artistic and bohemian family environment, brought up surrounded by a variety of painters, poets, authors and ...

Li Ch’ing Chao Poems


Li Ch’ing Chao (also known as Li Cingzhao or Li Qingzhao) was a cultured Chinese writer of noble birth who lived at the time of the Song dynasty, a period in history that lasted from the 10th to the late 13th centuries. She was a poet and most of her work was written in the ci form and it is believed that ...

John Millington Synge Poems


John Millington Synge was a controversial Irish writer whose plays often found him at odds with the public, in particular those with strong Irish nationalist feelings. The production that many have considered to be his finest work, a play called The Playboy of the Western World, actually caused riots when it was performed in Dublin and was described in such terms as: ...