Vance Palmer Poems


Vance Palmer was an Australia-born poet, playwright, novelist, essayist and radio broadcaster who wrote a number of politically-themed pieces on Australian nationalism and worldwide fascism. He was also a leading literary critic, contributing many articles to various magazines and newspapers. He was born Edward Vivian Palmer on the 28th August 1885 in Bundaberg, Queensland, the son of a school master. He was educated at ...

Vasily Zhukovsky Poems


Vasily Zhukovsky was a leading Russian poet during the first half of the 19th century whose skills brought him to the attention of the ruling Romanovs. He was employed as a tutor, firstly teaching Russian to the German-born Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna. Later on he taught her son, the boy who would go on to become Tsar Alexander II. He is famous ...

Victor James Daley Poems


Victor James Daley was an Irish-born Australian poet and journalist whose assignments included such publications as the Sydney Punch and The Bulletin. His lyrical style was a stark contrast to the more popular “bush balladists” around at the end of the 19th century. He was considered to be part of the Irish Literary Revival, also known as the Celtic Twilight, which saw ...

Victoria Sackville-West Poems


Victoria Sackville-West, better known as ‘Vita’, was a colourful figure throughout the first half of the 20th century. A prize-winning author, she wrote a great deal of poetry along with a number of novels and books about gardening techniques. She passed on many of her gardening tips through a weekly column in The Observer newspaper. When her husband, Harold Nicolson, was knighted ...

Valery Bryusov Poems


Valery Bryusov was a Russian poet and prose writer who was born at the time of the great Russian Symbolist movement in art and literature which lasted into the early years of the 20th century. Bryusov was one of the prominent members of this movement and, in addition, he was also a literary critic, historian, playwright and translator. He was born Valery Yakovlevich ...