Directory of Poems about Love

March 25th, 2018

The Magnetic Pull of Love, by Accidental Poet
Published: March 25th, 2018 07:00
Views: 33
Comments: 10

Desideratum, by Kevin Michael Bloor
Published: March 25th, 2018 06:44
Views: 25
Comments: 2

March 24th, 2018

Watching you grow., by demonshadow14
Published: March 24th, 2018 14:14
Views: 20
Comments: 1

I've never told you, by tanvir H
Published: March 24th, 2018 08:51
Views: 30
Comments: 1

March 23rd, 2018

Im sorry, by Dmarks
Published: March 23rd, 2018 19:31
Views: 11
Comments: 0

Years Ago and Today , by stork
Published: March 23rd, 2018 16:39
Views: 7
Comments: 0

intempestus arachnid, by Jo Middleton
Published: March 23rd, 2018 16:25
Views: 13
Comments: 0

Why, by Hlndoan
Published: March 23rd, 2018 12:25
Views: 20
Comments: 0

March 22nd, 2018

Unique, by brandyngraham
Published: March 22nd, 2018 19:08
Views: 13
Comments: 0

Unfinished , by Thegirlwhowrites
Published: March 22nd, 2018 13:36
Views: 16
Comments: 1

Small talk and bigger dreams, by OrderFallingToChaos
Published: March 22nd, 2018 13:31
Views: 18
Comments: 1

Girl, You Are A Loving Soul , by brooklyn6timesplus
Published: March 22nd, 2018 10:24
Views: 11
Comments: 0

March 21st, 2018

Disgusting You, by rmc +18
Published: March 21st, 2018 21:12
Views: 17
Comments: 1

Love is poison, by Alex PB
Published: March 21st, 2018 15:42
Views: 143
Comments: 1

Shining stars, by marlenawood
Published: March 21st, 2018 05:58
Views: 33
Comments: 2

Death Blows, by Lorna
Published: March 21st, 2018 03:32
Views: 34
Comments: 7

March 20th, 2018

fruit and veggies, by willyweed
Published: March 20th, 2018 08:23
Views: 30
Comments: 5

Caliginosity, by Baylee
Published: March 20th, 2018 06:49
Views: 96
Comments: 0

March 19th, 2018

“Breathe In... Breathe Out”, by OliRose
Published: March 19th, 2018 17:40
Views: 62
Comments: 1

Boundless, by willyweed
Published: March 19th, 2018 14:45
Views: 42
Comments: 7

Land of Dreams , by Kevin Michael Bloor
Published: March 19th, 2018 07:11
Views: 33
Comments: 2

Published: March 19th, 2018 04:48
Views: 15
Comments: 1

March 18th, 2018

She stands , by marlenawood
Published: March 18th, 2018 21:56
Views: 48
Comments: 2

SECRET LOVE , by Resa71
Published: March 18th, 2018 11:10
Views: 20
Comments: 3

Published: March 18th, 2018 08:30
Views: 72
Comments: 0

Butterfly Mornings, by Lorna
Published: March 18th, 2018 04:08
Views: 20
Comments: 6

March 17th, 2018

Dear You, , by Patricia LaFazia
Published: March 17th, 2018 13:30
Views: 142
Comments: 3

Oeuvre: Contour, by Nicholas Browning
Published: March 17th, 2018 10:29
Views: 33
Comments: 3

Noble Truth, by Kevin Michael Bloor
Published: March 17th, 2018 05:13
Views: 48
Comments: 3

The man, by Holdfast26
Published: March 17th, 2018 00:27
Views: 26
Comments: 3

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