Poetry blog

We keep you updated on the world of poetry with our news roundups.

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Austerity, Poetweet and Poet Coin Commemoration – Poetry news Roundup October 4th


Today we bring you poetry for austerity, Poetweet; the website that turns tweets into poetry and Latvian coins commemorating a poet. We Shall Overcome This weekend in and around Nottingham a group of musicians and poets will be joining forces for a full 4 days of charity gigs in aid of the anti-austerity movement. We Shall Overcomes, aims to bring a varied selection of ...

Joseph Hall Poems


Joseph Hall was an English satirical poet and clergyman who rose to the rank of Bishop despite being a controversial character throughout his life.  Many saw his work as being a direct attack on the establishment during the latter years of the Elizabethan age but, in truth, he was not alone in producing such barbed material and it did not cost him ...

Citizenship revoked, Book Award and Poet kicked out of school – Poetry News Roundup October 3rd


Today on My Poetic Side we bring you stories from all over the world; from Qatar to the US and then back to the UK. Poet has Citizenship Revoked Mohammad Bin Futais Al Marri, the well-known and respected poet in Qatar has had his citizenship revoked in a startling move by the government. In the last few months Qatar has been cracking down on ...

Joseph Howe Poems


Joseph Howe, PC was a Canadian poet who was, perhaps, best known for his political achievements.  As a member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada he was in a position to do great work for his country and proved to be both an able and a very popular politician.  He was also known as a prolific poet and journalist throughout Nova Scotia, creating ...

Politics, School Poetry, and Betjemen – Poetry News Roundup October 2nd


This week at My Poetic Side we begin with a story that once again combines poetry and politics, with an article about Boris Johnson, we also look at a schools poetry programme inspired by the landscape that inspired Seamus Heaney and we finish with the 13 year old winner of the Betjeman poetry prize. Boris Puts His Foot in it! Footage aired this weekend ...

Joseph Johnston Lee Poems


Joseph Johnston Lee was a Scottish poet who wrote about the First World War but, curiously, has been largely ignored amongst others of that generation.  For this reason he is often referred to as Scotland's “Forgotten' War Poet".  Besides this he was also an artist, a playwright and journalist. He was born sometime during the year 1876 in the north eastern city of Dundee, ...

Denied Visa/Twitter Poetry/ECC Limerick Bid – Poetry News Roundup September 29th


Our final news round-up of the week brings you a denied entry visa, a look at poetry on Twitter and a Limerick bid for the European City of Culture. South African Poet Denied Entry to the UK Athol Williams, an acclaimed South African poet and author was due to return to his studies at the University of Oxford on Wednesday but instead was denied ...

National Poetry Day – Poetry News 28th September


Today at My Poetic Side we dedicate our news round up to National Poetry Day, here is just a taste of the many things that are going on all over the country. Appeal Launched to Save Rare Language Poetry The National Poetry Library has kicked off National Poetry Day with the launch of a project that it hopes will help save works of poetry ...

John Sandes Poems


John Sandes was an Irish-born Australian poet, novelist and journalist. He was born on the 26th February 1863 in the southern Irish city of Cork, the son of a priest.  At the age of nine the family moved to England and Sandes was educated at the King's College School, London before going up to Magdalen College, Oxford where he gained a Bachelors’ degree in ...

The Lost Essay/Langzi Release and Divine Chocolate – Poetry News Round-up 27th September


Today on My Poetic Side we bring you the lost essay of a poet, news of the release of Langzi and a poetry competition from Divine Chocolate. The Lost Essay of George Moses Horton A previously unknown essay, written by Horton, has been located in the archives at the New York Public Library. The 500-word essay, with its sermon like quality is titled “Individual ...