Poetry blog

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Funeral Poems


The reading of poetry or verse is often a part of a funeral service. For that reason, there are many poems that have become renowned for their use upon this occasion - poems that have the ability to comfort the grieving while honoring the dead. One of the best-known and most popular of funeral poems is Mary Elizabeth Frye's "Do ...

Haiku Poems


Haiku poems are among the most popular of the poetic forms, appealing to poetry lovers of all ages. Seemingly simple, deceptively direct, haiku poems are actually much more intricate than the few lines that comprise them would at first suggest. Haiku poems originated in Japan, where these poems were even more structured than they are today. Each haikai, or individual ...

Christian Poems


Christians have for hundreds of years expressed their faith through poetry. Beginning with the Bible, those who could have demonstrated their devotion to their faith with verse. However, most often, Christian poems have appeared as Christian lyrics set to song. Some of the earliest and best known Christian poems were the Psalms of David. While written before the ...

Death Poems


The specter of death looms large over the living, and as such, most cultures throughout the world have a certain level of preoccupation with death. Unsurprising, then, that many of the most famous poems throughout time have dealt with themes of death and mortality. Without a doubt, one of the most famous death poems ...

Friendship Poems


The bonds of friendship have inspired much art, poetry included. Friendship poems may not enjoy the ubiquity of poems about romantic love, but many poets have cherished valued friendships by putting their feelings into writing. Some of the most famous of poets have written verse that celebrates friendship. Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote one of his best known ...

Famous Poems


"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary..." Do you recognize these famous lines? Most likely you do, even if you do not know where you first heard them. ...

Short Poems


What do William Blake, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Emily Dickinson, Sara Teasdale, and Carl Sandburg all have in common? If you guessed that they were all famous poets, then you are half-correct; while they were indeed all poets, they were also poets who often expressed their ideas in short poems - poems that ...

Funny Poems


"Funny" isn't often the first word that comes to mind when one thinks of poetry. Rather, most consider poetry to be dry and academic. Poetry, however, encompasses more than just sonnets, odes, and epics that are enjoyed only by scholars. Funny poems abound in the canon of poetry. Some of the funniest poems are ...

Love Poems


Love poetry dates back as far as recorded time; man's - and woman's - need to express his amorous side has spurred on poetry for thousands of years. The Bible contains one of the oldest examples of love poetry. The book "The Song of Solomon," is, in fact, and entire chapter of the Bible devoted to love ...

James Montgomery biography


Born November 4, 1771, James Montgomery was a Scots poet and hymnist who enjoyed popularity during his time and made a mark on British literature in the early to mid-1800s. He was born at Irvine in Ayrshire, where his father was a Moravian preacher, but left there when his father was relocated to Ireland by his church. Montgomery was no more than ...