Comments received on poems by Gary Edward Geraci

orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

June 30th, 2024 02:09

He Loved Dearly
orchidee said:

A sort of RC hymn popped up in a high church Anglican place. It was to the \'Queen of Heaven\' to the tune \'Hail the day that sees Him rise\'.
I sort of sat out that bit, and a garbled bit they added on at the end, before a statue of Mary.

June 22nd, 2024 15:04

Doggerel Dave said:

Did not know of a curtal sonnet, Gary - had to refer to Prof Google. However as a chronicle of your reconversion to the faith it could have been with a bonus three lines it would have satisfied but not converted me.
Rich write.

June 15th, 2024 22:08

Tony36 said:


June 15th, 2024 13:20

orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

June 8th, 2024 12:51

Descort Vision
2781 said:

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it...

June 2nd, 2024 00:32

Descort Vision
Doggerel Dave said:

Final sentence of your Comment: I have, somewhere between sometimes and quite often and remain just as ignorant.
I admire in your case, how steadfast you are, Gary

June 1st, 2024 19:05

Descort Vision
orchidee said:

Good write G.

June 1st, 2024 13:17

Doggerel Dave said:

\'many with much, much less, find far more\'. How true - however, for many also much much less is deprivation.
Good to see you here, Gary.

May 27th, 2024 23:28

orchidee said:

Good write G.

May 27th, 2024 13:31

Father Knows Best
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

May 19th, 2024 02:11

Father Knows Best
Mutley Ravishes said:

I remember Joseph Campbell calling the father “the initiating priest “ (for the son).

Have you read “Father Forgets “ by W.Livingston Larned”? To this day I can’t read it without tearing up!

May 18th, 2024 18:04

Gone Fishing
orchidee said:

Good write G.

May 11th, 2024 09:40

A Myriad of Seen and Unseen Things
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

May 4th, 2024 12:57

Narrow Road
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.
I went in the wide gate on a country land and fell in a pile of manure. Doh! lol.

April 27th, 2024 09:37

You I Seek
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

April 20th, 2024 09:33

Total Solar Eclipse
orchidee said:

Good write G.
Don\'t think we could see it in the UK.

April 14th, 2024 01:49

‘Till My Face Is Blue
orchidee said:

Good write G. You turned blue?!

April 6th, 2024 09:32

Black Soil
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

March 23rd, 2024 13:19

Christ of God
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

March 16th, 2024 12:08

Natural Law
orchidee said:

If we put our (lighted) candlestick under a bushel (or bed) it will set things on fire - hay or bed sheets!

March 10th, 2024 03:22

Golden Forest Floor
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

March 2nd, 2024 13:23

Golden Forest Floor
Cloie said:

This poem beautifully celebrates the glory of nature, depicting the trees\' golden leaves as a generous gift and the forest floor as a royal carpet in anticipation of their King\'s return. Fabulous!

March 2nd, 2024 10:58

Fame Adoring
orchidee said:

In the feretory - old bones and dust?! *Looked up the word in dictionary*
Oops, a rather Protestant view on departed saints there, from me!

February 24th, 2024 13:33

Most Blessed Cursing
Doggerel Dave said:

I always look at your stuff with interest, Gary, but I believe here the dialogue should be between yourself and orchi. I think both of you know what you are talking about.

On a different note - is there such a thing as a non rhyming sonnet?

February 17th, 2024 18:44

Most Blessed Cursing
orchidee said:

A bit of a mystery? It says \'The time of figs was not yet\'.

February 17th, 2024 13:03

Gerasene Swine
orchidee said:

Also - one said, C.S Lewis I think (being more on the Protestant view!), that there are two dangers re. demons:
1. To see them in everything.
2. To see them in nothing at all.

February 4th, 2024 03:13

One Real, one isn’t
Doggerel Dave said:

As a piece of pulpitry this has no peer.
But the jolly old Deacon will have to try harder than that....🙂

January 13th, 2024 19:02

“I am the bread of life.”
Doggerel Dave said:

If I understand you correctly Gary, \'ritual\' is not to your liking?
Surely as a prompt it performs a function?

January 6th, 2024 20:12

“I am the bread of life.”
orchidee said:

It can become a bit the \'same\' sometimes, if we become too casual, though good to have a weekly opportunity for it.

January 6th, 2024 12:59

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