Comments received on poems by Gary Edward Geraci

Ultra Soft
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

April 24th, 2021 12:41

“Mankind, [love], will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy” (300)
L. B. Mek said:

I like your use of the art/picture, utilising its ability to extend your metaphorical words
an intriguing read

April 22nd, 2021 02:40

By Chance
Doggerel Dave said:

I feel we have been over, at least in part, this ground in your ‘Fragments No. 4 “I Simply Refuse”’, Gary and I have in in part of my ‘Finale’. However since you raise it once more, the masochist in me feels compelled.....
The “Well now here we are!” is what appears to be a quote – I cannot source. I prefer “We’re here because we’re here” (which I feel has much the same meaning) has its origins, unbelievably, in world war one trenches but now has wider applicability. – perfectly encapsulates all we don’t, and possibly will never know, about our existence.
There is no ‘supposition’ – your middle stanza. Or if you insist, the existence of a god is equally a supposition. I don’t know if, why, or how ‘ it all just so happened to come about’, with the emphasis on the ‘if’. Being an atheist is in one sense much easier, given infinite time and space beyond our own universe (think about it, but not too long as to get in there for a length of time could lead to a dissociative state)
The tail end of your commentary introduces ‘sin’ into the mix. This is already getting too long for my liking, so I’ll confine it to:
‘Sin’ doesn’t require a god to affirm its existence most philosophies and discourses do or are able to differentiate between right and wrong.
BTW I enjoy your writes - and the chance to respond.

April 18th, 2021 08:35

By Chance
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.
Btu we could then ask them \'How did it all just come about? Who, or what, created and creates everything?\'
Even if there was a \'Big Bang\' - who or what caused it?
\'God is\' - a Being without beginning or end. We would go insane trying to humanly work out how a being can have no beginning. We may be able to picture the \'no end\' part though.

April 18th, 2021 01:42

Fragments No. 6 “Conga Solo”
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

April 16th, 2021 02:02

Beholden Our Form
L. B. Mek said:

beautifully worded poetry, a great read!
thanks for sharing dear poet

April 12th, 2021 03:37

Beholden Our Form
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

April 10th, 2021 12:54

Each One Says
orchidee said:

All this about best and most, and some don\'t even bother to clear up their own rubbish!
Easter Season Greetings to you and yours Gary!

April 4th, 2021 02:03

Fragments No. 5: Roadside Filipino Fruit Stalls
L. B. Mek said:

worded so immersive, marang is indeed such an odd fruit, beyond its rather \'exotic\' smell, is just the amount of flesh there is to consume and your really don\'t want \'to put some away for later\', because then your whole fridge will be scented \'exotic\' for a week, lol
I really like it when memory\'s are evoked and inspired by such specific details of a general occasion or experience,
makes the read much more relatable I think

March 30th, 2021 05:37

Fragments No. 5: Roadside Filipino Fruit Stalls
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.

March 30th, 2021 01:47

Purifying Fires
orchidee said:

A useful write Gary.
In a light vein - tut,tut - you knows I don\'t believe in Purgatory!
I suppose (and believe) the only purifying fires are in the here and now, \'this side of heaven\', as they say.

March 27th, 2021 12:54

Fragments No. 4 “I Simply Refuse”
orchidee said:

I thought this was about you refusing to hear me sing again! lol.

March 24th, 2021 02:38

Fragments No. 4 “I Simply Refuse”
Doggerel Dave said:

I \'d call that alienation, Gary. You accept things as they are, and place the responsibility for revenge (yes – revenge) on your Higher Authority.

March 23rd, 2021 17:39

Fragments No. 4 “I Simply Refuse”
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

March 23rd, 2021 09:46

Fragments No. 3 “Three-Seven”
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.
I best consult my little (red?) book \'101 Tales From The Pews\' If I had one, that, is!

March 23rd, 2021 02:48

Doctor Donkirsity
L. B. Mek said:

I too, see
that disparity you refer to..
modernity\'s all-progressive age, where change equates: what suits us best
and alleviates that latest guilt trip, highlighted by tabloid outrage..
when ambition for equality and minority representation: dictates
we dismiss morality as a que to common decency of that civility, we\'ve come to take for granted
we walk that same tightrope all dictator\'s and tyrant\'s fell - off,
the one where
\'their actions are justified, by their perceived: distorted vision, of the greater good\'..
then again, we wouldn\'t be human if we didn\'t copy the same cyclical mistakes we inherited, as our starting-line of \'consequence\'...

March 22nd, 2021 04:57

Doctor Donkirsity
Doggerel Dave said:

Satire, Gary? Last stanza seems at odds though - surely something had to be done....

March 20th, 2021 16:08

Fragments #2: Ha, You Fraud!
L. B. Mek said:

\'no mind, no matter\' is what came of all that empiricism dialectic (thanks for the word btw)..
but personally, if spirituality is your chosen avenue for solace, I doubt any obstacle will prevent you finding your path,
we must embrace all and temper our chosen belief systems or diverse \'way of life\', against everything we come across,
thereby insuring our chosen source of courage and self preservation only gets stronger,
while simultaneously becoming more aware and respectfully tolerant of others who may have chosen a different path in life

March 19th, 2021 05:44

Fragments #2: Ha, You Fraud!
orchidee said:

\'Tis true. We can\'t go by our senses alone. Thomas a Kempis, a wise monk, said: \'Subject our reason (senses, etc) to faith\'.

March 19th, 2021 02:57

Fragments: “I need not go any further”
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Yes I do believe so Orchidee - even if just fragments from here on. Seriously, like you, I take great pleasure in writing. I heard it said the other day: “don’t let the accolades go to your head so that the insults won’t go to heart.” or something along those lines. And I can’t remember who was credited with saying it either!

March 18th, 2021 19:37

Fragments: “I need not go any further”
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. You\'ll be going further, writing more stuff for us! lol.

March 18th, 2021 02:39

orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.
Some rather stern hymns say similar, e.g. \'Let all mortal flesh keep silence\'.
I read in a book: \'I tried to cough reverently!\' (lol)

March 14th, 2021 03:14

Jerry Reynolds said:

Well written, Gary. Very smart.

March 13th, 2021 13:27

Follow the Science
L. B. Mek said:

Amen! Amen! Amen!
where philosophy\'s wisdom is binned to annals of those deemed meaningless - archaic, and
\'theorised assumptions\' are heralded as progression\'s youthful volition...!?
lol, that hits the spot for me dear poet, bullseye!

March 5th, 2021 04:42

Follow the Science
Doggerel Dave said:

So what? That\'s science and the way progress occurs.

March 5th, 2021 04:04

Follow the Science
orchidee said:

I\'ve read a little on this.
Sometimes it seems, it\'s the \'system\' opposing new or different things. Or so one scientist writes, from his personal experiences.

March 5th, 2021 02:53

On Your Way
L. B. Mek said:

on your way, to excavating that voice
hidden deep within;
a caved existence - reaching out
to your shadow of discontent
finally, maybe: hopefully
some words of meaningful truth
may find their way
to you - too...
a thought provoking and inspiring read, forgive me if I\'ve misconstrued the meaning to your write dear poet
I tend to choose a view of this world - slightly more hopeful than other\'s can relate to, but I mean no disrespect in doing so, nor wish to annoy or frustrate

March 4th, 2021 05:22

On Your Way
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.
Erm, I didn\'t quite get the hang of it, in my poem (fictional one): \'No one\'s perfect - except me!\' An epic poem of some 9,436 lines extolling me - my pride, selfishness, arrogance, etc. (heehee).

March 3rd, 2021 10:13

Man of the Cloth
orchidee said:

Good write Gary.
Erm, I was gonna be a man of the cloth. But it turned out to be a tailor\'s shop making clothes! Doh! lol. I will get the right end of the stick one day.

February 28th, 2021 02:41

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