Comments received on poems by Gary Edward Geraci
the Unmoved Mover
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
I stumbled over \'aseity\'. It could be similar to \'per se\', as in \'a-se....\' but me Latin extends to about three words.
A book, irritatingly at times, puts in Latin phrases at intervals. One meant \'of course\'. Why not just say \'of course\' in English?! yet it shows a certain classicism, I suppose.
October 31st, 2021 02:31
orchidee said:
Good write Gold.
I stumbled over \'aseity\'. It could be similar to \'per se\', as in \'a-se....\' but me Latin extends to about three words.
A book, irritatingly at times, puts in Latin phrases at intervals. One meant \'of course\'. Why not just say \'of course\' in English?! yet it shows a certain classicism, I suppose.
October 31st, 2021 02:31
Sometimes, on windy days, one needs to find more stuff to weigh down trash cans
L. B. Mek said:
\'A, technology
Spring clean, in gusty Autumn
your, new beginning\'..
thanks for sharing and for inspiring me little scribbled reply
October 29th, 2021 04:08
L. B. Mek said:
\'A, technology
Spring clean, in gusty Autumn
your, new beginning\'..
thanks for sharing and for inspiring me little scribbled reply
October 29th, 2021 04:08
Sometimes, on windy days, one needs to find more stuff to weigh down trash cans
orchidee said:
You use \'y\'all\'? That will save you one syllable (you-all)?
Some places look at you as if you are mad, if you ask for VCR tapes these days, or even VCR\'s themselves. Mind you, it was a snobby, upper-class shop.
What am I wittering on about?!
October 29th, 2021 01:57
orchidee said:
You use \'y\'all\'? That will save you one syllable (you-all)?
Some places look at you as if you are mad, if you ask for VCR tapes these days, or even VCR\'s themselves. Mind you, it was a snobby, upper-class shop.
What am I wittering on about?!
October 29th, 2021 01:57
Gloves and Roses
orchidee said:
But I wanted to sit by the fire in heaven for ever, with me pipe (if smoking was not bad for me!), and carpet slippers, reading me newspapers or books! lol.
October 23rd, 2021 11:39
orchidee said:
But I wanted to sit by the fire in heaven for ever, with me pipe (if smoking was not bad for me!), and carpet slippers, reading me newspapers or books! lol.
October 23rd, 2021 11:39
Coming Out
orchidee said:
A fine write Gary.
On one level - some wander about hoping to hear me sing better, as I go on my \'singing tours\'! heehee. So I say.
October 16th, 2021 01:57
orchidee said:
A fine write Gary.
On one level - some wander about hoping to hear me sing better, as I go on my \'singing tours\'! heehee. So I say.
October 16th, 2021 01:57
‘Long the Way
orchidee said:
A fine write Gary.
I\'m not familiar with Vincentians, though a Franciscan called at tea-time one day - did he?! lol.
There\'s good in the monastic orders, I feel. Some say it\'s escapism from the \'world\'. Some may reply \'yes, but in a good way\'.
October 9th, 2021 02:13
orchidee said:
A fine write Gary.
I\'m not familiar with Vincentians, though a Franciscan called at tea-time one day - did he?! lol.
There\'s good in the monastic orders, I feel. Some say it\'s escapism from the \'world\'. Some may reply \'yes, but in a good way\'.
October 9th, 2021 02:13
Strife and Skin Chafing
orchidee said:
Good write Gary.
99% may say it was an apple. We\'re not told though. There was a talking serpent/snake though! Or did it hiss, to entice Adam and Eve? Sort of saying \'Psst\'?!
I may be becoming apocyrphal now!
October 3rd, 2021 02:03
orchidee said:
Good write Gary.
99% may say it was an apple. We\'re not told though. There was a talking serpent/snake though! Or did it hiss, to entice Adam and Eve? Sort of saying \'Psst\'?!
I may be becoming apocyrphal now!
October 3rd, 2021 02:03
Proof of My Charity
Gary Edward Geraci said:
Yes, I remember Orchidee; I believe it’s a work of St Thomas Aquinas that you own if my memory serves me accuretly. LOL. Did you know that you can watch short you tube videos now, presented by American, Dominican Friars, about the major thoughts and teachings of St Thomas Aquinas? “Aquinas 101” by the Thomistic Institute. Often times I have to watch multiple times before the subject matter sinks in,
September 29th, 2021 19:27
Gary Edward Geraci said:
Yes, I remember Orchidee; I believe it’s a work of St Thomas Aquinas that you own if my memory serves me accuretly. LOL. Did you know that you can watch short you tube videos now, presented by American, Dominican Friars, about the major thoughts and teachings of St Thomas Aquinas? “Aquinas 101” by the Thomistic Institute. Often times I have to watch multiple times before the subject matter sinks in,
September 29th, 2021 19:27
Blink of an Eye
orchidee said:
Good write Gary.
I\'m very old, so I say - billions of years old! lol.
September 25th, 2021 14:06
orchidee said:
Good write Gary.
I\'m very old, so I say - billions of years old! lol.
September 25th, 2021 14:06
He Didn’t Make Evil
orchidee said:
A fine write Gary.
It ain\'t me poetry \'posts\' that are terrible, but if I sing \'em, the whole state of things chases to horror! lol :)
September 19th, 2021 02:05
orchidee said:
A fine write Gary.
It ain\'t me poetry \'posts\' that are terrible, but if I sing \'em, the whole state of things chases to horror! lol :)
September 19th, 2021 02:05
He Didn’t Make Evil
Doggerel Dave said:
Gary - Peace!
But if this God of yours left us free, abdicated all responsibility, of what relevance is your God anyway?
Take care of yourself.
September 18th, 2021 20:34
Doggerel Dave said:
Gary - Peace!
But if this God of yours left us free, abdicated all responsibility, of what relevance is your God anyway?
Take care of yourself.
September 18th, 2021 20:34
Proof of My Charity
orchidee said:
A fine meditative write Gary.
I don\'t read much of philosophy, though I have a book of over 1,000 pages on it. Gave up at about page 3. A lot of it is humanly-based wisdom, not the best path to go down.
I will try again. I will be back in 5 minutes and let you know all that it said! lol.
August 29th, 2021 02:08
orchidee said:
A fine meditative write Gary.
I don\'t read much of philosophy, though I have a book of over 1,000 pages on it. Gave up at about page 3. A lot of it is humanly-based wisdom, not the best path to go down.
I will try again. I will be back in 5 minutes and let you know all that it said! lol.
August 29th, 2021 02:08
Proof of My Charity
Doggerel Dave said:
Hi Gary – I’ve just seen the Utube presentation by your Bishop and thoroughly enjoyed It. Not put off by the collar and crucifix as it was a recommendation from you; I found him a clear lucid speaker. He clarified and occasionally added to the sometimes sketchy knowledge I have of your four philosophers – still incomplete because they are all more complicated than that (kudos, by the way, for managing to dive into Foucault and come up without permanent brain damage).
Only when he reached his conclusions was I forced to disagree – and you would expect that from me too, wouldn’t you?
Your verse? Your charity? Can’t quite come to grips with that in this context. But Justice I would always vote for – the only question is: who defines what justice is, and how is it achieved? And I will make an educated guess: my solution/explanation will differ from yours.
Take care.
August 29th, 2021 00:42
Doggerel Dave said:
Hi Gary – I’ve just seen the Utube presentation by your Bishop and thoroughly enjoyed It. Not put off by the collar and crucifix as it was a recommendation from you; I found him a clear lucid speaker. He clarified and occasionally added to the sometimes sketchy knowledge I have of your four philosophers – still incomplete because they are all more complicated than that (kudos, by the way, for managing to dive into Foucault and come up without permanent brain damage).
Only when he reached his conclusions was I forced to disagree – and you would expect that from me too, wouldn’t you?
Your verse? Your charity? Can’t quite come to grips with that in this context. But Justice I would always vote for – the only question is: who defines what justice is, and how is it achieved? And I will make an educated guess: my solution/explanation will differ from yours.
Take care.
August 29th, 2021 00:42
Resting Place
orchidee said:
Good write Gary.
We want to prolong \'mountain-top\' experiences, as Peter wanted to. Yet he was to be quiet at that time and listen instead, it seems.
Not that we can\'t have ANY mountain-top experiences, or we would be in the valley all the time.
August 15th, 2021 01:49
orchidee said:
Good write Gary.
We want to prolong \'mountain-top\' experiences, as Peter wanted to. Yet he was to be quiet at that time and listen instead, it seems.
Not that we can\'t have ANY mountain-top experiences, or we would be in the valley all the time.
August 15th, 2021 01:49
Now resetting the daily schedule for more screen time and pot smoking
Doggerel Dave said:
Slow and deep now....hold it....
August 10th, 2021 20:32
Doggerel Dave said:
Slow and deep now....hold it....
August 10th, 2021 20:32
Fides et Ratio
L. B. Mek said:
you mean, that reformation
which wisely ostracising, other\'s
for having blind faith, in a corrupt Roman hierarchy
or the word \'reformation\'
that all the worlds religions: still believe-in...
(imagine modernity
if someone had, wisely
sweet-talked Martin Luther
on that fateful first visit, to Rome
and given him all the self-validation
he was seeking)
this was such a thought provoking read
thank you for sharing, dear poet
August 10th, 2021 05:13
L. B. Mek said:
you mean, that reformation
which wisely ostracising, other\'s
for having blind faith, in a corrupt Roman hierarchy
or the word \'reformation\'
that all the worlds religions: still believe-in...
(imagine modernity
if someone had, wisely
sweet-talked Martin Luther
on that fateful first visit, to Rome
and given him all the self-validation
he was seeking)
this was such a thought provoking read
thank you for sharing, dear poet
August 10th, 2021 05:13
Fides et Ratio
orchidee said:
Erm, have to get back to you sometime Gary. Meanwhile *gets out dictionary*!
August 10th, 2021 01:41
orchidee said:
Erm, have to get back to you sometime Gary. Meanwhile *gets out dictionary*!
August 10th, 2021 01:41
Open Road
orchidee said:
Did you meet her? Was you around at the time? heehee.
August 7th, 2021 01:49
orchidee said:
Did you meet her? Was you around at the time? heehee.
August 7th, 2021 01:49
The Epistemology of Family According to God’s Ways
orchidee said:
Good write Gary.
*Looks up episte-wotsit - that long word there!* heehee.
August 1st, 2021 01:32
orchidee said:
Good write Gary.
*Looks up episte-wotsit - that long word there!* heehee.
August 1st, 2021 01:32
The Epistemology of Family According to God’s Ways
Doggerel Dave said:
Gary, sociologically speaking, the family..........
July 31st, 2021 22:08
Doggerel Dave said:
Gary, sociologically speaking, the family..........
July 31st, 2021 22:08
Polyester Pants
orchidee said:
Pants as in trousers (USA) Gary?
We have underpants and trousers in UK!
July 25th, 2021 02:11
orchidee said:
Pants as in trousers (USA) Gary?
We have underpants and trousers in UK!
July 25th, 2021 02:11
Polyester Pants
Doggerel Dave said:
That\'s the second Villanelle you\'ve put up here recently, Gary - and the one I did was quite hard to do. Good for you.
Just..not..sure.. about.. polyester.. pants. .........Making me feel quite hot and itchy....
Getting quite whimsical in your........... mature years?
July 24th, 2021 20:27
Doggerel Dave said:
That\'s the second Villanelle you\'ve put up here recently, Gary - and the one I did was quite hard to do. Good for you.
Just..not..sure.. about.. polyester.. pants. .........Making me feel quite hot and itchy....
Getting quite whimsical in your........... mature years?
July 24th, 2021 20:27
Polyester Pants
Trenz Pruca said:
Thank you Gary, you have inspired me to hunt for the polyester lurking in my closet. Polyester will rise again!
July 24th, 2021 20:12
Trenz Pruca said:
Thank you Gary, you have inspired me to hunt for the polyester lurking in my closet. Polyester will rise again!
July 24th, 2021 20:12
Carnal Contradictions
L. B. Mek said:
\'So is aging well.
Whether one puts the word “well”
After or not matters not.\'
Wonderfully insightful, tank you for sharing
July 22nd, 2021 03:34
L. B. Mek said:
\'So is aging well.
Whether one puts the word “well”
After or not matters not.\'
Wonderfully insightful, tank you for sharing
July 22nd, 2021 03:34
Without the Vow
Doggerel Dave said:
Perhaps not just young people, you know, Gary - divorce has been around for a fair old while....
Relationships change..people change..all is change.
July 10th, 2021 17:11
Doggerel Dave said:
Perhaps not just young people, you know, Gary - divorce has been around for a fair old while....
Relationships change..people change..all is change.
July 10th, 2021 17:11
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