Comments received on poems by Chanel T.
Salty Tears
Poetic Licence said:
A sad reflection on a love that could never be, but still remembers fondly in their heart, lovely read
February 22nd, 2025 04:08
Poetic Licence said:
A sad reflection on a love that could never be, but still remembers fondly in their heart, lovely read
February 22nd, 2025 04:08
Salty Tears
sorenbarrett said:
Memories don\'t die they just fade with time. Parting can be so painful and the memories left behind are bitter sweet. A heart felt write
February 22nd, 2025 02:52
sorenbarrett said:
Memories don\'t die they just fade with time. Parting can be so painful and the memories left behind are bitter sweet. A heart felt write
February 22nd, 2025 02:52
Bobby O said:
That hit me on several levels. First was an empathy for YOU, I felt his unfairness, o felt your authenticity and sadly , it hurt me inside when your extra effort to save, to rebuild what you was viable and tangible and within your dreams not as fantasy but as real tactile, you held it and who wouldn’t put that extra in that trying not to let desperate show while trying to reawaken , ignoring what you knew, it was not your control it was now a wish a hope and someone who was already being a shit had the last WORD. that’s the part that cut into me , cuz I was guessing passive cruelty w plausible deniability was potentially his Modus OPERANDI. I hated that for you. I’m not even knowing you for a moment and yet I REALLY HATED he took that fucking trip and had his ego fed with no regard for the humanity or decency I’m so certain you deserved. I’m gonna suggest a theory or scenario that fits that display of arrogance he propagated. He is a coward. Somebody who wanted to live up to the level of dignity and “ REAL”
THat you brought but he knew he was an impostor and feared he would be exposed and he knew he couldn’t live up to what he knew now was the fictional self he let you believe was about to blow up , about to fail and also he needed to be with that lesser being that partner he knew was beneath him that pattern that he could be his slum living self and only then could he react without that fear of his self loathing becoming displayed Full View to The Whole world.
You have my very best thoughts and I share your heart ache but please know he never was really in the game. Phonies are in this world and they are cruelly dispassionate and selfish. I hope you heal.
May 16th, 2023 09:41
Bobby O said:
That hit me on several levels. First was an empathy for YOU, I felt his unfairness, o felt your authenticity and sadly , it hurt me inside when your extra effort to save, to rebuild what you was viable and tangible and within your dreams not as fantasy but as real tactile, you held it and who wouldn’t put that extra in that trying not to let desperate show while trying to reawaken , ignoring what you knew, it was not your control it was now a wish a hope and someone who was already being a shit had the last WORD. that’s the part that cut into me , cuz I was guessing passive cruelty w plausible deniability was potentially his Modus OPERANDI. I hated that for you. I’m not even knowing you for a moment and yet I REALLY HATED he took that fucking trip and had his ego fed with no regard for the humanity or decency I’m so certain you deserved. I’m gonna suggest a theory or scenario that fits that display of arrogance he propagated. He is a coward. Somebody who wanted to live up to the level of dignity and “ REAL”
THat you brought but he knew he was an impostor and feared he would be exposed and he knew he couldn’t live up to what he knew now was the fictional self he let you believe was about to blow up , about to fail and also he needed to be with that lesser being that partner he knew was beneath him that pattern that he could be his slum living self and only then could he react without that fear of his self loathing becoming displayed Full View to The Whole world.
You have my very best thoughts and I share your heart ache but please know he never was really in the game. Phonies are in this world and they are cruelly dispassionate and selfish. I hope you heal.
May 16th, 2023 09:41
2781 said:
If a man is lead by his little head
It will ultimately bring shame.
The price they pay to have their way
And spreading so much pain.
May 15th, 2023 07:08
2781 said:
If a man is lead by his little head
It will ultimately bring shame.
The price they pay to have their way
And spreading so much pain.
May 15th, 2023 07:08
L. B. Mek said:
\'he gives me the world\'
(try to imagine, anyone in your life
at any time, as being
merely, \'a flavour\' or \'ingredient\'
of the world
you\'re cooking for yourself
assume, every experience
be it good or negative
as just a sipped taste
of that perfect dish, you\'re
aspiring to realise..
as mere flavour\'s and ingredient\'s
those that pass through your life
may effect your dish
as salty or sweet
but, it is till
your dish, your world
equip yourself with the skills
to find that rounded balance
in your dish/world
add a little more water/tears
if needed
or a spoon full of laughter\'s/sugar
to counter that sour
and little by little, you\'ll realise
that taste of your world
won\'t be so easily effected, by those
passing through
only those, meaningful flavours
and ingredients
that stick around, and simmer
by your side
for a time
will have a chance to ADD
to your world\'s, depth of taste)
or something like that
forgive me
I get carried away sometimes
try to imagine I meant well..
stay strong!
\'know thy self
to be worthy
of the very best
in life\'
May 15th, 2023 05:12
L. B. Mek said:
\'he gives me the world\'
(try to imagine, anyone in your life
at any time, as being
merely, \'a flavour\' or \'ingredient\'
of the world
you\'re cooking for yourself
assume, every experience
be it good or negative
as just a sipped taste
of that perfect dish, you\'re
aspiring to realise..
as mere flavour\'s and ingredient\'s
those that pass through your life
may effect your dish
as salty or sweet
but, it is till
your dish, your world
equip yourself with the skills
to find that rounded balance
in your dish/world
add a little more water/tears
if needed
or a spoon full of laughter\'s/sugar
to counter that sour
and little by little, you\'ll realise
that taste of your world
won\'t be so easily effected, by those
passing through
only those, meaningful flavours
and ingredients
that stick around, and simmer
by your side
for a time
will have a chance to ADD
to your world\'s, depth of taste)
or something like that
forgive me
I get carried away sometimes
try to imagine I meant well..
stay strong!
\'know thy self
to be worthy
of the very best
in life\'
May 15th, 2023 05:12
orchidee said:
I knew someone who replied \'Why\' to every question or statement I made. it got very silly, and made no sense in some cases. I thought: \'You\'re a doughnut (idiot)!\' lol.
May 15th, 2023 01:40
orchidee said:
I knew someone who replied \'Why\' to every question or statement I made. it got very silly, and made no sense in some cases. I thought: \'You\'re a doughnut (idiot)!\' lol.
May 15th, 2023 01:40
Flowers In A Waterless Vase
charles69 said:
I liked this poem greatly and I think it shows a remarkable attribute for wisdom , especially in someone as young as you. I think you will have a great future as a poet and will influence many others.
Thanks again for a wonderful poem. I enjoyed and also learned from it.
February 27th, 2023 20:06
charles69 said:
I liked this poem greatly and I think it shows a remarkable attribute for wisdom , especially in someone as young as you. I think you will have a great future as a poet and will influence many others.
Thanks again for a wonderful poem. I enjoyed and also learned from it.
February 27th, 2023 20:06
L. B. Mek said:
(fantasy, is a start
we can learn to curate our choices there
that way, when reality rewards our patience
our choices in the name of true love
will be that little more practised
to help us path relationship\'s
much more grounded in sincerity)
thanks for sharing
a very intriguing concept/perspective
October 24th, 2022 04:17
L. B. Mek said:
(fantasy, is a start
we can learn to curate our choices there
that way, when reality rewards our patience
our choices in the name of true love
will be that little more practised
to help us path relationship\'s
much more grounded in sincerity)
thanks for sharing
a very intriguing concept/perspective
October 24th, 2022 04:17
Paul Bell said:
Sometimes things just end. It\'s how you end them that matters. Staying friends might be the way ahead.
October 12th, 2022 06:42
Paul Bell said:
Sometimes things just end. It\'s how you end them that matters. Staying friends might be the way ahead.
October 12th, 2022 06:42
Pretty Girl, Pretty Tears
Chanel T. said:
Thank you so much💕 I’m happy you enjoyed the read.
September 13th, 2022 18:45
Chanel T. said:
Thank you so much💕 I’m happy you enjoyed the read.
September 13th, 2022 18:45
Pretty Girl, Pretty Tears
jenny.g said:
Wow this made me cry! Beautiful write!
September 13th, 2022 12:38
jenny.g said:
Wow this made me cry! Beautiful write!
September 13th, 2022 12:38
Lorna said:
So much truth in this read........ especially in the end since that\'s really all there is.
November 8th, 2021 06:40
Lorna said:
So much truth in this read........ especially in the end since that\'s really all there is.
November 8th, 2021 06:40
L. B. Mek said:
really well expressed and excavated;
a wonderful read, thanks for sharing
November 8th, 2021 05:49
L. B. Mek said:
really well expressed and excavated;
a wonderful read, thanks for sharing
November 8th, 2021 05:49
He Does.
Goldfinch60 said:
The strength of your love shines through your words Chanel.
May 16th, 2021 23:40
Goldfinch60 said:
The strength of your love shines through your words Chanel.
May 16th, 2021 23:40
Water To Sand.
ANGELA HERE - I SHARE THIS SITE WITH MY HUSBAND BRIAN ! Good Morning CHANEL - Thanks for a Beautiful LOVE POEM - It sur e rang a Bell with Br ian & I ! We love the analogy between Water & Sand & Mutual Love - the one complements & ameliorates the other - AMEN. In the UK we are never more than about 60 miles form the Coast so we are all experts @ making Sand Pies ~ Sand Castles & Sand Sculptures ! If the sand is too DRY it has no cohesion and the Castles collapse - BUT - with SAND & WATER you can build anything ! Love is like that it binds TWO people together as ONE. Brian & I have only been married six Months and each day we discover some *New Aspect of LOVE* Thanks for sharing ! Please check our SITE ~ Thanks A & B !
Bleassings & Peace & Joy to You & Yours
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey Cat 💛💛💛 *
September 20th, 2020 03:59
ANGELA HERE - I SHARE THIS SITE WITH MY HUSBAND BRIAN ! Good Morning CHANEL - Thanks for a Beautiful LOVE POEM - It sur e rang a Bell with Br ian & I ! We love the analogy between Water & Sand & Mutual Love - the one complements & ameliorates the other - AMEN. In the UK we are never more than about 60 miles form the Coast so we are all experts @ making Sand Pies ~ Sand Castles & Sand Sculptures ! If the sand is too DRY it has no cohesion and the Castles collapse - BUT - with SAND & WATER you can build anything ! Love is like that it binds TWO people together as ONE. Brian & I have only been married six Months and each day we discover some *New Aspect of LOVE* Thanks for sharing ! Please check our SITE ~ Thanks A & B !
Bleassings & Peace & Joy to You & Yours
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey Cat 💛💛💛 *
September 20th, 2020 03:59
Water To Sand.
Goldfinch60 said:
Wonderful loving write Chantal may you \"remain beautiful in each other’s world.\"
September 20th, 2020 01:20
Goldfinch60 said:
Wonderful loving write Chantal may you \"remain beautiful in each other’s world.\"
September 20th, 2020 01:20
Water To Sand.
jarcher54 said:
Water to sand... water virtually disappears into sand, becomes one with the sand, tames it, makes it smooth, gives it weight, solidity, makes it moldable, keeps it in place, holds it together. Wet sand is still sand, not sandy water. Sand is infused, transmogrified, by the water. At the same time, the water finds life in the sand, is held together, given shape it cannot have on its own, like a soul that enters a body. They become one but are never exactly one. The water can drain away, dry out, leave the sand behind parched and pushed around by the wind. But together they are perfection... cool, soft, firm, gentle, uniting the land and the sea in a zone of wonder. Like water to sand. Thanks for the beautiful image.
September 20th, 2020 01:15
jarcher54 said:
Water to sand... water virtually disappears into sand, becomes one with the sand, tames it, makes it smooth, gives it weight, solidity, makes it moldable, keeps it in place, holds it together. Wet sand is still sand, not sandy water. Sand is infused, transmogrified, by the water. At the same time, the water finds life in the sand, is held together, given shape it cannot have on its own, like a soul that enters a body. They become one but are never exactly one. The water can drain away, dry out, leave the sand behind parched and pushed around by the wind. But together they are perfection... cool, soft, firm, gentle, uniting the land and the sea in a zone of wonder. Like water to sand. Thanks for the beautiful image.
September 20th, 2020 01:15
L. B. Mek said:
more power to you Sister,
soar high, soar free and soar with those simple everyday clouds, that exist to enrich others: with their very existence
August 7th, 2020 04:12
L. B. Mek said:
more power to you Sister,
soar high, soar free and soar with those simple everyday clouds, that exist to enrich others: with their very existence
August 7th, 2020 04:12
Goldfinch60 said:
May that care and love be forever with you Chanel.
It agrees with a philosophy that I say about myself;
\"This is me, if you do not like it, that is your problem, not mine.\"
August 7th, 2020 00:34
Goldfinch60 said:
May that care and love be forever with you Chanel.
It agrees with a philosophy that I say about myself;
\"This is me, if you do not like it, that is your problem, not mine.\"
August 7th, 2020 00:34
SheWasTheSun said:
This really resonated with me, thanks for sharing!
February 25th, 2020 23:59
SheWasTheSun said:
This really resonated with me, thanks for sharing!
February 25th, 2020 23:59
To much
Goldfinch60 said:
You will release that negativity and fear soon into your words and the freedom will be within you.
February 16th, 2020 01:23
Goldfinch60 said:
You will release that negativity and fear soon into your words and the freedom will be within you.
February 16th, 2020 01:23
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good emotive write. May the pain soon dispel and your thoughts return to the beauty of life.
December 19th, 2018 01:45
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good emotive write. May the pain soon dispel and your thoughts return to the beauty of life.
December 19th, 2018 01:45
Jessie said:
Yes thank God for this angel, unafraid to speak for those unspoken for, despite all he had to fight through.
January 15th, 2018 15:53
Jessie said:
Yes thank God for this angel, unafraid to speak for those unspoken for, despite all he had to fight through.
January 15th, 2018 15:53
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