Comments received on poems by Nafis Light

Becoming...Human – Silk Dance
dusk arising said:

Thats just what i used to love about trance.

November 14th, 2020 09:48

Becoming...Human – Poetic DAN
Goldfinch60 said:

Great tribute to Dan, as d a has said \"Poetry is therapy\"


November 14th, 2020 01:56

Becoming...Human – Choice
Poetic Dan said:

My brain is spinning after watching the video but that would be another subject lol.

Fantastic write up and I took a great breath at the end, the balance between self and others... A never ending twist of relationships!

Thought provoking indeed..

November 14th, 2020 00:28

Becoming...Human – Poetic DAN
Poetic Dan said:

Wow... Its now 5am and I was unsure what to do my head started to fill and I started to screw!

So I came back here to read on, scroll down the page and thought I don\'t remember posting that....

O my days, what a honour and a pleasure of a read I hope to live up to both our dreams but I know at the end of the day.

Nothing really matters but love, light and poetry!

Joker my friend, you are the bees knees!

With much peace and respect, I thank you again for this healing read!

November 14th, 2020 00:07

Becoming...Human – Poetic DAN
dusk arising said:

A good character capture of our Poetic Dan.
Poetry is therapy.

November 13th, 2020 11:43

Becoming...Human – Choice
Amon said:

you wrote so good Joker

November 12th, 2020 09:12

Joker44’s Side – Unknown Identity
Poetic Dan said:

I know this journey balance is never easy but in that I think we find the beauty in life!

Much peace and respect!

November 12th, 2020 02:31

Joker44’s Side – Unknown Identity

GOOD WEDNESDAY JOKER ~ BRIAN HERE ! Finished teaching for TODAY ~ So time for TEA (Eart Grey) & a browse of MPS !
SELF ~ an important topic ~ of relevance to ALL ~ irrespctive of Class - Colour - Creed - Country or Chronological Age ~ I am always with myself & often (as now) by Myself. If an Englishman has his own Office he always has the means to brew a *Pot of Tea !*
SELF ESTEEM is of paramount importance. If I dont love MYSELF ~ then I have no capacity to love others ! YOURSELF is Gods & your Parents GIFT to YOU ! What you make of Your Life is Your GIFT back to THEM ! Are Your Parents *PROUD of YOU* ?
We have over the past FOUR YEARS a sad example of SELFISHNESS. In 2016 ~ GOD (and the People) gave Donald Trump the Unique Opportunity to be The 45th President of the USA and *Make America Globally Great Again* ! TRUMP could have acted SELFLESSLY ~ Opened up the Borders to The Latinos - The Persecuted - the Oppressed ! NO *He Closed the Borders & kept them OUT* He could have spent the TRILLIONS of DOLLARS (at his disposal) to build affordable Housing for the Immigrants ~ He could have geared Industry to producing affordble Farm Machinery - White Goods - Educational Aids - Schools - Well Stocked Hospitals & Free Health Care for ALL and replaced Fossils Fuels with Renewables. He did just the opposite and widened the USA Rich / Poor gap. Had He made America *Great Again ~ Socially* He would have gotten a Second Term and EVERYONE would have loved HIM instead of Lampooning Him ! JOE & MALALA have a GREEN (see our Poem today) & SELFLESS PROGRAM and will get a second TERM in 2024 - 28 to finish the JOB begun by Obama in 2008 ~ AMEN ! Are you SELF-ISH or SELF-LESS ?

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey 💛💛💛

November 11th, 2020 11:09

Joker44’s Side – Fighting Myself
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

Fine muse here and I like how you describe your feelings and thoughts in superb rhyming word choice. A joker sounds fun, mr bean is a famous joker right. Kudos.

Plz pleez do read and comment my newest poem too, but it\'s ok if you think comments are a bother you can skip commenting.

November 10th, 2020 11:29

Joker44’s Side – Fighting Myself
Poetic Dan said:

Is our writtings not the best we want to be, appreciated your visit my friend...

Definitely read a lot into this!
Much peace and respect

November 10th, 2020 11:02

Joker44’s Side – Nightwing
FineB said:

Hi Joker44,

An inspiring poem.

A good write.

One has to take a stand in life eventually we can no longer run away.
Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

November 8th, 2020 09:26

Joker44’s Side – Turning Into Something
FineB said:

Hi Joker44,

A wonderful and interesting write.

We have got to move forwards never backwards in our lives.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

November 7th, 2020 14:17

Joker44’s Side – Accidental Inspiration
FineB said:

A wonderful write Joker 44.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

November 6th, 2020 16:36

Joker44’s Side – To Enjoy The Journey...
FineB said:

Hi Joker44,

An excellent write.

Life is a journey and 2020 has been a long journey in all our lives worldwide.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

November 5th, 2020 18:34

Joker44’s Side – Keep on Living...Aftermath
dusk arising said:

Good positive stuff, damn shame it is at a time when so much is in lockdown over this covid pandemic. Whatever u get up to, stay safe.

November 1st, 2020 07:37

Joker44’s Side – Emotionally Attractive
dusk arising said:

It would be easy to write that broken wings maketh the poet Joker but I am biased for I know it\'s truth.

Needless to say there are many broken wings keeping folk upright both poetic folk and others. So, when your heart sings through your poetry, you will find many readers attuned to you.

Also, it\'s possible to write away some of the pain.

Excellent piece from you today poet.

October 31st, 2020 04:52

Joker44’s Side – All Coming Together
Crowns4Christ said:

we are all one in are absolutely right joker.

October 30th, 2020 18:54

Joker44’s Side – Internal Turmoil
Crowns4Christ said:

exactly how i feel right now

October 29th, 2020 19:08

Joker44’s Side – If We...
dusk arising said:

Ah yes wonderful words of wisdom but i can\'t think of a single century in which similar words have been said and/or written....

How to we get empathy from the masses though?

However, we should not cease repeating the message.

October 26th, 2020 16:21

Joker44’s Side – Let The Trickster In

Good Evening JOKER ~ Angela here. In my experience TRICKSTERS are always Charming ~ Handsome ~ Caring & Charismatic ! That why we always fall for them ! Thanks for sharing !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela - Brian & Smokey 💛💛💛

October 23rd, 2020 11:16

Joker44’s Side – Two Play Together
dusk arising said:

100% agree... spot on!

But depressed people hate me for being like this....

October 22nd, 2020 10:34

Joker44’s Side – I Play
L. B. Mek said:

what a timely write of positivity, thanks for sharing the good vibes

October 22nd, 2020 04:52

Joker44’s Side – I Play

Good Afternoon JOKER ~ We*ve (PHYSIOS) all finished our Clinics for the Day so we*re relaxing with a CUPPA when this came up on MPS ~ PERFECT. We loved your Poem & Video ! We all do a responsible JOB (loved the Poem) and we all love to DANCE so we*re dancing round the Massage Table to the VIDEO. We use a lot of *Music & Movement* in our exercise classes so we will use the VIDEO this week ~ AMEN Please check our Poem - Responsibility - Thanks !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love - Angela - Smokey 💛💛💛

October 21st, 2020 10:50

Joker44’s Side – For Others
BlueHeron77 said:

Love this. Very encouraging and hopeful!

October 20th, 2020 11:09

Joker44’s Side – For Others
orchidee said:

Good write J.

October 20th, 2020 10:51

Joker44’s Side – Time Is All We Have

GOOD SUNDAY JOKER ~ TIME is a very ephemeral item and it takes precious MINUTES to write this reply ! However bear in mind that each of the 7.8 billion People on Earth gets a GIFT of 24 pristine hours every MIDNIGHT ! Its what we do with it that counts ! Lots of PEOPLE waste time but we cant buy REAL TIME you have to use it wisely ! Thanks for reminding us ! CARPE DIEM ! Please check our POEM ~ Thanks.

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love Angela - Brian & Smokey ! ! !

October 18th, 2020 07:00

Joker44’s Side – Writing Poetry
jarcher54 said:

You are right, it isn\'t a hobby, it is sui generis, a compulsion for some (I think of Walt Whitman), a voice for others (Emily Dickinson), a loving gag to bring joy to the world (e e cummings), a bardic spell (Yeats), a chant of war and peace (Homer), a dance of life (Villon), a cry for justice (Maya Angelou), preservation of a culture (Walcott), an act of devotion (Donne), or a caged bird singing though the wires (Mary Leapor). Care for others is as good a motivation as any!

October 17th, 2020 13:27

Joker44’s Side – Forever Together
jarcher54 said:

Nothing wrong with a sweet fantasy of eternal togetherness! Made me a little happy, a little wistful.

October 17th, 2020 13:09

Joker44’s Side – Dreaming
Crowns4Christ said:

keep dreaming joker,it\'s what keeps us grounded

October 16th, 2020 17:34

Joker44’s Side – Life

GOOD EVENING JOKER ! You have made a very important point about the importance of *Posting a Poem on MPS !* In essence *Any Poem* is better than *No Poem* ! However Brian & I do tend to post Poems that are Factual & Educational rather than just ABSRACT ! We also include educational Videos etc. Please visit our Site & Fusion. Our Poem timorrow is about the importance of WASPS ~ a comment would be appreciated\'

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey ! ! !

October 15th, 2020 17:42

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