Comments received on poems by Makoto Maruyama

No Title
Doggerel Dave said:

There is no ultimate truth - or if there is, it\'s well beyond my reach.

November 18th, 2022 06:44

No Title
L. B. Mek said:

(ah just so great to read your insightful
metaphysically questing words again dear Poet
a great write! thank you)
once we come upon, \'Truth\'
we must remember
to keep on excavating, till
we establish the \'karat veracity\'
of that \'supposed\', truth...
or simply heed that timeless adage
\"For I was conscious that I knew practically nothing...\"
\'\'To know everything is to know nothing, but to know nothing is to know everything.\'\'
in my humble opinion
that is where, \'truth\' dwells
between the nothing we know
and that something, we assume
may be factored in-to that
which we may know, but as yet
can\'t stamp
upon reality, as impregnable fact
\'like how we assume the sky is blue
before we yet can define, what is

November 18th, 2022 05:41

Poetry is Difficult
orchidee said:

It can depend MM. We may get int a stream of consciousness and then find poetry easy!

November 15th, 2022 08:36

Untitled Tragedy
Doggerel Dave said:

There are, beyond fatal violence deplored, over the top praise and tributes from everywhere merely because he was a public figure. He was, as everyone else, someone with faults and foibles as well as virtues.
I believe you got the balance just right.

July 10th, 2022 06:08

Remember Hell
arqios said:

Hello from Tokyo. It is a plan to go and see Hiroshima one day. I have been to Nagasaki and traveled around the region as a pilgrimage. One day, they shall feature in poetry from this writer\'s pen. Thanks for sharing.

May 12th, 2022 04:22

Remember Hell
Goldfinch60 said:

Such sad times. Will humanity ever learn Makoto?


April 4th, 2022 00:16

Remember Hell
Dahlia said:

excellently penned & very sad how history repeats itself over & over again, unfortunate very unfortunate

April 3rd, 2022 17:16

Serious Accident Happens in My Freezer
L. B. Mek said:

bridging the past with the presesnt
capturing the child worries
within the poet\'s, adult voice
now, within a lifetime\'s expereince
of strife...
a visionary write, showcasing
the truly limitless utility of imagery
in Poetry..
\'in my humble opinion\'
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

March 18th, 2022 05:35

On Suicides
L. B. Mek said:

sadly, I don\'t think the words you chose
portrayed the complex colours of your mixed emotions
on this topic, but
I want to \'assume\'
based on the empathy you\'ve demonstrated
in your previous work, this write was no mere callously worded commentary
on what is a Very sensitive, subject
I want to choose, to believe
that you were, (in your own way)
digging deep
into your, capacity to encapsulate
the meaning, we assign
to the loss of life, be it
via the hands of a stranger
or our very own;
irrespective of society\'s \'taboos\'
in awarding, sympathy
to those who are defeated by their own
devastatingly, self-destructive
(and yes
when I heard about Yuko Takeuchi
I literally, spat-out what I was drinking
and felt like someone I knew in real life, had died
I still vividly remember
her vibrant zest for life, shining through
in her
hopeful character\'s, in Pride and Lunch no Joō (The Queen of Lunch)..
what a beautiful, gentle heart
she must have had
to be able to portray, such timeless characters
*before her ex husband
and life, in general
hammered her resolve, into
that shattered heart, she left behind*)
but there was no suicide note, so I hope
it was just some complication or accidental, situation
that took her from us, far too early!
(may she rest in peace)..
and I\'m so sorry about the losses you have had to deal with,
I have lost very close family members during covid as well,
so I completely empathise, but sadly
all I can do is offer you
my sincere commiserations, dear poet
may they rest in peace, as well
stay strong!

January 31st, 2022 06:14

Keith said:

A beautiful piece.

January 16th, 2022 04:28

Goldfinch60 said:

Every moment in our lives is special Makoto.


January 16th, 2022 04:22

L. B. Mek said:

and all cocooned within that
self betraying, whiff
of wilful hypocrisy...
no thanks
I\'ll stick to that archaic
Grecian \'genius\':
\'the only thing I know
is that, I know nothing\'
even more so
when it comes
to the Poetics of Life...

December 21st, 2021 06:00

Lorna said:

Ahhhh the clouds in the perfect blue sky...... why doubt?

November 28th, 2021 06:35

Caring dove said:

I like this ! We all want to smile and be like the blue sky 🙂

November 28th, 2021 02:51

Makoto Maruyama said:

Thank you for your comments! I’m sorry about that I don’t reply each other, but best wishes!

November 28th, 2021 02:40

Nicholas Browning said:

And you as well, good sir.

November 26th, 2021 12:12

L. B. Mek said:

\'Black coffee in a cup
*But my inked feeling\'s
never run, macabre or black*\'
(forgive my rudeness
just how your poetry, spoke to me
thanks for sharing
Yosa Buson
would be proud, I think
\'may we never - surrender
trying to revive
the traditions
of our great predecessors\')

November 26th, 2021 06:32

Goldfinch60 said:

May your day be a good one as well Makoto.


November 26th, 2021 03:01

Unfinished work
L. B. Mek said:

I can offer you, no greater praise
than letting you know
for a moment
when I was reading your words
I felt like, I was reading something written
by that banished immortal poet, himself:
Li Bai or rather Rihaku for you
or best yet: 李白
\'Swaying, wet laundry
Like my spirit

Let\'s bear the white, blank

Yes, I\'m being watched
*but*, Who am I: watching?\'
(what a brilliant wording, capturing
that daily embattled, questing
for serenity\'s soothing whispers, pondering:
loss of direction
ever-murky waters of self-identity
and disappearing traces
of what was so important, to us
only yesterday...)

November 22nd, 2021 06:13

November 17th morning
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful depiction of seasonal preparedness
capturing, the event-like importance
of such themes
in the days, when our very steps
strived, to align themselves
with Nature\'s movements..
and I\'m enthralled by that picture/image
could you perhaps give me a little context, or its name/artist
so I can look it up sometime;
(I believe
in terms of understanding, the connection between the universe and its influence
on our daily lives, the long lost
archaic knowledge and methods
had made much more progress
than we have, currently
despite all our scientific-
telescopic, finger pointing: theoretical summation, prowess...

November 22nd, 2021 06:00

Unfinished work
L. B. Mek said:

\'Eternity of *Serenity
It is the sea
mixed, with the sun\'..
each morning, we can choose
to awake
to our new vista, of life
and in each passing season, we exchange
one perspective of wisdom
for our awaiting: Next...
(a sublime write
beautifully worded,
thanks for sharing, dear Poet)
but maybe, in the future
you can write the English translations of your other languages
in the writer\'s comment section?
just a thought, since a lot of us aren\'t as cultured or as multilingual, as you are

November 9th, 2021 05:06

spilleronsheet said:

Well crafted dear poet

November 8th, 2021 14:36

L. B. Mek said:

I would label this
\'an unruly: modern Tanka\'..
I love the sparse wording
and its resulting, purposed brevity;
in all of Japanese myth or lore
\'Bushido\' is by far the most corrupted, in meaning
by western \'lazy\' translations;
but, one of its most fundamental trait\'s
(in my humble opinion)
is to infuse a life, with meaningful yearning
to seek perfection
in that chosen \'way of Art\': in their lives...
and that\'s what is
about works of poetry like yours, they speak
to that yearning, that need
to capture and eloquently word
all: that you are aware-of
and what little, you can observe
with your eyes
understand, with your mind
and bravely Feel: with your heart!
(thank you for choosing to share, dear poet
this is such a unique Poetic treat)

November 8th, 2021 05:29

L. B. Mek said:

yup, over time
some see their walls
get drowned out
by all those cherished pictures
fate, so fit - to gift
and they, sometimes
get overwhelmed,
for fear
of losing those blank surfaces
which once represented,
their individuality and opportunity for choice..
the very Next door, another person
who knows the morbid intimacy
hidden in the word, solitude
wonders, about all the choices
that resulted
in the barren state
of those accusatory, walls
that flipped coin of ill-fate...
(a great read
thanks for sharing, dear poet)

November 5th, 2021 05:45

Paul Bell said:

All down to cop26 now.
We wait, hopefully not in vain.

October 31st, 2021 04:30

L. B. Mek said:

the difference between then and now, dear poet
is back then they read and shared, with a goal in mind;
everything was Action orientated, didactic parables and metaphors of Purposed: Mythology..
where as now, people just want everyone
while caring little for anyone else,
as-if, only \'They\' matter
and only \'They\' suffer
and the world owes \'Them\': everything..
its that Me, Me, Me
of Wilful Ignorance
where, those intrusted with the gift of Eloquence
rather waste their gifts, than make a meaningful Difference...
(glad to hear covid figures getting better in your side of the world,
thanks for sharing)

October 8th, 2021 04:44

I am 45 years old
L. B. Mek said:

when we can realise, that having faith-in
or believing, in something
doesn\'t translate to us: \'Owning\' - it
as our \'interpretation\'s, privatised - Monopoly\'
then maybe, we can discuss
the topics you hypothesise, dear poet
until then, we\'re just all: \'gauging-out\'
each other\'s eyes: \'blindly, guessing...!\'
(thanks for sharing, such a thought provoking write, truly!)

July 19th, 2021 05:45

L. B. Mek said:

\'Too hot summer in Hiroshima
My skin sweats
as waiting for the morning tea to steep\'..
this is one universal contradiction
I can never comprehend:
drinking hot beverages, while complaining of heat?
and everyone around me does it as well??
I just stare in confusion, not knowing
where to begin articulating my utter bewilderment... lol
(sorry just had a little fun with your write
thanks for sharing)

July 15th, 2021 04:50

13th July Morning
L. B. Mek said:

a very interesting and fun, read
a slice of philosophical commentary
aside a big serving of cynical, whimsicality
with a topping of insightful poetry.. lol
thanks for sharing

July 13th, 2021 05:22

Just waiting for thunderstorm
L. B. Mek said:

an intriguing read
with precision commentary,
thanks for sharing

June 22nd, 2021 03:55

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