Comments received on poems by James Michael

Caring dove said:

Nice writing 🙂 sometimes things simply don’t have an answer although we might want one …

November 21st, 2021 15:18


James, your thoughts are very penetrating. One with insight can tell that you are a deep thinker, a motivator of action. This, my friend, is the perfect ingredient for the writer. Keep writing. You have much to say. Take care. Be safe. Carmine

November 21st, 2021 15:01

L. B. Mek said:

a wonderful read,
you poetry seems to have captured that oneness with nature, lost: in the moment..
thanks for sharing

November 9th, 2021 05:16

Laura🌻 said:


A beautifully penned poem which I enjoyed reading. Thank you for sharing your pen and the unforgettable ride with nature.


November 8th, 2021 23:16

Spiritual Quilt
Caring dove said:

Great writing )

October 24th, 2021 15:05

L. B. Mek said:

... \'and when the pain recedes, enough
maybe even dare another: shaky step
towards that - hopeful Next
we\'ve yet, to be let down by\'
imbued great meaning, in such succinct wording! thanks for sharing

October 18th, 2021 06:11

Goldfinch60 said:

That light will be forever in your life James.


October 17th, 2021 00:39

🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

Its great of you to highlight and feel for the homeless, hopefully it inspires others fo help them. Kudos for a great compassionate poem.!

Plz do read and comment my newest poem too.

October 13th, 2021 22:36

Thekkinkkattil said:

Your poem brings out the suffering and the sympathy you feel for them. A nice write

September 29th, 2021 00:47

Sign of the Cross
orchidee said:

A fine write Johnny - and on Holy Cross Day (14 Sept), a lesser-known festival day.

September 14th, 2021 01:55

Sign of the Cross
Laura🌻 said:

Johnny FN Lawless,

A very interesting interpretation of the
‘Sign of the Cross’.

Thank you for sharing.


September 13th, 2021 22:11

Time to Heal
Caring dove said:

Caring writing ... maybe there is hope for nature .... she may heal

September 12th, 2021 12:09

War Song (Pawnee tribe North America)
James Michael said:

This describes my emotions on that day. There are many theories about that event. I for one couldn’t believe it. But there are immense studies to prove that it was real.

Great sadness today in America.

September 11th, 2021 11:03

Time to Heal
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks for that J. I may have to follow your daughter if I hope to retain even a shred of optimism.... Possibly earth will survive in some form once it reduces the feral species human to manageable proportions...

September 4th, 2021 17:05

Time to Heal
Doggerel Dave said:

Good statement there - clear and unambiguous. Thanks.

Unfortunately we have passed the point of no return (the tipping point)...... would be easy to add \'unfortunately\' at this point - but mass human stupidity lead us here and the voices which could have saved the situation (many but not enough) have been ignored.

September 4th, 2021 00:31

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