Comments received on poems by Kinsey Peterson

my darling
hzugman said:

Very nice, Joan

January 13th, 2023 11:36

Liminal Space
Rocky Lagou said:

This is literally so vivid. I felt as if I were in the room myself, observing and noting each thing as it happened. Art is my escape as well. These \" faceless lockers\" also serve to describe that loneliness you depict so greatly.

January 13th, 2023 09:07

Liminal Space
L. B. Mek said:

how deep, what a visionary distillation
(this, a facsimile of serenity\'s
all-consuming nothingness,
that tiptoeing of liminal existence
hugging our now\'s
within our inhales and exhales
of yesterday\'s and tomorrow\'s..)
I laud your poetry\'s subtle touch and humble notes
thanks for sharing

January 13th, 2023 04:24

closings v
Rocky Lagou said:


January 11th, 2023 08:53

I Am Not A Woman
Neville said:

Hello again Joan .. I am not usually lost for words, but on this occasion, I echo those written by my fine reviewing predecessor Rocky Lagou who has used the words I wish I had found earlier ..

January 9th, 2023 14:24

I Am Not A Woman
Rocky Lagou said:

Holy Mother Teresa and Virgin Mary!!!!!!!!!
Lawdd, this was a poem!!!!
A poem!!!!!!!!
Omg this reminded me of a song from Mitski called \"Wife.\"
It follows this same sense of \"nothingness\" that you depict.
In it she sings, \"I cannot bear you a son, but I will try, for if I am not yours what am I?\"
Regardless, I can\'t help but notice the underlying despair in this poem.
It\'s so pensive and deep and I feel like your screaming for help without even screaming.
Female suppression is so cruel and absurd.
I think the word \"mansplaining\" sums most of it up.
I swear this poem keeps on reminding me of Mitski!!
In the line where you wrote: \"I am not a woman / I am shaking hands and painted nails\"
There is literally another song of hers called \"Bag of Bones\" and she croons this depressive intro:
\"I\'m all used up, pretty boy, over and over again
My nail colors are wearing off
See my hands, pretty boy, what do they tell you?
\'Cause I\'ve looked down at them not knowing why\"

Thank you for displaying your vulnerability in this piece, it\'s striking and real.
I can only pray you won\'t feel this way for long

January 9th, 2023 14:16

closings iv
orchidee said:

You a book? Not sitting on the shelf gathering dust?! (heehee).

December 24th, 2022 03:14

closings iii
Rocky Lagou said:

Omg, this is literally eye-opening. Thank you so much dear poet for giving a voice to the LGBTQ+ community on this platform. As a gay individual, this literally hits so close to home. The discrimination and prejudice is flagrant, and it\'s up to poets like you and I to raise awareness of these instances of hate. The way you humanize this is impactful.

December 19th, 2022 09:29

Computer Screens ( Dear Poet )
L. B. Mek said:

\'Computer screens never fully mimic the warmth of another.\'
so true
but the words they contain, can reach
maybe even salvage, a life on the tip
of demise...
keep that mighty keyboard dancing, dear Poet
thanks for sharing

December 12th, 2022 00:59

Make Me Fall In Love
Neville said:

this is utterly delightful .. & thoroughly enjoyed by me .. a smashing love poem if ever there was ....... N :)

December 10th, 2022 04:01

closings iii
L. B. Mek said:

you know what\'s crazy
how insanely absurd it is to think
that same pastor
born into a different set of circumstances
may have been part of your community...
less that 1% of our DNA differs from each other
yet we wage wars on that same one percentile difference...
we do not need to be aligned
with each other\'s way of life
choice is choice, each to their own
but we must still recognise:
that devoid of our empathy and humanness
there is no future, where any of us
can survive
let alone thrive...
(a necessary, timely and important write
dear Poet
sing your Truth, loud and proud
a day will come
when such hate and discrimination
will be marginalised
if not exterminated, completely)
choose kindness
as your weapon of choice
whenever possible, don\'t let hate
poison and dictate your life
or else they\'ll win...
stay strong!

December 9th, 2022 04:12

closings iii
GabrielThePoet said:

doesnt help that im also a part of a smaller and alot less accepted group

December 8th, 2022 14:28

closings iii
GabrielThePoet said:

I\'m a bi male well I\'m horrified

December 8th, 2022 12:02

closings ii
GabrielThePoet said:


December 7th, 2022 10:12

Losing Myself
domilla said:

I have been trying to express the same emotion. Still wondering why people just leave

December 7th, 2022 08:42

closings i
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write, Joan.

December 6th, 2022 16:16

closings i
GabrielThePoet said:

well put : )

December 6th, 2022 15:05

closings i
GabrielThePoet said:

stay alive and find that person who will fix you

December 6th, 2022 14:58

closings i
GabrielThePoet said:

show your strength you are strong

December 6th, 2022 14:53

Wear Your Scars On Your Sleeves
L. B. Mek said:

(I relate with your poem on so many levels
the trick, dear Poet
is not only to survive the struggle
but to survive and not have it
warp your appreciation of life
and for that sake
you\'re right to play it \'closer to the chest\'
because once that bitterness, begins
and that life weary cynicism take hold
it\'s so hard to reverse the process
so yes, keep your sleeves long
and your heart, huddled in a scarf
so as to treasure life!)

December 5th, 2022 04:11

Christmas Eve
L. B. Mek said:

yes, for a ridiculously large amount of people
there is nothing festive, about the festive season
(pink\'s, \'family portrait\'
just comes to mind reading your words)
thanks for sharing, stay strong!

December 2nd, 2022 04:13

Losing Myself
L. B. Mek said:

I second Neville\'s comment completely
I laud your raw and unflinching bravery
but hope even if these words, ink
your past experience
they in-turn, help you overcome
those trappings
that take you to these unhealthy mindsets...
my rule:
\'is to externalise my blame
and internalise my empathy\'
as an initial response to all my traumatic experiences
whether small or debilitating.
(see, because we\'re present
every time hurt is inflicted upon us
we wrongly assume, that we
are the common denominator
in all those painful experiences
but that\'s just us, at our weakened state
trying to rationalise, that callous injustice
of fate..
and it\'s just not true, let kindness begin with yourself
before you extend it to anyone else
like those aeroplane emergency procedures
first secure your own airbags)
thanks for sharing and stay strong, dear Poet

December 2nd, 2022 04:09

I Once Fell In Love
Neville said:

Hey Joan .. I almost never read any of the reviews that have been left before by my own reviewing predecessors .. but on this rare occasion, and for some reason, I made an exception .. and find my self agreeing with Rocky Lagou\'s comments ... Neville :)

December 1st, 2022 12:22

Christmas Eve
Neville said:

This will be the first Christmas in many years that I will not be volunteering to work the night shift at Oasis House Night Shelter in the Middle off England .. If I listed the reasons for not being able to do it this year, I would probably bore the pants of you .. But duty calls me elsewhere this Christmas eve ... Your poem today is excellent Joan & more than adequately captures the loneliness and despair that for so very many go hand in hand with this so-called Festive Season ....... I hope yours will be better than you presently might imagine it may be .. and will almost certainly be for many around the globe .... Neville

December 1st, 2022 12:16

Losing Myself
Neville said:

this is heart wrenchingly brilliant .. and a stern reminder of why I first fell in love with poetry .. My only hope is that the content, rather than being autobiographical, is more a reflection of your creative & poetic imagination ... All Good Things to you Joan .. Neville :)

November 29th, 2022 13:16

Rag-doll Women
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m male; I read it; I get it; I want to thank you for it:- Your poem deserves a wider audience.

So Thank You...

November 11th, 2022 05:35

Make Me Fall In Love
arflory90 said:

This is honestly so beautiful.

November 7th, 2022 10:19

Make Me Fall In Love
L. B. Mek said:

I second \'Violet Blue\'
wonderfully written, effortless flow
and imagery, firmly anchored in reality
thanks for sharing, dear poet
\'Capture fireflies in jars and let them light our path
It’s the mundane that is beautiful
It’s the slipping of light through my fingers that makes it magical\'
wonderful lines, but
I can\'t help wondering
just like the fireflies
we capture and bottle, for their beauty
is love, so elusive to so many
because we try to do the same
with it?
needy, desperate emotions
entrapping, mere passing attraction
and trying to force it to our will;
is this a symbol of how we corrupt love\'s gifts
(forgive my rambling thoughts
I\'m just an overopinionated fool thinking out loud)

November 7th, 2022 05:12

Make Me Fall In Love
Caring dove said:

Beautiful words πŸ™‚ lovely poem

November 6th, 2022 15:03

For A Friend
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good words Joan.


August 7th, 2022 00:27

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