Comments received on poems by Shaunmatthewcpoetry

Underground Hip Hop Special
L. B. Mek said:

hope you have a great time!
stay safe

December 19th, 2022 07:13

Tories Steal From Purses Of Nurses
Doggerel Dave said:

This is one of your best, mate - instead of a focus on the misdemeanors perpetrated by so called celebrities, you have approached the core of the problem. With focus you could crack it......

December 18th, 2022 03:17

Tories Steal From Purses Of Nurses
Goldfinch60 said:

Such very true words, the politicians will never listen.


December 18th, 2022 01:34

Pitted Against One Another
Shaunmatthewcpoetry said:

Thank you 😁. Means a lot.

December 16th, 2022 06:47

Pitted Against One Another
L. B. Mek said:

I do like it when you let your talent show in your work
these wording is so relatable and arrives
upon my eyes, like a favoured voice
in my ears
grace does not exist within eloquence
and poetic merit, alone
there is artistry, in inking veracity
transparent and free..
may you never change, dear Poet
thank you!

December 16th, 2022 06:33

Thick As Pig Shit (Jennifer Lawrence)
L. B. Mek said:

go easy on this celeb ladies, dear poet
they exist in such a toxic bubble of ignorance
most of this Hollywood \'feminist\'s\'
can\'t even spell the word
let alone
comprehend its true meaning
they\'re just fighting for their pay rises and future job opportunities
and you know how tabloids warp narrative
exploiting with their leading questions
and curating sensationalised content
to turn us all into reactionary bullies
they won\'t stop, so we have to rise about it
else we\'ll just waste our energy
confronted by the stupendously moronic
at every click...

December 12th, 2022 01:37

The Freezing Air
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Coolcuk, they just do not care.


December 11th, 2022 03:06

The Freezing Air
arqios said:

Frozen here, in and out and around.... brrr or is it grrr....

December 10th, 2022 19:42

Feel The Music (Half A Penny)
Goldfinch60 said:

I am on Amazon Prime for my music streaming.


December 10th, 2022 02:47

Feel The Music (Half A Penny)
arqios said:

It appears to have started with profit margins in the so-called \"Dark Ages,\" \'one a penny two a penny hot cross buns!\'

December 9th, 2022 06:59

Hollyweird (Kirstie Alley)
L. B. Mek said:

may she rest in peace
I so loved her in cheers
and those \'look who\'s talking\' films
a strong female image she portrayed
till the end
she left her mark, I laud her for that

December 9th, 2022 06:02

Hollyweird (Kirstie Alley)
arqios said:

The story behind the story is almost always unlikely to the common perception. The word for that is deception, and we swim in this delusion which is a concoction brewed by the faceless but ever present ones. Thanks for sharing.

December 8th, 2022 03:27

The Woke Stick
Doggerel Dave said:

Don\'t understand this woke thing (I don\'t) Is it the next move after \'Political Correctness\'?

December 6th, 2022 20:30

Thinking Out Of The Triangle
orchidee said:

Dunno about triangles, but I\'m trying to think outside the box. Someone taped it down when I was inside it. Lemme out!! lol.

December 5th, 2022 07:45

Thinking Out Of The Triangle
arqios said:

Some 40 years ago or thereabouts they had quite a pyramid rage as well... it may just be embraced with today\'s social climate.

December 5th, 2022 06:41

Thinking Out Of The Triangle
L. B. Mek said:

don\'t forget that \'social movement\'
she was a part of
leaving Maya Angelou\'s books in trains
\'to spread the word\'
how deep...
yeah, she ain\'t like all those other celebs
trading on looks, she\'s part of the \'woke\'

December 5th, 2022 06:01

The Testosterone Terminator (James Cameron)
Eugene S. said:

Mass Cognitive Dissonance. I appreciate the poem and hope it serves as a chronicle for future readers when they look back at these strange days.

December 4th, 2022 11:02

The Testosterone Terminator (James Cameron)
Doggerel Dave said:

Strange is right. Has he lost all his and doesn\'t want to be the only one?

December 4th, 2022 05:55

The Testosterone Terminator (James Cameron)
arqios said:

Embraced societal suicide that\'s what the end result will be. All this talk about yin and yang then on the other getting rid of one half of a whole! idk..

December 4th, 2022 05:41

Damage Control (Baalenciaga Part.3)
arqios said:

Baalenciaga on the title is spelt as Baal... interesting.

December 3rd, 2022 18:39

Damage Control (Baalenciaga Part.3)
arqios said:

Cancel culture is a cruel game and one not needed where sincerity and honesty remain.

December 3rd, 2022 18:39

A Beautiful Beckoning
arqios said:

When texting first came out it was a relief from emails and longhand writing. Nowadays it\'s mindless and monotonous texting. Kind of sad when we think about it.

December 2nd, 2022 06:14

A Beautiful Beckoning
L. B. Mek said:

a poetic cocktail:
of Hollywood, marvel, theology, philosophy, commentary
and served with a slice of cynical
matter of fact, bluntness.
(a unique read, to say the least)
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

December 2nd, 2022 05:32

The Mirrored Image
orchidee said:

It\'s not me in the mirror. It\'s back to front, e.g. if we had our left eyebrow missing, in the mirror it would show our right eyebrow missing!
If you get what I\'m waffling on about? Not that I seen many one-eyebrowed people about. lol.

December 1st, 2022 08:49

The Mirrored Image
arqios said:

We can see and hear IG now but it still hasn\'t got \"smellavision\" but who knows what\'s up those techy sleeves. And at times it seems higher than 80% cosmos threatening headlines blaring.

December 1st, 2022 07:14

Poof And It\'s Gone (Baalenciaga Part.2)
arqios said:

Oh wow. That\'s escalating now.

November 30th, 2022 06:42

After Death
arqios said:

It must be something to look forward to! After all the craziness we have put each other and ourselves through, it follows that a good turn is up and coming.

November 29th, 2022 04:19

After Death
Doggerel Dave said:

Neatly put , those last three lines, Not sure, though how the afterlife (if any) relates. All this doesn\'t mean I dislike the poem, though.

November 29th, 2022 03:19

L. B. Mek said:

soon, the word \'shocking\' will be retired
for its inability, to keep up!
another important write, dear Poet
thank you for helping reducing my ignorance
of this otherworldly
shock-tactic marketing strategy
just annoys me, that these very words we type
reinforces their choice, to offset people\'s outrage
against the awareness their tactic creates...
colour me exasperatedly annoyed!
(the \'woke\'
move, to swerve assumed civility
off, of
its stagnant mirage, pedestals
to make way
a new, seeking beyond unspoken
seldom do they bother to ponder
why civility exists
even if merely in its aesthetic ideal
framework, for societal survival
Nietzsche, already warned us
we need to glean, beyond
good n evil
to outline humanity\'s, fallible pitfalls
and it all begins, with this one
fundamental truth
each and every one of us
is as capable of goodness
as we are, wrongness
our need for an anchoring, mediating
empathetically moral threshold
interconnected to each of us
for without it
angel\'s will walk aside devil\'s
in the same human host...)

November 28th, 2022 06:26

arqios said:

oh that really gives us an indication where all this is heading!

November 28th, 2022 04:15

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