Comments received on poems by rhmn_7

Among Poets
2781 said:

It can be used to condense thoughts, and can be a generous gift, or not!

June 2nd, 2024 00:05

Among Poets
Alan R said:

I write to find the peace in collecting my thoughts, fixing them for the given time, as if a snapshot in time. And a higher joycomes along, when someone relates to it, as if another person had the same path unfolding in their mind...

May 2nd, 2024 13:35

Among Poets
Thomas W Case said:

Great work. I love this. A poet needs to create.

March 3rd, 2024 17:33

Among Poets
peto said:

I wouldn\'t claim to be a poet more of a Trier
However I\'ll try to answer
A pen paper and possibly a reader
You got everyone going with this write
Ta for sharing it

March 3rd, 2024 13:30

Among Poets
Accidental Poet said:

For me, writing poetry is not a competition with anyone, although on my main page here I say I am a slave to the poetic whims of my Muse. I write as anyone writes, to let out what will not stay hidden, what pesters my quill until it lands on the page and allows me to hit that submit button being satisfied with itself. We write not for the glory, but the expression of what\'s in our hearts. Deny what\'s in your heart and you shall suffer the consequences. Well penned/questioned rhmn_7 😊👍

March 3rd, 2024 11:14

Among Poets
Neville said:

For as long as I can remember (almost) I have personally written in an attempt to capture moments, situations, circumstances and or events that either appeal and or otherwise catch my attention .. and in the hope that they will essentially serve to stimulate my own mental muscle when I am too old to wield my pen ..

More recently however, also to try and raise funds for a few charitable causes very dear to my heart ..
I very much enjoyed the reading of and participating in your poetic social experiment my friend ..


March 3rd, 2024 08:39

Among Poets
Doggerel Dave said:

Like the open ended nature of your piece on one level; I would think that the only answer you can obtain is from yourself. Many different motivations can be seen here. Some self talk may be helpful.

March 3rd, 2024 08:14

Among Poets
sorenbarrett said:

A great question put in verse. I can only speak for myself. I write for myself and realize that the words of others are what they wish to share with the world. Some like I are limited in this gift and I realize as I read the pomes out there that they do the best they can to express the human experience, not all are as gifted as the greats and some that are not so lucky to catch the world attention. For me poetry is therapy.

March 3rd, 2024 08:11

Among Poets
2781 said:

\"It is not good to eat much honey; so for men to search their own glory is not glory.\"

March 3rd, 2024 08:08

Don\'t forget
Doggerel Dave said:

No Sorry, I obviously didn\'t make myself clear (and, given the adulation above, I know I\'m going to appear a party pooper once more), I don\'t need to be advised by anyone. If, as is oftimes said, \'if I want your advice I\'ll ask for it.!\' that\'s where I\'m at.
To me it\'s condescending; to all those above it obviously isn\'t so you have no choice but to go with the strength, I suppose....

February 27th, 2024 04:25

Don\'t forget
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks for the advice!

February 25th, 2024 18:20

The boy, his dream and me
Doggerel Dave said:

Definitely had a moment like that (way in the past)
I felt quite vividly, gained from forceful, well constructed poetry.

February 25th, 2024 18:08

Paper Planes
Bella Shepard said:

I love the metaphor of paper planes, so fragile, as love itself can be, lost but never forgotten. Lovingly & Beautifully versed my friend!

February 25th, 2024 17:55

Paper Planes
Neville said:

I am so glad I stopped by on my way elsewhere .. I was not disappointed ..

February 25th, 2024 14:49

Paper Planes
Cassie58 said:

Your emotion is conveyed well here in this sad situation. Separations can be so difficult. A poignant read and written with skill. A good job done.

February 25th, 2024 14:25

Paper Planes
Accidental Poet said:

Very well crafted rhmn7, separated hearts can bring out the best of poetry. 😊👍

February 25th, 2024 11:34

Paper Planes
Eugene S. said:

A very visual portrayal. I can see the paper planes - excellent analogy. Awesome & tragic poem.

February 25th, 2024 09:58

Paper Planes
Teddy.15 said:

A very painful parting, longing even in death to be loved by another. Absolutely beautiful ❤️

February 25th, 2024 09:56

Paper Planes
sorenbarrett said:

Your approach with a question to the reader was a great beginning. It is also a great metaphor with the image of a loved one separated by the distance of a plane flight. Maintaining the theme another great ploy that keeps the reader on track.
\"14 springs saw our white jasmine tree,
one more year, and you win.\"
A wonderful line with the analogy of natures growth compared to the time apart. This makes the poem feel so human and real.
\"How did you spend years without me?\"
A great finishing line to the previous thought.
\"Two and a half words written on my wing:\"
This last line makes this a masterpiece. It ties in the first theme and leaves the reader to wonder what are the two and a half words. I can guess but I\'m never sure.

February 25th, 2024 09:24

Paper Planes
Alan R said:

Is love far away,

or longing too close?

Like paper planes we fly

who will part the most?

This is just brilliant

February 25th, 2024 09:20

Painter of the Sky
Bella Shepard said:

November 5th, 2023 10:03

Painter of the Sky
Bella Shepard said:

Wow! How fortunate you were to witness such splendor, and then to capture it in this beautiful verse, truly inspired. The painter is indeed there for our benefit, a lovely homage!

November 5th, 2023 10:02

Burning Souls
Firefall said:

Great poem. There is something so universal about looking at the sky and thinking about being separated from your love. ... Thank you for reminding me that you are literally looking at the past and longing for past memories.

November 5th, 2023 06:35

Painter of the Sky
Eugene S. said:

Ekphrastic and beautifully written!

October 29th, 2023 13:02

Painter of the Sky
aDarkerMind said:

very nicely penned

October 29th, 2023 09:33

Teddy.15 said:

What a stunning poetic vision ❤️

October 29th, 2023 08:25

Men only cry when it rains
Neville said:

I love the association you make between rain and a mans tears ..

actually I very much like the message that runs throughout ..

.. Neville

October 29th, 2023 08:04

Painter of the Sky
sorenbarrett said:

A beautiful picture painted in words. Very nice

October 26th, 2023 11:09

Painter of the Sky
Neville said:

Please excuse the frustratingly protracted delay in my being able to reply .. a most impressive poem as is your photograph that heads this page .. Neville

October 23rd, 2023 14:51

Painter of the Sky
Arastu Goyal said:

Really enjoyed reading this, you have expressed the image in a very nice and clever way, enjoyed this :-)

October 22nd, 2023 21:37

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