Comments received on poems by Kurt Philip Behm

Fay Slimm. said:

Powerful imagery and clear result of intention to allow light into harboured darkness - - this has to one of your best Kurt. Saved to my my favourites.

January 31st, 2018 20:01

niallprideaux said:

loved it :)

January 31st, 2018 19:50

The Voice Distant
Aislinn Wilson said:

Strong implications of a spider, I feel. What an enticing piece.

January 29th, 2018 14:13

The Voice Distant
FredPeyer said:

Kurt, I do like this poem, had to make it a favorite!
On a lighter note, it also reminded me quite a bit about sayings we have here in Hawaii:
- Slow down, this ain\'t the mainland
- Hang ten
- If can, can, if no can, no can
- Don\'t worry, be happy

January 29th, 2018 01:55

The Flames Dance
Kurt Philip Behm said:

The wonderful thing about writing is you can become
a metaphorical alcoholic!

Mahalo Fred


January 28th, 2018 03:28

The Flames Dance
FredPeyer said:

As I have come to expect from you, Kurt, a beautifully written poem. And now I have it officially from an established writer that drinking and writing goes together perfectly. Was thinking of Charles Bukowski when writing this comment.

January 28th, 2018 02:01

Not Half-Not Whole (+3)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

And your comments are always so kind. Made my day again!

Thanks Fred


January 26th, 2018 09:12

Not Half-Not Whole (+3)
FredPeyer said:

Funny, you write about the soul here, Kurt. This is a subject I am deeply interested in. I did write a few poems relating to soul, consciousness, etc. I just love the way you look at it in your poem. The soul and the \'matter\' for want of a better word, do go together.
Your writing is exquisite, usually way above the writing on this site. And you even got it to rhyme! Kudos!

January 26th, 2018 04:16

What\'s Heaven Sent
FredPeyer said:

...and the grass is always greener on the other side!
Kurt, I do love your poem. Very well penned. Mahalo!

January 25th, 2018 20:43

What\'s Heaven Sent
Moom said:

I very much liked this. Short and sweet

January 24th, 2018 20:41

What\'s Heaven Sent
Delilah said:


January 24th, 2018 19:40

What\'s Heaven Sent
TrystanBehm said:

One day I hope you write like you, Dad.

January 24th, 2018 14:45

What\'s Heaven Sent
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed

January 24th, 2018 13:04

Fallback (+2)
FredPeyer said:

Very nice, Kurt! #1 is so true, and #2 is simply beautiful!

January 23rd, 2018 22:19

The Coming Dawn
poelove said:

Again great insight here/ freedom, by its very nature, is transitive.

January 14th, 2018 19:19

The Master Of Time
poelove said:

I enjoyed this Kurt. Yes, truth does reject opinion that is a great insight
if everybody realized this their truths would become more apparent and their positions not so defiant. excent write...peace

January 14th, 2018 19:17

FredPeyer said:

Very beautiful poem, Kurt. I admire your style and choice of words.

December 16th, 2017 03:06

The Coming Dawn
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Fay—honored by your comments!


December 8th, 2017 15:53

The Coming Dawn
Fay Slimm. said:

Words of truth and written with poetic assurance the read becomes a learning curve Kurt - I admire the imagery used in the first line. First class piece of work.

December 8th, 2017 13:32

Life\'s Promise Still Unknown
Kurt Philip Behm said:

The darker side of the Muse....

Thanks Fred


November 11th, 2017 21:15

Life\'s Promise Still Unknown
FredPeyer said:

A haunting poem, Kurt, that makes one ponder what life\'s promise really is, and if we will ever know.

November 11th, 2017 19:10

Ashes In The Past
poetboy123 said:

Wow, simply an incredible thought-provoking write!

November 9th, 2017 18:33

Ashes In The Past
Christina8 said:

Your poetry is amazing. The last couplet is my favorite. I miss your daily poetry!

November 9th, 2017 14:59

Ashes In The Past
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Honored as always, Fred.


November 9th, 2017 14:38

Ashes In The Past
FredPeyer said:

I would say yes to the first three stanzas, and the flame will keep on burning!
Love your writing, Kurt, not only for the beautiful presentation, but the deeper meanings. Your poems always make me think and ponder, and isn\'t that what poems are all about; beauty and meaning!

November 9th, 2017 14:23

A New Moment
FredPeyer said:

What beautiful metaphors for the begining of a new love, I can really relate!
Goes to my favorites.

November 4th, 2017 14:43

10 Steps
FredPeyer said:

I like this, Kurt. Am trying to figure out where I stand. I know I had omniscience when I was a teenager!
Equanimity was never a strong side, too much of a temper. Through the years acquired at least some perspective and cognition. Was never able to handle prescience, while intuition is something that seems to come and go. Am still waiting for elevation and nirvana!
Kurt, I really like this poem!

October 27th, 2017 15:00

Forever To Know (+1)
FredPeyer said:

Beautifully written, Kurt! There is something special about your poems. Can\'t put my finger on it, just know it is there.

October 26th, 2017 19:58

Forever To Know (+1)
Christina8 said:

Reminds me of my carefree days....Brilliant!

October 26th, 2017 19:04

Before Starting Again (+1)
Christina8 said:

And your poetry was dearly missed!

October 23rd, 2017 17:59

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