Comments received on poems by Kurt Philip Behm

A Metaphor Of Poetics (#1)
psychofemale said:

nicely written. two thumbs up! loved it

January 20th, 2019 16:59

A Metaphor Of Poetics (#1)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Superbly written!
Love them both!šŸ¤—šŸŒ»


January 20th, 2019 14:33

A Metaphor Of Poetics (#1)
Neville said:

nicely penned friend.. I hope Emily has seen this...

January 20th, 2019 14:03

Crossing Over ā€” Turned Around (+10)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€¢ ā€œAs You Flyā€

Joyous tears have filled my eyes anew...
To my own self I shall be true...
And as your student...
I shall remain true!


January 20th, 2019 12:14

Crossing Over ā€” Turned Around (+10)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

I still have 400 pages to go on AOP #3.
It\'s taking me forever.



January 19th, 2019 11:23

Crossing Over ā€” Turned Around (+10)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks, so glad!

January 19th, 2019 11:17

Crossing Over ā€” Turned Around (+10)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€¢ ā€œCrossing Over ā€” Turned Aroundā€

What a vision!


January 19th, 2019 11:08

The Present Calls (+9)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

You amaze me, Laura.

Thanks again for reading.


January 18th, 2019 21:28

The Present Calls (+9)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


These poems are amazing! šŸ˜„
I canā€™t stop reading and rereading!šŸ˜‰


January 18th, 2019 21:18

The Present Calls (+9)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Iā€™m loving all your postings today!
Looking forward to more!


January 18th, 2019 15:13

The Present Calls (+9)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Sounds like a truly wonderful woman!

January 18th, 2019 14:48

The Present Calls (+9)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Your Grandmother,
was spot on...
ā€˜ā€”some of us are just more human than othersā€™!


January 18th, 2019 13:18

The Present Calls (+9)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Youā€™ve begun the day with a great share!
I can paraphrase all the stanzas and youā€™d see how relatable they are.

Suffice to say, paraphrasing the first is enough transparency...the rest would follow suit!

ā€¢ ā€œThe Present Callsā€

Yes, Iā€™ve unstopped ā€˜the drainā€™,
Iā€™ve kissed ā€˜the painā€™, and
Iā€™m letting ā€˜nature run its courseā€™!


January 18th, 2019 12:16

You, Me, Us, Et Al (+4)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Your reading makes them complete!


January 18th, 2019 10:31

You, Me, Us, Et Al (+4)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€¢ ā€œYou , Me, Us, Et Alā€
A gem of a message encapsulated within your four couplets! Brilliantly done!

These postings are absolutely delightful
and cleverly penned!

ā€˜this is the absolute final timeā€™
that Iā€™ll...

Iā€™ll let you fill in after the ellipsis!


January 18th, 2019 07:13

Living Beyond
LaurašŸŒ» said:


I thoroughly enjoyed all three brilliant poems!

ā€¢ ā€œLiving Beyondā€
So very happy you were
ā€˜Reborn a poet
and then set freeā€™
to write all that you do and globally share your talents that will
ā€˜live beyond wealth
ā€”and majestyā€™

ā€¢ ā€œThe Fountainā€
Brilliantly penned as your muse wanted...I am certain!
ā€˜If the pain is too great,
my heart you may take
ā€”as I suture you back
from the brinkā€™
Wow! I absolutely love this stanza!!

ā€¢ ā€œWhat Darkness Bringsā€
As I was reading this beautiful poem, it reminded me of the night my father died...
ā€˜The sun has now left
with my hopes not bereft

Only the night
ā€”points to heaven aboveā€™

This one I shall read to my mom. It will make her smile!

Thank you for sharing your beautiful poems!


January 17th, 2019 02:22

Shining A Light (+2)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Two more super additions...

ā€¢ ā€œThe Geneā€

ā€˜DNA always proffered as baitā€™...
I suppose thereā€™s some good and some bad in all of us that we pass down. No one is perfect!

ā€¢ ā€œA Viking Crest Ablazeā€

This poem reminded me of the great VIKING series presented on the History channel which I very much enjoyed watching!

Thank you for sharing your superb writings!
Iā€™m looking forward to reading Volume 3.
These April writings are amazing!


January 17th, 2019 01:23

Shining A Light (+2)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Very kind. Thanks Laura.


January 16th, 2019 11:28

Shining A Light (+2)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Yes, youā€™re certainly ā€œShining A Lightā€ through your segacious words!


January 16th, 2019 10:49

My Will On Fire (+3)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€¢ ā€œMy Will On Fireā€

ā€œEach time when it almost mattered,
It mattered not that muchā€

Unfortunately, to my detriment, to me it always matters! Itā€™s hard to distance myself! When I have to do so, the pain is always there! I try to justify it...but it never goes away! I tend to compartmentalize!

A lot to think about...
A lot to ponder upon...
Thanks to your poetry...
It shall be done!


January 14th, 2019 15:25

An Orphan\'s Silence (+9)
whisperingquill said:

Truly epic truly epic
Thank you

January 13th, 2019 18:50

An Orphan\'s Silence (+9)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Exceptional always!

The first and the last have affected me the most because of this weekendā€™s sad news...the passing of a friend! Hadnā€™t seen her for two years. We kept in touch via phone conversations and postcards. She never hinted to the fact that she was dying with ovarian cancer. She was the kind of person that wouldnā€™t share her pain so that we wouldnā€™t suffer along with her! She dealt with it all alone. Sheā€™s gone at age 59! No more suffering for her! Thatā€™s the good part.
The bad part...
I wasnā€™t there to see her one more time!


January 13th, 2019 18:45

An Orphan\'s Silence (+9)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thank you, Claudelle. I always appreciate
your taking the time to read.


January 12th, 2019 11:52

It Was All Of That (+5)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

And I wish that for you!

Great weekend!


January 11th, 2019 21:54

It Was All Of That (+5)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€¢ ā€œIt Was All Of Thatā€
... and more!...
...once I stopped overthinking it!

Exceptionally expressed to my liking! Loved it!


P.S.- I remain spellbound with your poems!

January 11th, 2019 21:43

It Was All Of That (+5)
Aislinn Wilson said:

All individually good and unique, the first being my favorite. May I ask when you included three poems in one though?

January 11th, 2019 13:48

The Wages Of Sin (+4)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Laura

January 10th, 2019 15:42

The Wages Of Sin (+4)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€¢ ā€œCream Always Risesā€
So, so true!
ā€˜The truth never captive,
enchainedā€”or then ownedā€™

Beautifully expressed!


January 10th, 2019 15:14

The Wages Of Sin (+4)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

All the way I\'m afraid!


January 10th, 2019 11:40

The Wages Of Sin (+4)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


One rhetorical question for thee...

How far down did that elevator go?

Metaphorically brilliant!


January 10th, 2019 11:19

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