Comments received on poems by Kurt Philip Behm

Indecision (+8)
Neville said:

thought provoking and thoroughly enjoyed.... is this your way of getting around the one post per day rule.... I like it regardless..... N

January 9th, 2019 13:19

Indecision (+8)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

I\'m back to editing \'An Anthony Of Perception\' Vol #3, and still have 500
pages left to go. I\'m hoping to do 10-15 pages a day and be done by the
end of March. I\'d like to send it to the publisher before April 1.

Then, it\'s on to the next Cutty adventure...



January 9th, 2019 13:06

Indecision (+8)
Laura🌻 said:


You’re on a roll!😄
Keep on...

“These troubles will pass
—and my faith will move on”


January 9th, 2019 12:50

Indecision (+8)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Good morning and thank you!

January 9th, 2019 11:18

Indecision (+8)
Laura🌻 said:


That’s an eye opener!


January 9th, 2019 11:12

New Forests Call
Kurt Philip Behm said:

A young man\'s wistful dalliance...


January 8th, 2019 09:42

New Forests Call
Laura🌻 said:


Upon reading this metaphorically astounding poem, I can find myself intricately woven throughout the penned words of your poetry...

Especially within...

“New forests call, as Spring awaits
—my love to loan once more”


January 8th, 2019 00:31

My Spirit Enthroned
Laura🌻 said:


“Each choice that I made—every promise I kept,
my spirit enthroned sovereign and new”

Amazingly beautiful and comforting!


January 7th, 2019 22:32

New Forests Call
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks so much!

January 7th, 2019 09:28

New Forests Call
psychofemale said:

Beautifully written :)

January 6th, 2019 22:31

Goodbye (+1)
Laura🌻 said:


• “Goodbye
Ominous and intense...
Resonating and relatable!
It’s hard to let go and say goodbye...especially to a close friend.
We begin a relationship with the best of intentions! We nurture that special friendship; but oftentimes we can get lost somewhere along the way...without realizing it!
It is tough and painful when it happens! We have to let go and bear the live again!

• “Beyond”
It’s beyond the words that we’ll ascertain the meaning!

Two super poems written in your special style!

Thank you for sharing!


January 6th, 2019 17:38

Goodbye (+1)
psychofemale said:

Nicely done :)

January 5th, 2019 15:08

Goodbye (+1)
MrNobody40 said:

Very well spoken

January 5th, 2019 13:44

A New Path
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks. This is the beginning of a poem
you need to write...

\"Words invisible...
actions not!\"
Unspoken dreams
our futures caught...

January 5th, 2019 10:21

A New Path
Laura🌻 said:


This brilliant poem captures the reader’s attention and provokes self-examination!

Words invisible...
actions not!


January 5th, 2019 07:06

A Robin Will Sing
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Great to hear. There\'s only one thing that trumps my writing—and that\'s
my grandchildren. While they were here, the writing stopped.

All good!


January 4th, 2019 12:25

A Robin Will Sing
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Laura. I hope you had a great holiday!


January 4th, 2019 11:47

A Robin Will Sing
Laura🌻 said:


A super and powerful write!
The snow will be gone and the robin will sing. It will sing those “words orphaned alone into emptiness”...
and they will no longer hide!

Deep and meaningful...


January 4th, 2019 11:31

Slave To Light
Neville said:

in succinct terms, excellent.. N

December 29th, 2018 11:29

The Trap
Neville said:

now that\'s ya super ego getting a ticking off from ya id... nice one sir

December 27th, 2018 00:09

Forever Marked
Neville said:

two for the price of one.. good thinking .... you are obviously a survivor sir... nice read too.

December 26th, 2018 11:46

My Souls Asylum
JaynieJo said:

Absolutely love this. Fantastically understandable.

December 23rd, 2018 18:51

My Souls Asylum
Debsspot said:

A familiar spot Kurt. Beautifully written.
Merry Christmas.

December 22nd, 2018 21:15

My Souls Asylum
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

An excellent read focusing on your memories that have been tucked away in that special place. Thanks for posting and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

December 22nd, 2018 18:49

My Souls Asylum
Neville said:

pinned to the page
a proper poem and true
deserves to be read.... N

December 22nd, 2018 11:35

My Souls Asylum
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Everyone needs that one \'special place.\' Your Aunt\'s lucky
to have you.

December 22nd, 2018 11:33

My Souls Asylum
Kurt Philip Behm said:

I\'m glad you liked it, thanks!

December 22nd, 2018 11:10

My Souls Asylum
Laura🌻 said:


• “My Souls Asylum”

Most relatable and...


December 22nd, 2018 11:07

Last Step
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Your comment made perfect sense—lucky me!

Thanks Laura


December 20th, 2018 20:47

Last Step
Laura🌻 said:


• “Last Step”
“Of a memory left unlearned”...
by others,
NOT by me!
The last step...
into the grave it shall go and the hunting will be no more!

This comment will probably make no sense to you! It is the words you have penned that make an abundance sense to me!


December 20th, 2018 16:57

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