Comments received on poems by vanabba3

The Carnival
Echo Seeker said:

Oooo, a very interesting poem. It makes me want to go to the park (in a radiation proof suit) and sit for a while and listen. Maybe some soul might feel a bit chatty.

June 10th, 2024 17:30

Master of Puppets
Echo Seeker said:

Mwahahahaha!!! Go kids! I hope the audience and their puppet master all burned down together.

June 10th, 2024 17:27

Mirror, Mirror
Echo Seeker said:

Oh dear. I wonder what criteria the mirror used to judge the bad kids. Were they simply mean to the main character, or is there a universal metric that measures out the good and bad kids? I wonder if it’s the main character’s simple view of good and bad that sets his fellow students alight. If he one day regrets this wish, viewing his actions to be bad, will he too burst into flames?

June 10th, 2024 17:24

School Daze
Echo Seeker said:

This was beautiful ❤️

June 10th, 2024 17:19

The Dead Danced at Midnight
Echo Seeker said:

I loved it! :)

March 17th, 2020 15:58

House Upon the Hill
dusk arising said:

Oh i want to go inside and experience whatever it is which gives the place such an air of mystery. Why? you may ask.
To be inspired to write a poem about it of course, just like it has inspired you to write such a delicious mystery.

March 5th, 2020 05:05

House Upon the Hill
Saxon Crow said:

Nice poem MV. I love that you have left us wondering about the stories, it brings into the poem.

March 5th, 2020 04:41

Devil\'s Train
Whimsical_1 said:

It’s been awhile since I’ve been on here but you’re poems never fail to touch me. I’m very sorry for your loss

January 27th, 2019 18:10

The Lady in White
misskay said:

I could picture it clearly
Tragic but beautifully written

October 11th, 2018 15:11

Monster in My Closet
misskay said:

Loved this!
You’re brilliant!

October 11th, 2018 15:07

Devil\'s Train
Unobtrusive Sun said:

This is a beautiful tribute and an enjoyable read. I am sorry for your loss. Keep writing good stuff!

October 8th, 2018 01:32

The Anniversary
Unobtrusive Sun said:

It\'s weird, but I personally related this to more of a state of mind rather than another person. Thanks for the great art!

October 7th, 2018 20:00

Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

The poem has a nice cadence and the message of \"beware\" is a good one for all the trick or treaters.

Great imagery and rhythm complement this scary Halloween poem. Great job! :)

October 7th, 2018 11:09

The Anniversary

Thanks for sharing MICHAEL ~ mucho spooko ! An elegantly penned POEM replete with RHYME (Couplets) and RHYTHM ~ but a sad sad narrative ! Stanza 1. Waiting does breed anxiety. I once waited four hours for a Lady ~ but she did materialise ! S 2. Patience turns to sorrow and anger ! S 3. Mayhem & Destruction and the single candle to depict loss & loneliness ! S 4. GONE but never ever forgotten. A Friend of mine was discovered DEAD on His Wife\'s grave on their 10th Wedding Anniversary. Not SUICIDE ~ but a BROKEN HEART !
Thanks for your comment it put an agonising ode into perspective. It reminded me of MISS HATHAWAY in Charles Dickens ~ Great Expectations ! Thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN. Please visit our Fantasy Poems Sonnets 1 2 & 3 ~ Thanks B !
WHAT STATE ARE YOU IN ? (Of the USA !) there are so so many INDEPENDENCES !

October 7th, 2018 03:48

Dinner for Two and Death Would Like Tea
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

Michael, this is a great gothic poem with the writer\'s theme on death was cheated as the focal point. The imagery coincided with the scary read. Wonderfully penned. :)

October 7th, 2018 03:08

Stranger at My Window
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

The poem is hauntingly beautiful, although dark and it holds the reader\'s attention till the very end, where there\'s a dramatic twist. A joy to read.

Thanks for posting. :)

October 7th, 2018 02:56

The Anniversary
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

Wonderfully metered poem with a great rhyme scheme. Your imagery and the tone are great. I loved it! :)

October 7th, 2018 02:49

The Fisherman of Fright
Snowflake Incorrigable said:

Amazing Poem, fantastic actually, loved the end as well but doesn\'t the powerful imagery of the mysterious stranger suggest a sinister presence. How can the reader not conclude otherwise.

Great piece, if I knew how to favourite a poem I would this.
Thanks for a wow! poem.

June 18th, 2018 21:23

Stranger at My Window
SLR said:

This is a little like a short story of mine. The little girl is murdered and left in the woods. Her body is never found. She tries to reach out to other people over the years, especially children because they\'re more open to accept paranormal situations. It was actually based on an old unsolved crime. I really like this post. Great flow.

June 17th, 2018 18:27

The Lady in White
SLR said:

I would be interested to know which town. I lived in Missouri for several years. This is really well written and engrossing. Great flow. Great post.

June 17th, 2018 18:05

The Battlefield
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

Of war n battle a great commentary poem. Sad and haunting to read.Awesome rhyming too. Kudos.

U r most welcome to comment under my latest poem too . I\'m quite a new poet here but have been writing poetry since years and readers enjoyed it elsewhere or got sth from it until I found this site and wish to make new poem pals.

December 2nd, 2016 08:06

Stranger at My Window
Summersounds68 said:

Your poem definitely has a Gothic flair to it. I like the mysterious and ghostly theme which leaves me wondering what happened to the playmate who came by the window and disappeared within the eerie woods. This poem has good rhythm and flow. ~ Sonia

October 10th, 2016 22:42

Stranger at My Window
Augustus said:

Delightfully eerie. As the poem started out I thought the boy was being seduced sexually, or at least that is where my mind went. Turns our he was seduced emotionally, or better, he felt strongly toward this person and to this day misses her. Reads well.

October 10th, 2016 21:39

The Accused
vanabba3 said:


October 10th, 2016 20:51

The Accused
Tony36 said:

Great write

October 10th, 2016 12:32

The Accused
Augustus said:

I once thought about killing my first wife. I was so upset with myself I asked my buddy, a psychologist about it. He asked me "Have you killed her?" I ansewerwd "no". "Don't worry" he said. "That's normal." I believe that people who are truly honest with themselves would agree with your premise. Great write and commentary.

October 10th, 2016 08:44

The Accused
Whimsical_1 said:

Great read. I think this really reflects on the societal views displayed through media each day. I like that you left it opened ended as to let the reader decided what to think and not try to decide for them. Like always, great job!

October 10th, 2016 08:08

The Accused
P.X. Vexxus said:

I like the thought involved in the poem. I would say she isn't guilty, for we all have thoughts, but don't carry them out. However, you can never really know...can you? ;) I believe we live under a justice system that is guilt before innocence, and thus, freedoms and liberties are taken away from those who have done no wrong. I have a poem like this, "Guilty". Check it out, I think you'll like it. :)

October 10th, 2016 01:01

Monster in My Closet
Whimsical_1 said:

In my opinion this speaks volumes. As a child who went through abuse, you really pull at the heart strings

October 8th, 2016 20:05

Dinner for Two and Death Would Like Tea
Augustus said:

Remind me not to have tea a your place. Nicely done.

October 8th, 2016 08:38

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