Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

orchidee said:

A good write Gold. The pecking order of doves?

July 14th, 2019 01:43

Neville said:

Doves are greedy beggars and can be bullies too.... we have a dovecote but no longer any doves.. they just took off one day without so much as a bye or leave....... nicely poemed my friend..... Neville

July 14th, 2019 01:41

Smaller Mouth.

HI UNCLE ANDY : ANGELA HERE ~ Thanks for sharing sounds & sights of the 60*s I was born over 40 years too late (1988) to have been a TEEN in the 60\'s it must have been amazing Hearing all those ELVIS & BEATLES RECORDS for the First Time ! Love the *gravel* in Helens voice was that the actual Beatles with her ? ! Loved your POEM : It is a problem I have to try & rectify with Stroke Patients whose hand / eye coordination has diminished ! I have to get them eating in mirror so they can see where their MOUTH is in relation to the SPOON ! You could try that !

BLESSINGS & peace & Love to you and JOYCE
Love as always ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

July 13th, 2019 14:35

Smaller Mouth.
Michael Edwards said:

I have similiar problems when I put things in the waste bin. for some inextricable reason I always seem to let go too soon. Enjoyed the read.

July 13th, 2019 05:37

Smaller Mouth.
Fay Slimm. said:

An old favourite of mine was Helen - what a voice - and so sorry you missed your mouth Andy - perhaps you were singing too loud with Miss Shapiro.

July 13th, 2019 03:23

Smaller Mouth.
orchidee said:

Oh lol, good write Gold.

July 13th, 2019 01:55

Smaller Mouth.
Neville said:

I see its not just ya mouth you missed, seems like ya miss those old jackets too... I still got mine...... good job you were not eating porridge innit....... Neville

July 13th, 2019 01:44

Smaller Mouth.
Christina8 said:

Nice write, Andy. Hey, it\'s happened to all us!! LOL

July 13th, 2019 01:26

Guilt Ridden.
Laura🌻 said:


This is a painful read because as I read I realize that I will eventually have to make that very hard decision for my Aunt! I know she wants to remain in her home till the day she dies! It is becoming more difficult every single day!
A difficult and heartbreaking decision for you to have made, but we know that it is the best decision for both of you! My love and prayers are with you throughout this difficult process!

My love to Joyce and to you!❤️


July 13th, 2019 00:43

Guilt Ridden.
Chagrined said:

I\'m sorry for your pain, here. I have seen many of my relatives go into these places, including my mom, who would beg to go home with my father when he would start to leave for the day. It is heartbreaking and my heart goes out to you. 😥

July 12th, 2019 15:15

Guilt Ridden.

Thanks for sharing & caring UNCLE ANDY ! Angela & I have used this beautiful Seekers Song (about each other) and it is a perfect Choice for Joyce ! Your memories remind you every day that *You never could find another JOYCE* The five lovely comments you have already received from our MPS FRIENDS bear testimony to just how much we love You & Joyce and what an inspiration your LOVE FOR JOYCE is to all of us. We have several Older Couples in or Church who have had to take the step you have just taken ~ with their Spouses ~ it is NEVER easy ! However if it is any consolation in every case (there are about FIVE) the demeanour of both parties has improved with time despite the initial INTENSE GUILT which you are now experiencing. There seems to be a number of important criteria ~ it is a field in which ANGELA has some experience !
1. You must ensure that the Rest Home you choose is appropriate and the very best you can afford !
2. That it is close enough for regular visits ~ and for Friends & Family to visit (if appropriate).
3. The loved one gets all the Physical (this is Angelas role as a Physio) and Medical Care & TLC that they need.
4. That one has fully invovled ones Family in the decision and that they are supportive.
5. That the situation is under constant review.
If its any consolation the Church based situations I have been involved in (as a Church Visitor and taking Communion etc) if the FIVE crierior are met then the *QUALITY OF LIFE* does improve for both Parties and the Guilt is replaced by Peace of Mind that one has made the right decision. Im not giving advice ~ Im just sharing my experience as a Church Worker and Angelas as a PHYSIO ~ OK. You are an inspiration to us both as an example of TRUE LOVE in Practice !
I should explain that in a Free Evangelical Church an Elder is authorised to take & conduct Communion for *shut ins* ~ People in Care Homes and *On Holiday* The ability to receive Communion is a great Blessing to many who cannot attend a Regular Church Service.

Blessings & Peace to YOU & JOYCE & YOUR FAMILY !
Love as always ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

July 12th, 2019 11:00

Guilt Ridden.
Suresh said:

Obligation or Guilt, it doesn\'t matter, are not the reason that should either motivate us or compel us. We should do it because we care, as have you been through these trying times.
But we also have to remember that all the love in our heart does not prepare or qualify us to provide the best care needed, and continuing on only drains us of our energy, awakening us in the process, impacting us in the interim.
Your love for Joyce does not lessened but actually strengthened because you realize that she can best cared by those more qualified.
So my friend, Guilt should not even enter such equation.

July 12th, 2019 10:04

Guilt Ridden.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'m with Orchidee - such a painful read - I really don\'t know how I\'d cope in those circumstances. One thing for sure: I have nothing but admiration for you and how you have coped - it is a credit to you and the love you share with Joyce.

July 12th, 2019 08:33

Guilt Ridden.
Fay Slimm. said:

My heart goes out to you dear friend at this terrible time of having to say you have become weary with living two lives - guilt is a heavy burden and I hope you will come to see you have no blame at all and that your Joyce will be well looked after by those know the efforts you made........keep that hope for your future together alive and you will feel lighter my friend.

July 12th, 2019 04:29

Guilt Ridden.
Neville said:

You know how I feel about you and your love for Joyce my friend and these words are a testimony to that unquestionable and undying love...


July 12th, 2019 04:02

Neville said:

tis the way of the word.... nicely observed, tho maybe a tad irritating.... the natter, I mean....


July 12th, 2019 02:14

Guilt Ridden.
orchidee said:

A painful write to read, and for you (and others) to experience Gold. If you didn\'t care, maybe you would not feel any guilt at all. But then you would be uncaring and insensitive.
Who knows? Somehow the Lord\'s burden is easy, and His yoke is light, and other verses like that, yet...…..why some things? I don\'t know.
A friend tells me of his mum with dementia also, and their difficulties.

July 12th, 2019 01:53

Suresh said:

Haven\'t we had a similar experience, strangely thou we feel embarrassed to make eye contact

July 11th, 2019 17:24


Thanks for sharing UNCLE ANDY ~ Your choice of Music is very eclectic. Angela & I love TBIRDS and Theme Tunes for great TV are always Classics. Love the poem very true to life. At a Party once we had a Female Converstaion Monopoliser (FCM) and in the end the Host popped a large Tea Pot Cosy (you dont see them anymore ~ Bag in a Cup syndrome) over her Head ~ She left in a MUFF ! If you know any other *Shut Up* methods please let us know ! Usually FCMs (and MCMs) have very little (of value) to say but insist on saying it at length. There are also many Preachers like that !

Blessings & Peace to You & JOYCE
Love ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

July 11th, 2019 08:13

dusk arising said:

This reminds me of a remarkable photograph of my mother in law which must have been taken with a very very fast shutter speed because its the only time i have seen her with her mouth shut (a Les Dawson joke).

July 11th, 2019 07:52

Michael Edwards said:

They say a word in edgeways sounds lie a squeak. Nice one - I can envisage the scene.

July 11th, 2019 05:53

orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

July 11th, 2019 02:04

Two Drivers.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY ~ We love Chet Baker ~ a very mellow HORN & always perfect timing ! Ive had that happen when a recording has bee acompanied by another beat ~ SPOOKY ! Sometines you can pinpoint the intrusion ~ as you did but at other times it remains a mystery ! Even more SPOOKY ! Of course it could just be a disembodied ORCHII singing ACABELLO !

Beassings & Peace to You & Joyce
Love in the Spirit A & B 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

July 10th, 2019 17:43

Two Drivers.
Suresh said:

Never heard of a pile driver being musical, but when the mind is in a certain place, it like its own space.

July 10th, 2019 15:48

Two Drivers.
Fay Slimm. said:

Ha ha - that happened to me once Andy - a bit disconcerting to say the least. - Love the number you chose though.

July 10th, 2019 03:04

Two Drivers.
Michael Edwards said:

Great observation and you are so good at these - much enjoyed.

July 10th, 2019 02:09

Two Drivers.
orchidee said:

A good write Gold.

July 10th, 2019 01:31

Two Drivers.
Neville said:

How extraordinary ..

but dont they say it\'s all about da bass..
I really enjoy these personal observations GF60... Neville

July 10th, 2019 01:21

Clarity Resumed.
Laura🌻 said:


May that River forever flow!

My love to Joyce and to you!


July 10th, 2019 00:23

Clarity Resumed.
Suresh said:

The Milky Way, the galactic river, like all rivers, flows like the river of life, and every floating particle is like a passing moment, and every moment is like a memory, that you have captured so well in your poem

July 9th, 2019 19:29

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