Comments received on poems by orchidee

Water of Life
Neville said:

my favourite tipple sparkling water after red wine and single malt and a nice cup of tea ..

December 29th, 2023 09:08

Innocents Immolated
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

December 29th, 2023 02:19

Innocents Immolated
Neville said:

an interesting footnote Mr. O

December 28th, 2023 10:40

Innocents Immolated
sorenbarrett said:

An echo of the killing of infants that led Moses\' mother to place him in a reed basket in the Nile. Also reflected in Egyptian mythology. Good write Orchi

December 28th, 2023 05:00

Practical Points
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

December 28th, 2023 02:18

Glorious Graces
Parisab said:

Precious words…

December 28th, 2023 00:17

Practical Points
sorenbarrett said:

One can not give what one does not have, whether in wealth or in wisdom but I agree what we have it is a pleasure to share. This is the foundation block of true religion and humanity. Great write Orchi

December 27th, 2023 11:42

Practical Points
2781 said:

A couple of good points there.

December 27th, 2023 07:52

Practical Points
Neville said:

I think I like your authors note

December 27th, 2023 06:18

Martyr Manifest
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

December 27th, 2023 02:13

Martyr Manifest
Bobby O said:

Brutality w a graceful stroke.

December 27th, 2023 00:29

Martyr Manifest
Thomas W Case said:


December 26th, 2023 11:23

Martyr Manifest
sorenbarrett said:

A great message Orchi. That from the tragedy of one could come the conversion of another even greater and that forgiveness is a stepping stone to greater things.

December 26th, 2023 05:39

Glorious Graces
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

December 26th, 2023 01:52

Glorious Graces
sorenbarrett said:

Orchi I have often thought that many of your hymns need a greater outlet. This one I can hear the music play and would be great to hear playing this time of year.

December 25th, 2023 06:03

Prophecy Proclaimed
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

Happy Christmas.

December 25th, 2023 02:23

Prophecy Proclaimed
Accidental Poet said:

I know you\'ll be busy with KP celebrating Christmas and all. All fun aside Orchi, I wish you, Fido and KP a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. πŸŽ…πŸŽ„

December 24th, 2023 11:06

Prophecy Proclaimed
2781 said:

\"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day if the Lord:\"

December 24th, 2023 08:12

Prophecy Proclaimed
Neville said:

I shall refrain from typing anything sacrilegious but wait & see what transpires πŸŽ„πŸŽ„β­β­πŸŽ„πŸ‘

December 24th, 2023 07:21

Prophecy Proclaimed
sorenbarrett said:

Great timing with this poem or hymn. On the advent of Christ\'s birth the preparation of the way predicting the birth of the new doing away with the old, sacrifice replaced with a new sacrament. Good write Orchi

December 24th, 2023 05:57

Family Fulfillings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

December 24th, 2023 02:01

Family Fulfillings
sorenbarrett said:

A timely and great story Orchi. I kind of feel that Joseph didn\'t get the credit he deserves. I think he was kinder than portrayed and knew that sending her away would result in shame for her and loved her too much to do that.

December 23rd, 2023 13:02

Family Fulfillings
2781 said:

Interesting lineage, Abraham to Joseph.
Joseph is the unsung hero, in my opinion (which is a bit warped).
Your right though-And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

December 23rd, 2023 08:11

Family Fulfillings
Neville said:

I like the young woman version best .. but then, I have always liked women ..

December 23rd, 2023 03:52

Ruling and Reigning
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

December 23rd, 2023 01:31

Ruling and Reigning
Neville said:

this has an extraordinarily Christmassy flavour to it .. which I suspect is intentional .. πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

December 22nd, 2023 05:22

Ruling and Reigning
Cassie58 said:

Beautiful hymn. A favourite. As to the He here in your fine poem, he needs to work on our government, who have truly lost the plot.when it comes to their own flock.

Thank you for the friend request. Much appreciated.

December 22nd, 2023 03:40

Turning in Troubles
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

December 22nd, 2023 02:21

Turning in Troubles
Accidental Poet said:

Orchi, on the radio today I heard KP singing a song for you, \"Cozy Little Christmas with Orchi\" πŸŽ…

December 21st, 2023 21:17

Turning in Troubles
Thomas W Case said:


December 21st, 2023 14:23

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