Comments received on poems by broken_dreams23

Hope to You
Caring dove said:

Lovely poem ! I like it 🙂

March 8th, 2022 05:34

Hope to You
sally said:

\" let my heart and your hand be my guide\" is my favourite verse, nice poem !

March 8th, 2022 05:32

Poeticmind17 said:

Ilike itt, very nice(:

December 17th, 2011 12:22

The End
Anna said:

I can relate to your poem and your author comment because it's the same for me... But I miss her... :'(

December 5th, 2011 23:01

Cheeky Missy said:

Brimful of regret and remorse, the author's note adds to the poignancy of this lamentation on folly. Keenly expressing the sorrow, it is beautiful. Excellent! I like it.

October 29th, 2011 10:12

This Feeling
Cheeky Missy said:

Beautiful and so bittersweet, excellently and poignantly expressing the swirling turmoil as the speaker is pushed against his longing in to the dim background to waste away bewildered. The imagery is great. Well done!

October 7th, 2011 10:44

Just To Make You Happy
Anna said:

It's really sad, and really clever in it's own way *tear...
Thanks for posting it!
Also, I wanna say thanks for using the word 'melancholy', 'casuse it's my favorite word!!!!!!!!!!! :)

July 24th, 2011 08:37

Just To Make You Happy
Cheeky Missy said:

This conveys the hopeless, rather defiant sentiment effectively, by repeatedly emphasizing it is to make the recipient "happy." We readily call this bondage of misery love, and yet I question whether we really love the person. If we speak so ill of them, how can we really love them? And yet what keeps us there taking all the abuse if it is not love? Thought-provoking and seemingly not too uncommon a situation unfortunately in modern society. Truly as the Lord God says, we are "hateful and hating one another" and not infrequently in the name of love, oddly. My two bits. This excellently and poignantly evokes the miserable sentiment. Very good!

July 22nd, 2011 21:10

Smile :)
Anna said:

This poem is very cute and I agree with the message! It's just so nice....... ^O^

July 21st, 2011 07:29

What Makes Me Happy
Anna said:

I agree with Emi, and again, the aura feeling thing... it POWERFUL!

July 21st, 2011 07:27

My Fantasy
Anna said:

I don't know what to say here, but something in that poem, like a feeling or an aura it gives off... I LOVE. Thanks so much for putting it up on Poems and Poetry!!!!!!!!

July 21st, 2011 07:25

Anna said:

You did a pantoum too!! I LOVE it! I'm still hesitating to put mine up by the way :P

July 21st, 2011 07:22

Emi said:

Awwwww sad... :( But very awesome. :) I really like pantoums.

July 5th, 2011 20:20

My Fantasy
Emi said:

Awwww, I love it!! :)

July 4th, 2011 16:13

What Makes Me Happy
Emi said:

Wow really good. :) I really like how you repeat "I'm only happy..." It flows well. :)

July 2nd, 2011 17:50

Smile :)
Emi said:

Awwww... a very nice poem. :) I love the message, and I also love the way you conveyed it!

June 22nd, 2011 22:12

Smile :)
broken_dreams23 said:

Sorry about the messed pattern of the poem :p
I published this via my phone..haha, enjoy :)

June 22nd, 2011 22:04

I Surrender
Anna said:

It's great... sadddddd~

June 21st, 2011 17:09

Strong vs. Weak
Anna said:



June 20th, 2011 19:56

Learn from My Mistakes
Anna said:

This was an awesome topic to do a poem on! XD

It's so beautiful and so true... :)

June 20th, 2011 19:53

Lucky to Have You
Anna said:

Wow! I've just only read 2 of your poems so far, and I'm already so intrigued! I think that my top poets on this site have to be you and Emi XD

June 20th, 2011 19:52

Dream with me
Anna said:

This poem is SO cute! XD I really like the smarts in it :)

June 20th, 2011 19:49

Dream with me
Emi said:

Awwww sweet. :) I really loved how you wrote about a good dream then a bad dream in the first 4 stanzas. And I really really loved the last two stanzas... so pretty much I loved it all! xD

June 14th, 2011 17:01

Lucky to Have You
Emi said:

Awwww cute and sweet. :) Good job. :)

June 2nd, 2011 16:09

Strong vs. Weak
Emi said:

Yet another amazing poem. :)

May 26th, 2011 19:49

This is Home
Emi said:

Sweet. :) Love it, as usual!

May 25th, 2011 18:35

All that is Needed
Hribhu Dey said:

nice flow...and natural rhythm...GREAT!

May 25th, 2011 06:51

All that is Needed
Emi said:

Very sweet. :) I love it. :)

May 24th, 2011 16:13

Alexandre Landsley said:

Great poem and pretty good rhymes..!!

May 19th, 2011 19:20

Emi said:

Love it! :) You really are amazing at this...

May 18th, 2011 16:48

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