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Relationship Poems


Relationships -- they are an inescapable part of life. In fact, the moment we begin communicating with someone, we have formed a relationship. Some might even argue that a relationship begins the moment we sense the other person's presence -- a relationship based on nonverbal cues. We like someone, or dislike someone, often times based upon our perception of their appearance. ...

African-American Poems


I have always liked to share inspirational stories with my students, especially regarding people who have undergone some very trying situation. One of the historical figures that I find personally inspiring is Phyllis Wheatley. Wheatley was around seven years of age when she was purchased as a slave in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1761. Slavery in America was at its peak. Ships ...

Angel Poems


Angels. This is a topic that has an extremely broad range of applications and usages. The first thought that comes immediately to mind is regarding those heavenly creatures that are depicted as serving God at his throne. Of course, those same angels are found here on earth, serving God and ministering to His people and protecting them from Satan. It is ...

Rain Poems


Of all the events of nature, none has probably been written about more than rain.  It is an essential element of life.  Nations have risen and fallen because of it.  It causes the grass to be green and gives life to every creature that graces the face of the planet.  It causes the rivers to swell and the lakes to overflow ...

Hope Poems


As we read through literature, whether drama or poetry or prose, we can usually identify a primary influence that gave the writers their direction. Certainly when it comes to poetry about hope, much of the inspiration for these works is drawn from some religious or spiritual source. For instance, many of the spiritual leaders who have their beginnings in the eastern ...

Maya Angelou Poems


Some may know her as Marguerite Ann Johnson, but most of the world calls her Maya Angelou. This is one of America's most notable contemporary poets. But she's more complex than that. Her list of professions is long and diverse:, author, playwright, civil rights activist, film producer, professor, television producer, film director, actress, dancer, and finally, a poet. Born in 1928 in ...

Hilda Doolittle Poems


H. D. -- that's how most of us know her. Hilda Doolittle was many things: poet, novelist and editor. She was a promoter of the 'imagist' model of poetry, which encouraged the use of common speech, idioms and free usage of rhymes. She was a contemporary of such avant-garde writers as Richard Ardington and Ezra Pound. She was born in the ...

T. S. Eliot Poems


Born Thomas Stearns Eliot, the person we know now as T. S. Eliot was an American turned naturalized British citizen. He was both poet and playwright, and he offered sound literary criticism to his contemporaries. He was also a respected publisher, which rounded out his full understanding of the 20th century literary world. Eliot was born in the U. S., having lived ...

John Keats Poems


One of the English poets who made a significant impact on the Romantic era. A contemporary with Lord Byron and others, Keats perspective on life was highly influenced by the more liberal teachings of the boarding school which he attended. Keats was born at a London inn, where his father was employed and later managed. As the pay was meager, Keats ...

Edgar Allan Poe Poems


Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and became an orphan at a young age when his mother passed away -- his father had already abandoned them. He lived with the Allan family (for which he took his middle name) until he attended college at the University of Virginia. He also attempted a career in the military, but failed to impress the commandant ...