Directory of Poems about Reflection

May 22nd, 2022

A Donkey, by peppino
Published: May 22nd, 2022 07:58
Views: 7
Comments: 0

Poem, Truth & Love, by AwHec8
Published: May 22nd, 2022 07:51
Views: 14
Comments: 1

Her, by mcu +18
Published: May 22nd, 2022 07:47
Views: 15
Comments: 0

Nowhere to Go, by Thomasine Dye
Published: May 22nd, 2022 01:26
Views: 10
Comments: 1

To The End, by Goldfinch60
Published: May 22nd, 2022 01:22
Views: 37
Comments: 7

May 21st, 2022

Upon a Rock, by MendedFences27
Published: May 21st, 2022 21:57
Views: 27
Comments: 1

Cars or Stars, by Thekkinkkattil
Published: May 21st, 2022 10:25
Views: 35
Comments: 4

Glimmer, by Aaliya J
Published: May 21st, 2022 07:10
Views: 27
Comments: 1

Still, go on, by Jem
Published: May 21st, 2022 05:17
Views: 32
Comments: 1

May 20th, 2022

Two Steps, by cherm
Published: May 20th, 2022 14:02
Views: 23
Comments: 2

INSANE, by MR.apocalypse
Published: May 20th, 2022 11:46
Views: 20
Comments: 0

Whispering Winds, by Vaughn Walker
Published: May 20th, 2022 11:33
Views: 22
Comments: 1

The Mirror of Dawn, by Rocky Lagou
Published: May 20th, 2022 08:06
Views: 39
Comments: 9

May 19th, 2022

Labours of my fruit, by distorted mikey
Published: May 19th, 2022 14:56
Views: 24
Comments: 0

I must progress , by Isa
Published: May 19th, 2022 11:44
Views: 17
Comments: 1

I Hide Behind My Veil, by Thomasine Dye
Published: May 19th, 2022 01:04
Views: 25
Comments: 1

May 18th, 2022

today, by Jon Nakapalau
Published: May 18th, 2022 16:21
Views: 10
Comments: 1

Such Beauty Is Ours., by Goldfinch60
Published: May 18th, 2022 01:08
Views: 32
Comments: 6

Deadlines. , by Vamsi Sudha
Published: May 18th, 2022 00:07
Views: 15
Comments: 4

May 17th, 2022

Everyone nose, I haint no otolaryngologist, by rew4er2nail +18
Published: May 17th, 2022 18:58
Views: 14
Comments: 0

Empty Like Them, I Could Never Be , by MrDunnePoetry
Published: May 17th, 2022 12:56
Views: 13
Comments: 0

songs, by Kevin Michael Bloor
Published: May 17th, 2022 10:33
Views: 18
Comments: 0

Marginal Benefit, by PridelessIdiot
Published: May 17th, 2022 08:27
Views: 8
Comments: 0

Sweet the Venom, by Thomasine Dye
Published: May 17th, 2022 00:17
Views: 15
Comments: 3

May 16th, 2022

Here I Stand, by Vaughn Walker
Published: May 16th, 2022 19:17
Views: 16
Comments: 1

Long Days and Short Years, by Thomasine Dye
Published: May 16th, 2022 18:22
Views: 15
Comments: 2

that, by Jon Nakapalau
Published: May 16th, 2022 14:18
Views: 6
Comments: 1

The Inception , by ianshatss
Published: May 16th, 2022 13:32
Views: 5
Comments: 0

The Woman at Dollar General, by Natalia B. Odair
Published: May 16th, 2022 11:32
Views: 19
Comments: 0

Do you see what I see?, by hzugman
Published: May 16th, 2022 08:01
Views: 11
Comments: 0

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