Directory of Poems (Surrealism)

February 11th, 2019

Preponderance Of Dimensions Perplexes With Bliss String Fervor, by rew4er2nail +18
Published: February 11th, 2019 02:06
Views: 11
Comments: 0

February 7th, 2019

fridge magnet poem #22, by Jon Nakapalau
Published: February 7th, 2019 19:26
Views: 11
Comments: 0

February 4th, 2019

A Poets tree, by Terry dailey +18
Published: February 4th, 2019 11:18
Views: 18
Comments: 2

February 2nd, 2019

adrift, by Delilah
Published: February 2nd, 2019 03:22
Views: 32
Comments: 3

January 30th, 2019

as captiain J. Alfred Prufrock steers , by Jon Nakapalau
Published: January 30th, 2019 20:49
Views: 12
Comments: 0

January 27th, 2019

Splintered Twin Flames, by whisperingquill
Published: January 27th, 2019 21:08
Views: 20
Comments: 1

January 16th, 2019

Bounded/Hibbidy Hoo Ha La Raza /What The Fudge?????, by whisperingquill +18
Published: January 16th, 2019 11:32
Views: 15
Comments: 0

January 10th, 2019

Red Alert! Humans Have Hijacked Sheepdom, by Seek
Published: January 10th, 2019 00:47
Views: 24
Comments: 1

January 9th, 2019

vanish, by TheLovers
Published: January 9th, 2019 12:40
Views: 16
Comments: 2

Tongues, by Aislinn Wilson
Published: January 9th, 2019 10:09
Views: 58
Comments: 3

December 31st, 2018

Just Desserts/Circumnavigating Reality, by whisperingquill
Published: December 31st, 2018 14:20
Views: 23
Comments: 0

December 20th, 2018

Give me all of your sins I shall immure them , by whisperingquill
Published: December 20th, 2018 00:02
Views: 22
Comments: 0

December 18th, 2018

Hmm...What Discursive Poetic Theme Shall I Write About..., by rew4er2nail +18
Published: December 18th, 2018 15:02
Views: 22
Comments: 1

Glorious acceptance in final respire, by whisperingquill
Published: December 18th, 2018 01:03
Views: 21
Comments: 0

December 16th, 2018

under amplified concern, by Jon Nakapalau
Published: December 16th, 2018 18:02
Views: 37
Comments: 0

Looking into the eyes of your murderer, and instilling forgiveness., by whisperingquill
Published: December 16th, 2018 08:02
Views: 53
Comments: 0

December 15th, 2018

Glittery Thorns , by whisperingquill
Published: December 15th, 2018 13:16
Views: 32
Comments: 1

December 13th, 2018

Circe/Medusa Tag Team, by Jon Nakapalau
Published: December 13th, 2018 19:17
Views: 8
Comments: 1

December 2nd, 2018

Take Me Away, by MissileOfUncertainty
Published: December 2nd, 2018 12:18
Views: 33
Comments: 2

November 24th, 2018

The Gathering Storm , by gerrylegister
Published: November 24th, 2018 04:40
Views: 12
Comments: 0

November 15th, 2018

centaurs, by Jon Nakapalau
Published: November 15th, 2018 15:52
Views: 11
Comments: 0

November 11th, 2018

My Sweet Karma, by Hidden
Published: November 11th, 2018 19:02
Views: 18
Comments: 0

October 7th, 2018

Sue S. Side Almost Won Out As The Tomb Poem..., by rew4er2nail +18
Published: October 7th, 2018 03:05
Views: 5
Comments: 0

October 2nd, 2018

Bleach Baths and Bath Salts, by A-A-A +18
Published: October 2nd, 2018 17:23
Views: 17
Comments: 0

September 30th, 2018

Taste a Color, by M.E.M.
Published: September 30th, 2018 17:06
Views: 166
Comments: 0

September 28th, 2018

Melodies, by Vela
Published: September 28th, 2018 10:32
Views: 7
Comments: 0

September 24th, 2018

Resolve, by Sen Nomo
Published: September 24th, 2018 08:00
Views: 15
Comments: 2

September 22nd, 2018

Keep it $teppin ... \\\"B. e. C. k. Y\\\" ...U> ...\\\"Whore\\\" !!!, by O.G. Tone +18
Published: September 22nd, 2018 18:53
Views: 19
Comments: 0

Haunting Lights, by Michael J. Schaeffer
Published: September 22nd, 2018 04:22
Views: 28
Comments: 2

September 8th, 2018

melted crayons , by Jon Nakapalau
Published: September 8th, 2018 20:42
Views: 10
Comments: 0

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