Comments received on poems by AwHec8

Poem, Fool or Wise in the USA?

BRIAN HERE ~ GOOD EVENING FRIEND ~ COALITIONS (2 or more Political Parties working together) can work but in my experience ~ it results in Bland Politics & compromise policies. It is useful in the time of WAR. Angela tend to vote for PERSON rather than the PARTY although politically weare more LEFT than RIGHT ! What we are praying for (& voting for) is more Committed Christians in Politics - Producing more Trust & Justice.
The only really Committed Christian elected as President of the USA in recent Years was Jimmy Carter ! He only got one Term and was considered inefective ! He replaced Ford (An accidental President) - who replaced Nixon ! Jimmy was replced by Ronnie Regan & Nancy. To some extent (especially concerning Trump !) American gets the President it Deserves ! Billy Graham was the Best President ~ You never had !
Angela & I are Students of 20th C American and we are praying that Jo Biden will be elected in November. Mike Pence (VP) is an Evangelical Christian its a pity he isn*t running

Blessing & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian πŸ’›πŸ’›

August 24th, 2020 14:38

Poem, Fool or Wise in the USA?
orchidee said:

Good write Don.

August 24th, 2020 10:13

Poem, Fool or Wise in the USA?
dusk arising said:

Sadly we are ruled by human nature Don. Those of us near the bottom of the greasy pole agree 100% but those in power are seduced by the bait of whats available to them if they bend the rules that teeny weeny bit. And so the ball of temptation starts to roll.

So long as we are human we shall be fickle.......

Just remember that we are created fickle in gods image.... it\'s a part of our struggle.

August 24th, 2020 09:47

Poem, Questions?
dusk arising said:

We already DO have a relationship with our creator.... or have you missed that basic reality?

August 23rd, 2020 13:25

Poem, Questions?
orchidee said:

A fine write Don.

August 23rd, 2020 06:36

Poem, Time for a Christ Change

ANGELA HERE ~ Good Evening DON ~ Thanks for reminding all the Christians on MPS of the need for a REGULAR CHRIST CHANGE ~ Just like an engine needs a OIL CHANGE ! This enbles us to Witness day by day (V2) Jesus not only changes our day but our whole lives. To become a Christian we need to be Born Again (V4) This give us *Peace with God* and *Access into Gods Grace* (V5) AMEN ! We all need an infilling of Gods HOLY SPIRIT each New Day. Some CHRISTIANS wil be alive when Christ Returns & we will be changed FOREVER & FOREVER with the LORD (V8 ! Thanks for sharing & caring ! Please check our SITE & our FUSION ~ Click on deveLoping to add a Poem to the FUSION ~ Thanks A & B !

Blessings & Joy & Peace to All in Christs Name
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey Cat πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

August 6th, 2020 16:42

Poem, Time for a Christ Change
orchidee said:

Good write Don.
Friendly people... ahh, yes, some false teachers can be friendly too, to lead us astray. There are genuine friendly, true teachers as well though.

August 6th, 2020 10:15

Poem, Time for a Christ Change
dusk arising said:

Great, another one in your tooth fairy series.

August 6th, 2020 08:58

Poem, Yes He Rides
AwHec8 said:

Thank You Andy. Amen and Amen to your lovely words. Don

August 5th, 2020 04:41

Poem, Yes He Rides
Goldfinch60 said:

May that love be found and the light fill your life.


August 5th, 2020 04:07

Poem, Yes He Rides
dusk arising said:

Not sure whether this is about the tooth fairy or father christmas?

Are you expecting a big prezzie under the tree?

August 5th, 2020 02:58

Poem, Yes He Rides
orchidee said:

Good write Don.

August 5th, 2020 02:56

Poem, Let’s be Together
orchidee said:

Good write Don.

August 2nd, 2020 10:34

Poem, My Love Song
AwHec8 said:

So another person thinks they are being some type of stylized populist critic but who in reality just likes to gaslight others Poem pages with commentary of NO substance to then run and hide behind a block. Wow I am not impressed.

But Thank You that even you can see I am all in on my Love, Jesus.
By the way when you get a world without God, do let me know how that works out for you, Hypocrite. As like all hypocrites you enjoy God\'s Grace and ridicule Him or down right say He doesn\'t exist. Yeah Right. Don

July 31st, 2020 08:44

Poem, My Love Song
TWENTY3 said:

This reminds me of my toilet that keeps overflowing, just saying.
This does read as rather obsessional towards Jesus.

July 31st, 2020 08:19

Poem, My Love Song

BRIAN HERE ~ Good Evening Don ~ Thank you for a very Powerful & Spiritual Poem. We LOVE Jesus because He first LOVED us ~ with an unsurpassed and eternal LOVE ! Your poem reminded me of the committment BILLY GRAHAM made ~ All for JESUS ~ A point of NO RETURN. It was this total committment to JESUS & the GOSPEL that was the secret of Billy*s awesome success as an Evangelist ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ very uplifting !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Brian & Angela & Smokey !

July 30th, 2020 15:34

Poem, My Love Song
orchidee said:

Good write Don.

July 30th, 2020 06:10

Poem, Who Will Save Your Souls?
dusk arising said:

Are you identifying your playpen here or the playpen for those who like to think they are christians but don\'t actually measure up to what it says in the bible.
As you know already, i\'m outside that playpen.

July 21st, 2020 12:00

Poem, Who Will Save Your Souls?
Bragee said:

Great writing that should inspire some self reflection from each reader.

July 21st, 2020 11:55

Song, Jesus said I’m His man!
dusk arising said:

Good to see how you use Jesus here to lift you out of depression. Described it well.

July 21st, 2020 11:45

Poem, Who Will Save Your Souls?

There is SALVATION in No Other than JESUS
There is No Other NAME regarding SALVATION
S poken & Preached among Men ................ !
Except the Name of JESUS !
Jesus alone could bring SALVATION
And die in my Place in AD 33 on a Cross
in Jerusalem outside the City Wall ~
A Place I have visited & seen for Myself !
NOW is the best time for ALL to believe
NOW is the Day of Salvation - Thru FAITH in
Christs atonement. TOMORROW may be TOO LATE !

BRIAN HERE ~ Thanks for again FR IEND ~ for presenting the GOSPEL ~ AMEN !

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love BRIAN & ANGELA πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

July 21st, 2020 02:51

Song, Jesus said I’m His man!
orchidee said:

A nice write don. I feel if we keep believing for, and thinking, negative things, they will come to us in the end, though we don\'t want them. And the opposite too, with positive thinking.
Though it\'s not positive thinking alone that helps us.

July 21st, 2020 02:00

Song, Believers Prayer
orchidee said:

I\'m sure you\'re one who is in the Kingdom of Heaven right now, \'this side of heaven\', as they say!

July 19th, 2020 09:23

Song, Believers Prayer
Tayama said:

Love it. About to go preach now. :)

July 19th, 2020 07:30

Song, Jesus is your Brother
AwHec8 said:

Hey there unsub if you have the vitriol to post such a comment because my writings affect you so much,
Then please have the heart of a man to then allow a response. Or run & hide like a coward does.

Finally this is my page with my thoughts, I don\'t think you have to even acknowledge much less read my writings, even less comment as you have said it is a waste of time.
So who is what there unsub?

July 19th, 2020 06:25

Song, Jesus is your Brother

Jesus Go down to the Park ~ out into the street
Tell the Stories of JESUS to the People you meet !
So light up the Fire ~ let the Fire burn
Tell the stories of JESUS ~ Let JESUS return ~ AMEN !

Good Sabbath Friend ~ ANGELA here ~ YES JESUS is our Brother and we have both been committed Christians since we were teens. We follow the services on BBC TV & Radio & ZOOM. This PANDEMIC ~ which is MAN MADE is a Great Opportunity to remind People thatJESUS is coming soon & we should all be ready ~ AMEN

Blessings & Peace & Joy tro You & Yours
Love in the Spirit ANGELA & BRIAN πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

July 18th, 2020 11:33

Song, Jesus is your Brother
orchidee said:

Good write Aw.

July 18th, 2020 10:44

Song, A Promise
orchidee said:

Good write Aw.
And yet we can have up to 30 mins message in some churches - and still not learn much! Maybe we\'re asleep in the sermons? If they were more interesting we would stay awake! Doh!
This could be a sort of modern \'Onward, Christian Soldiers!\'

July 12th, 2020 02:01

Poem, A Part of my Life
AwHec8 said:

Right now the World is being Fake Brave. Or at least the ones who don\'t have a clue and don\'t know they don\'t have a clue but act as if they do have a clue and are refusing to be human beings by doing the necessary things to help those who are around them not get infected. Just a thought
My older sister died in this pandemic, as most don\'t get it will never get it even when they help kill one of their fellow loved ones by infecting them with disease all because they refused to believe what they can\'t understand or fight against the Truth of it. And No Thank God I didn\'t infect my sister as I have sheltered in place since February and follow the guidelines put out by the experts.
What amazes me to this day is grown men who don\'t know who and or what they are then run around taking stands, by acting like critic\'s, that are nothing more than hit and run coward\'s missions to then go hide behind a wall of their own design. Me I have mostly known who & what I am, have absolutely no trouble with saying it or having another say it. Just hate the Hypocrite\'s, even when I act like one too.
These same ones Who don\'t have the Heart God Blessed them with to be men so they act like critic\'s to hit then run and hide behind any possible thing, never taking a stand in reality just in their own mind, they are always acting as if they are superior as anyone who don\'t agree with them are less somehow. Well maybe just in their mind!
Me if you can hold your own in debate with another then welcome, but please don\'t cry like a half man when you are defeated or your cover is blown to then run away with some kind of block.
OH and if you can educate me I will love it and make the necessary adjustments.
Whether anyone wants to believe it or not we all reap what we sow and people please do enjoy the world you are creating for your last stand. Don\'t run, don\'t hide, don\'t curse the God you say don\'t exist while begging the Earth to cover over your own wanton hypocrisy, nakedness, greed, etc. be a man and say this is what I wanted all along, this is what I helped to create and then enjoy it as you got what you really wanted now, A World Without God. Run by an anti-hero. So again do enjoy.
Yes Jesus still is the Lamb of God and we still are in the time of Grace. But soon He will be coming as the Lion of Judah and please do Trust what He has already said, You don\'t want to be on His Bad Side (this I paraphrased), you know the side where you are in sin. Jesus is the Love fulfilled in the Law so do choose which side you are on, or not. Or go ahead and get on His Bad Side as we all have free will don\'t we? Don

July 10th, 2020 05:51

Song, My Lament
ForeverJesus7 said:

Since everyone is giving their opinion, I figure that I will give mine. I voted for Mr. Trump, and I agree with what he is doing. He is a doer. He is not perfect. No president was. Still, he is our leader. Personally, I think alot of people are disrespectful. I am not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent.
This is my opinion.
Persistence is key

July 8th, 2020 22:42

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