Comments received on poems by AwHec8
Song, A Promise
orchidee said:
Good write Aw.
And yet we can have up to 30 mins message in some churches - and still not learn much! Maybe we\'re asleep in the sermons? If they were more interesting we would stay awake! Doh!
This could be a sort of modern \'Onward, Christian Soldiers!\'
July 12th, 2020 02:01
orchidee said:
Good write Aw.
And yet we can have up to 30 mins message in some churches - and still not learn much! Maybe we\'re asleep in the sermons? If they were more interesting we would stay awake! Doh!
This could be a sort of modern \'Onward, Christian Soldiers!\'
July 12th, 2020 02:01
Poem, A Part of my Life
AwHec8 said:
Right now the World is being Fake Brave. Or at least the ones who don\'t have a clue and don\'t know they don\'t have a clue but act as if they do have a clue and are refusing to be human beings by doing the necessary things to help those who are around them not get infected. Just a thought
My older sister died in this pandemic, as most don\'t get it will never get it even when they help kill one of their fellow loved ones by infecting them with disease all because they refused to believe what they can\'t understand or fight against the Truth of it. And No Thank God I didn\'t infect my sister as I have sheltered in place since February and follow the guidelines put out by the experts.
What amazes me to this day is grown men who don\'t know who and or what they are then run around taking stands, by acting like critic\'s, that are nothing more than hit and run coward\'s missions to then go hide behind a wall of their own design. Me I have mostly known who & what I am, have absolutely no trouble with saying it or having another say it. Just hate the Hypocrite\'s, even when I act like one too.
These same ones Who don\'t have the Heart God Blessed them with to be men so they act like critic\'s to hit then run and hide behind any possible thing, never taking a stand in reality just in their own mind, they are always acting as if they are superior as anyone who don\'t agree with them are less somehow. Well maybe just in their mind!
Me if you can hold your own in debate with another then welcome, but please don\'t cry like a half man when you are defeated or your cover is blown to then run away with some kind of block.
OH and if you can educate me I will love it and make the necessary adjustments.
Whether anyone wants to believe it or not we all reap what we sow and people please do enjoy the world you are creating for your last stand. Don\'t run, don\'t hide, don\'t curse the God you say don\'t exist while begging the Earth to cover over your own wanton hypocrisy, nakedness, greed, etc. be a man and say this is what I wanted all along, this is what I helped to create and then enjoy it as you got what you really wanted now, A World Without God. Run by an anti-hero. So again do enjoy.
Yes Jesus still is the Lamb of God and we still are in the time of Grace. But soon He will be coming as the Lion of Judah and please do Trust what He has already said, You don\'t want to be on His Bad Side (this I paraphrased), you know the side where you are in sin. Jesus is the Love fulfilled in the Law so do choose which side you are on, or not. Or go ahead and get on His Bad Side as we all have free will don\'t we? Don
July 10th, 2020 05:51
AwHec8 said:
Right now the World is being Fake Brave. Or at least the ones who don\'t have a clue and don\'t know they don\'t have a clue but act as if they do have a clue and are refusing to be human beings by doing the necessary things to help those who are around them not get infected. Just a thought
My older sister died in this pandemic, as most don\'t get it will never get it even when they help kill one of their fellow loved ones by infecting them with disease all because they refused to believe what they can\'t understand or fight against the Truth of it. And No Thank God I didn\'t infect my sister as I have sheltered in place since February and follow the guidelines put out by the experts.
What amazes me to this day is grown men who don\'t know who and or what they are then run around taking stands, by acting like critic\'s, that are nothing more than hit and run coward\'s missions to then go hide behind a wall of their own design. Me I have mostly known who & what I am, have absolutely no trouble with saying it or having another say it. Just hate the Hypocrite\'s, even when I act like one too.
These same ones Who don\'t have the Heart God Blessed them with to be men so they act like critic\'s to hit then run and hide behind any possible thing, never taking a stand in reality just in their own mind, they are always acting as if they are superior as anyone who don\'t agree with them are less somehow. Well maybe just in their mind!
Me if you can hold your own in debate with another then welcome, but please don\'t cry like a half man when you are defeated or your cover is blown to then run away with some kind of block.
OH and if you can educate me I will love it and make the necessary adjustments.
Whether anyone wants to believe it or not we all reap what we sow and people please do enjoy the world you are creating for your last stand. Don\'t run, don\'t hide, don\'t curse the God you say don\'t exist while begging the Earth to cover over your own wanton hypocrisy, nakedness, greed, etc. be a man and say this is what I wanted all along, this is what I helped to create and then enjoy it as you got what you really wanted now, A World Without God. Run by an anti-hero. So again do enjoy.
Yes Jesus still is the Lamb of God and we still are in the time of Grace. But soon He will be coming as the Lion of Judah and please do Trust what He has already said, You don\'t want to be on His Bad Side (this I paraphrased), you know the side where you are in sin. Jesus is the Love fulfilled in the Law so do choose which side you are on, or not. Or go ahead and get on His Bad Side as we all have free will don\'t we? Don
July 10th, 2020 05:51
Song, My Lament
ForeverJesus7 said:
Since everyone is giving their opinion, I figure that I will give mine. I voted for Mr. Trump, and I agree with what he is doing. He is a doer. He is not perfect. No president was. Still, he is our leader. Personally, I think alot of people are disrespectful. I am not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent.
This is my opinion.
Persistence is key
July 8th, 2020 22:42
ForeverJesus7 said:
Since everyone is giving their opinion, I figure that I will give mine. I voted for Mr. Trump, and I agree with what he is doing. He is a doer. He is not perfect. No president was. Still, he is our leader. Personally, I think alot of people are disrespectful. I am not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent.
This is my opinion.
Persistence is key
July 8th, 2020 22:42
Song, My Lament
orchidee said:
You may laugh at this, though in one way it is serious: \' I (a British person) told them Americans not to trust someone with such a dodgy barnet (Trump\'s strange hairstyle), but they never listened to me\'!
Why Barack was voted out I don\'t know.
July 8th, 2020 05:15
orchidee said:
You may laugh at this, though in one way it is serious: \' I (a British person) told them Americans not to trust someone with such a dodgy barnet (Trump\'s strange hairstyle), but they never listened to me\'!
Why Barack was voted out I don\'t know.
July 8th, 2020 05:15
Poem, Bittersweet
Goldfinch60 said:
We all wait for a special time but as I say to my friends even at my age I cannot go yet as I have still got people to upset. LOL
July 8th, 2020 00:39
Goldfinch60 said:
We all wait for a special time but as I say to my friends even at my age I cannot go yet as I have still got people to upset. LOL
July 8th, 2020 00:39
Poem, Bittersweet
orchidee said:
Good write Don. I\'m waiting for the No.7 bus - seems to be even more waiting than in this poem! lol.
July 7th, 2020 06:28
orchidee said:
Good write Don. I\'m waiting for the No.7 bus - seems to be even more waiting than in this poem! lol.
July 7th, 2020 06:28
Poem, Bittersweet
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:
Wow a nice lovely lyrical devotional song . It flows well and nicely with fine refrain. Kudos.
Plz do read and comment my newest poem too. Thanks
July 7th, 2020 05:59
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:
Wow a nice lovely lyrical devotional song . It flows well and nicely with fine refrain. Kudos.
Plz do read and comment my newest poem too. Thanks
July 7th, 2020 05:59
Song, Jesus
One sat alone beside the Highway begging
His eyes were blind the light he could not see
He clitched his rags and shivered in the shadows
Then JESUS came and made the Captive FREE !
ANGELA here - Good Evening Brother thanks for another JESUS POEM ! Jesus makes a massive difference for Christians in all walks of Life and enables us to live in Peace with JOY ! Please check out site - Thanks
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love Angela & Brian 💛💛💛
July 5th, 2020 15:36
One sat alone beside the Highway begging
His eyes were blind the light he could not see
He clitched his rags and shivered in the shadows
Then JESUS came and made the Captive FREE !
ANGELA here - Good Evening Brother thanks for another JESUS POEM ! Jesus makes a massive difference for Christians in all walks of Life and enables us to live in Peace with JOY ! Please check out site - Thanks
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love Angela & Brian 💛💛💛
July 5th, 2020 15:36
Song, Believing in Jesus
On CHRIST the Solid Rcck I stand
All other ground is Sinking Sand - AMEN
Thanks BROTHER for a very positive Testimony to the TRUTH that Jaus is a Rock in a Thirsty Land and a shelter in a Time of Storm. In these days of Crisis & Lockdown its good to know we always have an open line to GOD in Prayer. No matter the time or place we are in ~ AMEN. We can also have Fellowshp on Zoom or the Phone ! Our Church is reopening for the Evening Service on the 19th July !
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love Angela & Brian ~ AMEN !
July 4th, 2020 17:43
On CHRIST the Solid Rcck I stand
All other ground is Sinking Sand - AMEN
Thanks BROTHER for a very positive Testimony to the TRUTH that Jaus is a Rock in a Thirsty Land and a shelter in a Time of Storm. In these days of Crisis & Lockdown its good to know we always have an open line to GOD in Prayer. No matter the time or place we are in ~ AMEN. We can also have Fellowshp on Zoom or the Phone ! Our Church is reopening for the Evening Service on the 19th July !
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love Angela & Brian ~ AMEN !
July 4th, 2020 17:43
Poem, Up late one night
Accidental Poet said:
Sending you a gorgeous nurse ASAP. Great write Aw.
June 29th, 2020 18:05
Accidental Poet said:
Sending you a gorgeous nurse ASAP. Great write Aw.
June 29th, 2020 18:05
Song, God? Isn’t Life Ironic!
Thanks DON ~ Pleased you enjoyed our comment ! Thanks also for your commemt on our Fusion ~ We all have to support & pray for our LEADERS during this Pandemic ! Boris can be a bit of a Clown at times BUT we are all follwing his edicts. He chose FOURTH of JULY deliberately to be ENGLANDS Day of Independence from COVID 19. We do need a VACCINE ~ BUT gradually (in rhe UK) Education ~ Entertainment ~ Sport ~ Hospitality ~ Travel ~ Commerce ~ Business & Finance will al be *Back on Track* Hopefully by JANUARY 2021. Thanks for adding to the fusion ~ Which I have now cheked. You can add another Poem to the FUSION iif you wish ~ OK !
Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey !
June 24th, 2020 15:10
Thanks DON ~ Pleased you enjoyed our comment ! Thanks also for your commemt on our Fusion ~ We all have to support & pray for our LEADERS during this Pandemic ! Boris can be a bit of a Clown at times BUT we are all follwing his edicts. He chose FOURTH of JULY deliberately to be ENGLANDS Day of Independence from COVID 19. We do need a VACCINE ~ BUT gradually (in rhe UK) Education ~ Entertainment ~ Sport ~ Hospitality ~ Travel ~ Commerce ~ Business & Finance will al be *Back on Track* Hopefully by JANUARY 2021. Thanks for adding to the fusion ~ Which I have now cheked. You can add another Poem to the FUSION iif you wish ~ OK !
Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey !
June 24th, 2020 15:10
Song, God? Isn’t Life Ironic!
Good Afternoon AW - BRIAN here - Thank you for an interesing Poem ! I have visited a number of American States and met Bill Clinton (2004) in Little Rock Arkansas. The Clintons had a lot of Baggage but Hillary won the Popular Vote and would have made a Geat President. It is sad that - The USA (Greatest Democracy in the World) now run by a Politically inexperienced CLOWN ! We just pray the USA will wake up & elect HONEST JOE ! I like the chorus in your POEM ! *Satan on your Wedding Day !* Were praying JOE BIDEN will have a landslide ~ AMEN !
We crawl a cracked & broken Path
Confusion will be our Epitaph
If we make it we can all sit back & laugh
But I think Tomorrow we*ll be cryin*
But I think Tomorrow we*ll be cryin*
Blessings & peace to YOU & YOURS
Love Brain & Angela & Smokey CAT !
Please check *LOCKDOWN LOOSENING* and our
latest FUSION *JULY 4th .....................* Thanks A & B !
To add to an ongojng FUSION you click on DEVELOPING ~ OK
June 24th, 2020 09:19
Good Afternoon AW - BRIAN here - Thank you for an interesing Poem ! I have visited a number of American States and met Bill Clinton (2004) in Little Rock Arkansas. The Clintons had a lot of Baggage but Hillary won the Popular Vote and would have made a Geat President. It is sad that - The USA (Greatest Democracy in the World) now run by a Politically inexperienced CLOWN ! We just pray the USA will wake up & elect HONEST JOE ! I like the chorus in your POEM ! *Satan on your Wedding Day !* Were praying JOE BIDEN will have a landslide ~ AMEN !
We crawl a cracked & broken Path
Confusion will be our Epitaph
If we make it we can all sit back & laugh
But I think Tomorrow we*ll be cryin*
But I think Tomorrow we*ll be cryin*
Blessings & peace to YOU & YOURS
Love Brain & Angela & Smokey CAT !
Please check *LOCKDOWN LOOSENING* and our
latest FUSION *JULY 4th .....................* Thanks A & B !
To add to an ongojng FUSION you click on DEVELOPING ~ OK
June 24th, 2020 09:19
Poem/Prayer, My Prayer
ANGELA HERE - Good Evening Brother - Lov ely Poem ~ Lovely Prayer - memories of GODSPELL and awesoem MUSICAL & FILM. Thnaks for sharing ~ PLEASE CHECK Todays Poem *IMAGINATION*
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love Angela & Brian 💛💛💛
June 22nd, 2020 13:42
ANGELA HERE - Good Evening Brother - Lov ely Poem ~ Lovely Prayer - memories of GODSPELL and awesoem MUSICAL & FILM. Thnaks for sharing ~ PLEASE CHECK Todays Poem *IMAGINATION*
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love Angela & Brian 💛💛💛
June 22nd, 2020 13:42
Poem, My Job
dusk arising said:
Glory be to the wealth of the lord and all who follow the path to heaven through the eye of your needle lord.
June 21st, 2020 11:09
dusk arising said:
Glory be to the wealth of the lord and all who follow the path to heaven through the eye of your needle lord.
June 21st, 2020 11:09
Poem, My Job
orchidee said:
I think the \'18+\' only needs to be ticked if it is unsuitable for under 18\'s. You won\'t need to tick that box for general poems. :)
June 21st, 2020 09:37
orchidee said:
I think the \'18+\' only needs to be ticked if it is unsuitable for under 18\'s. You won\'t need to tick that box for general poems. :)
June 21st, 2020 09:37
Poem, America’s Shame!
dusk arising said:
Awww America please don\'t get rid of him, he\'s the funniest man on television. Not quite invisible but easy to see right through him.
I\'d love to see a ventriloquist act with a dummy/doll of trumpty dumpty sat on Putin\'s knee or is it now that chinese leader (i can\'t remember his name but lets call him chairman covid).
June 19th, 2020 11:30
dusk arising said:
Awww America please don\'t get rid of him, he\'s the funniest man on television. Not quite invisible but easy to see right through him.
I\'d love to see a ventriloquist act with a dummy/doll of trumpty dumpty sat on Putin\'s knee or is it now that chinese leader (i can\'t remember his name but lets call him chairman covid).
June 19th, 2020 11:30
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