Comments received on poems by Ameljor

Caring dove said:

Sweet poem .. lovely words !

April 24th, 2022 00:24

Crowns4Christ said:

How sweet and beautiful,

April 23rd, 2022 23:49

I’m Here
Rocky Lagou said:

A reassuring poem, indeed. That line, \"As we recline / On the waves of love,\" is so vivid, great imagery. Sometimes we just need another near to feel like we can conquer anything. Great poem.

April 22nd, 2022 08:02

The Butterfly
Crowns4Christ said:

I think that would be great, if only we could

April 21st, 2022 18:40

The Butterfly
L. B. Mek said:

we title and lament
our human existence, as fleeting
or ephemeral..
and yet a Butterfly
glides past us, revelling
in its daily countdown..
there is majesty, in acceptance
and transcendence
need not wat for that final blink
we may yet taste, its yields
if we but hover and patiently
distil, beauty
from nature\'s, harsh realities..
(an imaginatively, searching write
and a wonderfully intriguing read..
thank you for sharing, dear poet
especially like
how kept that melancholic tone
so balanced and light
showcasing great poetic skill
in my humble opinion)

April 21st, 2022 05:06

Go Within
Caring dove said:

A lovely writing .. I like your words

April 21st, 2022 00:25

The Butterfly
Caring dove said:

I really like your poem ))it’s so nice if we can just let go of everything that has hurt us . A lovely writing

April 21st, 2022 00:16

Saying Goodbye
L. B. Mek said:

what a wonderful gift you received
and chose to share with the world
though your inspiring, poetic words..
thanks for sharing, dear poet

February 25th, 2022 06:28

Why Did You Go?
Caring dove said:

You write lovely poetry .

Nice words 🙂

January 10th, 2022 16:45

I Watch
Caring dove said:

Beautiful words ))

January 10th, 2022 16:44

Through The Pain
Caring dove said:

I like your poem . Sometimes it’s so difficult to feel like ourselves when we are in so much pain and that past can really haunt us .

Sometimes life can feel like a test and a struggle and more pain than anything else .. and that’s an awful feeling to have

January 8th, 2022 07:27

How Much Can I Give
L. B. Mek said:

such a beautiful theme, to weave
your words within
thanks for sharing,
this was such a lovely reading experience

January 7th, 2022 05:15

How Much Can I Give
Caring dove said:

Lovely words .. sweet poem ))

January 7th, 2022 01:25

How Much Can I Give
Rozina said:

Lovely lines.

January 7th, 2022 00:30

Jon Nakapalau said:

Powerful - nicely penned.

January 5th, 2022 16:21

Paul Bell said:

That\'s the spirit, everything is going to be fine, and if it\'s not, I\'ll drink to that too.

December 28th, 2021 05:39

Caring dove said:

Lovely writing ) but what if the wind took you to a place that made you unhappy .

Nice expression anyway 🙂

December 27th, 2021 05:25

Draven said:

Nice :) I like the idea of this

December 27th, 2021 04:32

Door To My Mind
Paul Bell said:

Like this little peek through the door of your mind, and I\'m sure at some point those words will be shared with another.

December 19th, 2021 06:34

My Valentine
dusk arising said:

Ah, the unreal fantasy world of one who holds secretly the desire for another as their valentine..... a poets dream perchance.

December 16th, 2021 05:28

Rozina said:

A beautiful positive message. Thank you for these uplifting comments.

December 15th, 2021 04:11

Caring dove said:

I really like this ! Very nicely expressed 🙂

December 15th, 2021 04:06

Where Is God?
Jon Nakapalau said:

Well done!

December 10th, 2021 18:20

Jon Nakapalau said:


December 10th, 2021 18:19

Where Is God?
dusk arising said:

Yep I agree, nothing to do with that crazy man made christian idea of god.

December 9th, 2021 09:27

Self Love
L. B. Mek said:

love the humanity you depict
if only we all had
such seemingly selfless motivations
for our actions,
thanks for sharing

December 9th, 2021 04:42

Where Is God?
woundedheart said:

Faith is like a shawl we wear loosely during the good times and pull tight when times are hard . For God is always with you gently leading you until you truely need him and then he gently pushes you forward . Faith is one truth one commodity the one part of ourselves that no one can ever truely take from us. A very beautiful prayer style poem.

December 9th, 2021 04:24

Self Love
woundedheart said:

One must always love ones self for the only person one must please is ones self others opinion don\'t matter if we love and respect our own person. Powerful penning .

December 9th, 2021 04:07

The Soul Knows
Caring dove said:

I like your words . Sometimes life simply feels the same , we feel the need for change but are we ready to listen to what our soul truly wants , and it can be difficult when stuck in our mind … sometimes

December 8th, 2021 02:34

These Thoughts
L. B. Mek said:

keeping busy
makes a lot of distracting sense
stillness, invites the nightmares..
maybe? who knows lol
thanks for sharing, your tiger hour

December 7th, 2021 06:02

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