Comments received on poems by Shaunmatthewcpoetry
Windy Dreams
sorenbarrett said:
Great images and metaphors. I particularly liked \"windy dreams\"
December 24th, 2023 06:01
sorenbarrett said:
Great images and metaphors. I particularly liked \"windy dreams\"
December 24th, 2023 06:01
Windy Dreams
orchidee said:
That\'ll be those brussels sprouts or baked beans! lol.
December 24th, 2023 05:41
orchidee said:
That\'ll be those brussels sprouts or baked beans! lol.
December 24th, 2023 05:41
Nicholas Browning said:
Most of what they say smells of the bullshit
December 21st, 2023 09:27
Nicholas Browning said:
Most of what they say smells of the bullshit
December 21st, 2023 09:27
Put Pride Aside (Astro Ride)
Cassie58 said:
I like the shape presentation as well as the message. Yes, be happy to be alive. In the passage of time, we aren’t on this planet for long. Enjoyed my visit here. .
December 20th, 2023 06:30
Cassie58 said:
I like the shape presentation as well as the message. Yes, be happy to be alive. In the passage of time, we aren’t on this planet for long. Enjoyed my visit here. .
December 20th, 2023 06:30
Put Pride Aside (Astro Ride)
orchidee said:
Was that an Earthling inside that spacesuit in 1969? Some say even now that the moon landing never happened. Doh!
Or was it you and me really, that walked on the moon first?! lol.
December 20th, 2023 03:08
orchidee said:
Was that an Earthling inside that spacesuit in 1969? Some say even now that the moon landing never happened. Doh!
Or was it you and me really, that walked on the moon first?! lol.
December 20th, 2023 03:08
Murder She Woke
orchidee said:
I last saw a proper comedy show on TV - erm, about 1975 I think it was!
I\'m in bed by the time ghastly stand-up comics appear on TV. I miss all that rubbish, ya know! lol.
December 19th, 2023 03:11
orchidee said:
I last saw a proper comedy show on TV - erm, about 1975 I think it was!
I\'m in bed by the time ghastly stand-up comics appear on TV. I miss all that rubbish, ya know! lol.
December 19th, 2023 03:11
The Man With The Golden Gun
orchidee said:
That was you replaced the mannequin. The film wasn\'t supposed to end like that! lol.
December 18th, 2023 05:59
orchidee said:
That was you replaced the mannequin. The film wasn\'t supposed to end like that! lol.
December 18th, 2023 05:59
The Man With The Golden Gun
orchidee said:
Nope, we never saw him s..... it jumped to examining the bullet he had swallowed. lol.
Of course JB and super-heroes don\'t do mortal things like go to the loo! lol.
And - now look - does anyone actually work in \'Home And Away\'? They just swan about doing nothing.
December 18th, 2023 05:58
orchidee said:
Nope, we never saw him s..... it jumped to examining the bullet he had swallowed. lol.
Of course JB and super-heroes don\'t do mortal things like go to the loo! lol.
And - now look - does anyone actually work in \'Home And Away\'? They just swan about doing nothing.
December 18th, 2023 05:58
King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword
orchidee said:
Did he use some oil to get that sword out of the rock?! lol.
December 17th, 2023 10:40
orchidee said:
Did he use some oil to get that sword out of the rock?! lol.
December 17th, 2023 10:40
King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword
lunarchloedip said:
literally love arthur so much i audibly gasped and got so excited when i saw this title hahahahah
December 17th, 2023 09:25
lunarchloedip said:
literally love arthur so much i audibly gasped and got so excited when i saw this title hahahahah
December 17th, 2023 09:25
Spinning Since The Beginning
orchidee said:
Good write S.
What - I can\'t think of a daft comment?! lol.
December 16th, 2023 03:30
orchidee said:
Good write S.
What - I can\'t think of a daft comment?! lol.
December 16th, 2023 03:30
Spinning Since The Beginning
orchidee said:
Good write S.
What - I can\'t think of a daft comment?! lol.
December 16th, 2023 03:24
orchidee said:
Good write S.
What - I can\'t think of a daft comment?! lol.
December 16th, 2023 03:24
Spinning Since The Beginning
Cassie58 said:
A short poem which allows the mind to wander. We all share something in common. Birth and death. What lies in between is what matters. Make the best of our time. We don’t ever know how long we have got. Thanks for sharing.
December 16th, 2023 02:15
Cassie58 said:
A short poem which allows the mind to wander. We all share something in common. Birth and death. What lies in between is what matters. Make the best of our time. We don’t ever know how long we have got. Thanks for sharing.
December 16th, 2023 02:15
A Galaxy Of Gobstoppers
Nicholas Browning said:
Like a demigod out for revenge, and so he eats the milky way like a candy bar lmao. Quite nice.
December 15th, 2023 05:16
Nicholas Browning said:
Like a demigod out for revenge, and so he eats the milky way like a candy bar lmao. Quite nice.
December 15th, 2023 05:16
A Galaxy Of Gobstoppers
orchidee said:
Yes, we\'re eating the planet and solar system. The moon\'s made of cheese of course. lol.
December 15th, 2023 04:28
orchidee said:
Yes, we\'re eating the planet and solar system. The moon\'s made of cheese of course. lol.
December 15th, 2023 04:28
Brown Soggy Leaves
orchidee said:
Yes, we have a park which is a former landfill site. Horrid when it rains - great puddles and bogs. Really need welly boots then.
December 13th, 2023 03:12
orchidee said:
Yes, we have a park which is a former landfill site. Horrid when it rains - great puddles and bogs. Really need welly boots then.
December 13th, 2023 03:12
Potholes And Broken Souls
orchidee said:
I will be with you soon - just fell down a pothole. lol. Doh!
December 9th, 2023 08:12
orchidee said:
I will be with you soon - just fell down a pothole. lol. Doh!
December 9th, 2023 08:12
Christmas Rhyme
orchidee said:
I can\'t grab an alcoholic beer. It upsets my tummy. lol.
December 8th, 2023 03:13
orchidee said:
I can\'t grab an alcoholic beer. It upsets my tummy. lol.
December 8th, 2023 03:13
Provoking Thought
Bragee said:
Even as a school teacher I ask myself this daily!
Excellent writing!
December 6th, 2023 06:26
Bragee said:
Even as a school teacher I ask myself this daily!
Excellent writing!
December 6th, 2023 06:26
Provoking Thought
orchidee said:
Yes, this fangled algebraic stuff. Is it a language? A+B -2z x BBC and ITV? Summat like that. lol.
Who ARE these people who use algebra daily?! lol.
December 6th, 2023 03:36
orchidee said:
Yes, this fangled algebraic stuff. Is it a language? A+B -2z x BBC and ITV? Summat like that. lol.
Who ARE these people who use algebra daily?! lol.
December 6th, 2023 03:36
The Three Kings, Mary And Jesus
2781 said:
\"Except the Lord of Hosts had left us a very small remnant,we should have been as Sodom,and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.\"
December 4th, 2023 07:20
2781 said:
\"Except the Lord of Hosts had left us a very small remnant,we should have been as Sodom,and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.\"
December 4th, 2023 07:20
The Three Kings, Mary And Jesus
orchidee said:
A fine write S.
It\'s said there\'s millions of them \'out there\', me included, who are believing.
Someone said \'surely so many millions can\'t be wrong?\'
December 4th, 2023 02:54
orchidee said:
A fine write S.
It\'s said there\'s millions of them \'out there\', me included, who are believing.
Someone said \'surely so many millions can\'t be wrong?\'
December 4th, 2023 02:54
A Voice For The Voiceless
Cassie58 said:
I personally believe it is a great thing to have a voice for the voiceless. It takes courage in a world in turmoil.
December 1st, 2023 02:47
Cassie58 said:
I personally believe it is a great thing to have a voice for the voiceless. It takes courage in a world in turmoil.
December 1st, 2023 02:47
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