Comments received on poems by Olaf Gatermann

die Ziege liegt an der Kette
Lorenz said:

Sprengen sie Ihre Ketten !

January 6th, 2025 00:04

die Ziege liegt an der Kette
Olaf Gatermann said:

I\'m working on the translation and will provide it shortly...

January 5th, 2025 17:01

Olaf Gatermann said:

Deutschland, Deutschland
your climate is going down the drain
bone dry summers
hot spells
and floods
more floods
and a booming production of airplanes
Airbus better than Boing
better than Airbus
better than Airbus and Boing
and tanks
and amunition
Heckler & Koch
Walther PK
billions of cash
Deutschland, Deutschland
shut up
your kids are damned right
everything is messed up
coming to a crashing end
your AI won\'t give a damn
Deutschland, Deutschlband
can you turn the tide

February 17th, 2024 01:29

sorenbarrett said:

My German is very limited but without knowing that there was a translation I read it in German first. I was surprised how much I remembered from my High School German over 50 years ago. Now I am restricted to English, Portuguese and Spanish. I did enjoy the poem in both the German and English although it felt more powerful in Deutsch. A common feeling in many countries. I feel the same when in the United States and when in Brasil the people there say the same.

February 16th, 2024 18:08

Missverstehen Sie mich nicht
Olaf Gatermann said:


Please don\'t misunderstand me

The dark suits
in a hurry
the tailor\'s suit
is only valid under a blue silk scarf
please don\'t misunderstand me
the city needs all this
the municipality
the region
the economy
the future
international understanding
plus a lunch bowl
a broccoli smoothie
and still water
please do not misunderstand me
all this is needed
organic farming
equal opportunities
the work-life balance
not to forget
Nordic walking
please do not misunderstand me now

February 16th, 2024 15:24

2781 said:

It\'s a mess

January 27th, 2024 18:23

Olaf Gatermann said:


Good Man Friday

Good Man Friday
is homesick
for his small island
but he can\'t return
because he\'s not save there,
hostile tribes and all.
And that\'s true
for all the Yeboahs, Obombos,
N\'Djebs, Jattas, Al Husseinis,
Frimpongs, Tourés und Tutus
in Bournemouth, Newcastle,
Norwich, Avignon, Dieppe,
Celle and Potsdam.

January 27th, 2024 16:43

Buzz Bray said:

Hoffentlich kann sie das Blatt wenden im neuen Jahr. Interresantes Gedicht. Schreib weiter.

December 30th, 2023 18:05

Im Sonnenschein
Olaf Gatermann said:

In the sunshine

When I was on my way by bike
to our family grave
I passed the British war graves
and on each small stone cross
Tim O\'Neill, 1895 - 1916,
Richard Calaghan, Galant Soldier,
Frank Norwood, died on the Somme,
sat a young soldier mending his uniform
or eating corned beef from a tin
or just smoking a cigarette.

December 27th, 2023 15:54

Lorenz said:

Ein trauriges Ende ...

November 15th, 2023 15:48

Olaf Gatermann said:


Today I got
on my messenger service
a voice message
from an unknown sender.
She read me a poem,
that she had probably written herself.
It went like this
\"I have cooked you jam
I cooked you potatoes
I brought you wine
with my carriage
by train
on foot
by taxi.
I have come to you
(rustling and crackling)
I went
I swam
I have danced
I slept
in front of your door
in your kitchen
in your bed.
I left

November 15th, 2023 15:11

Zu viel, zu wenig
Olaf Gatermann said:

Unfortunately the rhyme gets lost in the translation:

Too much, too little

Too much shallowness, too little depth,
too much television, too few letters,
too few friends, too many people,
too much \"tomorrow\", too little \"today\",
too much PC, too little reading,
too many leaf blowers, too few brooms,
too much \"event\", too little celebration,
too much unicorn, too little heron,
too much Mercedes, too little bike,
too much talk, too little action,
too many show-offs, too little simplicity,
too much prose, too little poetry.

November 11th, 2023 15:20

Olaf Gatermann said:



I propose
to adapt
Wolfgang Borchert\'s short story
with a few changes
to the present
and call it
\"The Flatbread\". *

*The title really is \"The Bread\" and it deals with hunger during WW II.

November 1st, 2023 15:49

Haiku # 104
Olaf Gatermann said:

The rowan berries
and twenty-one thrushes.
A feast day in the tree.

October 9th, 2023 14:35

Die Aufstellung der deutschen Fußballnationalmannschaft in 90 Jahren
Olaf Gatermann said:



Garm (G), Cho, Berger, Mamadou, Ahrens, Lisitzky, Paul (C), Lejeune, M. Karl, T. Karl, Baba

August 22nd, 2023 15:11

Haiku # 103
Olaf Gatermann said:

From Haiku to Haiku! Thank you, 2781.

June 19th, 2023 11:51

Haiku # 103
2781 said:

Nature sings a song
tune in with all our senses
Freedom calls you there..

June 19th, 2023 11:16

Haiku # 103
Olaf Gatermann said:


The blackbird sings
as if there were no tomorrow.
This is her song of praise.

Again: Haiku structure only in the German version...

June 19th, 2023 10:38

Haiku # 102
Parisab said:

Looks in great shape in German, good translation and meaning

June 18th, 2023 07:54

Haiku # 102
orchidee said:

Good write O.

June 18th, 2023 01:48

Haiku # 102
Olaf Gatermann said:

Here is the translation - unfortunately not with 5-7-5 like in German:

On white scree
an alpine salamander,
black as moor water.

June 18th, 2023 00:59

Eine Idylle
Parisab said:

Thank you for the English translation, as the poet should translate their own Poem_you draw a heart warming image which could bring emotions from the past, anywhere

May 10th, 2023 00:08

Eine Idylle
Olaf Gatermann said:


An idyll

The tenement house is on the outskirts
and the grandparents
have lived there for many years.
People know each other
and on Fridays the stairs are cleaned.
The grocery is around the corner.
And it gets best at night.
The little grandson
lies in the old marriage bed
with the seaweed mattresses.
Next door the TV is on
or is it the radio?
Sometimes he hears
a rare car drive by.
And now and then
the distant barking of dogs
from a farm in the darkness.

May 9th, 2023 14:43

Die Hanteln sind traurig
2781 said:

\"The earth mourns and fades away, the world languisheth and fades away, the haughty people of the earth languish.

April 9th, 2023 23:04

Haiku # 101
Lorna said:

So glad you translated it for us......

April 5th, 2023 03:57

Olaf Gatermann said:


Weather report

In the West

slight depression, later

passage of marauding hours,

cloudy and in places outrageous.

At night

Alcoholism and deliveries.

The further outlook:

emerging chills,


and generally hopeless.

March 30th, 2023 16:27

Open end oder: auch dies ist Poesie
Olaf Gatermann said:


Open end or: this also is poetry

much too early

for all of us inconceivable

after a long and serious illness

by a tragic accident

with pride and dignity

fought and yet lost

wide awake until the last breath

suddenly torn from life

peacefully fallen asleep

with illness patiently borne

in the circle of his loved ones

on his beloved North Sea island

at the blessed age of a hundred

March 27th, 2023 15:34

Haiku # 100
Olaf Gatermann said:

A yellowed letter
from Bill in Verdun to Lou.
She loved him dearly.

March 26th, 2023 17:10

Olaf Gatermann said:


There she is again.

There she is standing again

in the stairwell by the window.

Then she is speaking again

the role of the woman

and the role of the child.

Then the child contradicts her again.

Then she talks to the child.

Then she goes back

into the flat again.

The door bangs.

There she is again.

She is restless.

Then she goes into the street

with her cloth bag.

March 24th, 2023 15:22

Gedicht im Partizip
Olaf Gatermann said:


met, spoken to, loved, conceived,

born, washed, vaccinated, suckled,

talked, walked, played, argued,

coughed, crafted, learned, ridden,

gave, swam, won, fiddled,

baked, celebrated, loved, shown,

married, built, travelled, lied,

shamed, begged, mourned, moved,

worked, worked, worked, read,

gardened, aged, suffered, been.

March 24th, 2023 15:16

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