Comments received on poems by Anna

Pure Beauty
lynn said:

Wow you nailed this one on the head. How true about how wemen are judged by looks instead of whats in our hearts,heads and sould. This one goes beyound a 10 rating. Very well put together. I love it and enjoyed reading it.You have amazing talent with your words.

February 12th, 2012 19:35

Cheeky Missy said:

Well, having excused yourself for putting insufficient time and effort into this excellent reflection, how shall we reckon you? Well done, thou once fledgling poetess, thou hast graduated, methinks, when thou canst pen off so easily and effortlessly such a fine composition. Impressive. While it whispers as an expose of its authoress, yet it aptly expresses what countless of us feel likewise. There are the quieter folk, who have no less intelligence than the vivacious, yet lack either the opportunity or gumption to face it. Aye, with time you may well learn to conquer it, and doubtless will find confidence coming naturally with maturity, as I have, yet this stands as a very beautiful expression of a lovely young lady. I admire it and quite enjoyed it.
Aye I hope you enjoyed your New Year's Day 2012, I myself am infrequently here likewise, hanging out elsewhere (it is very quiet here since sometime last year, seems). Have a great rest of the year!

January 28th, 2012 23:05

Alexandre Landsley said:

Well you know what they say about silence its "golden".......other than that nice writing :)

January 21st, 2012 20:41

Fantasy And Reality
Cheeky Missy said:

Does your author's note mean you do not desire comments after all? I should decline to comment and merely read? It is sad and yet a comprehensive, rather mature discussion of something that affects so very many of us. We all must live in reality, but from our early existence we were inclined to dream and fantasize. As we grew older we learned we should not dwell long in fantasies and yet they are forever more enticing than reality, it seems. But living in them, as you excellently presented with your superb imagery, we are crushed by reality. I am rather impressed with your presentation of this weighty topic and assessment. Excellent poem on it!

October 16th, 2011 19:35

My Best Friends
Cheeky Missy said:

You're kidding! You are dead-serious????!!! La, what a bunch of girls! Wow! This flows well with great end-rhyming, and is delightfully amusing! I really enjoyed it! Excellent!

August 5th, 2011 22:35

Pure Beauty
Emi said:

Wow!!! This is really really awesome!! I love it, and it's so true! There are some guys who look for personality rather than beauty, but there are also some that only look for beauty... I really love this, it's very well done. :)

June 5th, 2011 16:59

Friend and Enemy
Emi said:

Nice. :) I remember writing those poems in 6th grade... I don't remember what I wrote about though. xD Anyways, good job! :)

June 4th, 2011 20:40

Going Away
nair36 said:

I wish I had a machine to stop time too... sorry your friend is leaving. Nice poem.

February 16th, 2011 17:49

Going Away
Lonelykaren said:

I like this in a way its like its me. (in a way) but other than that u put toghether a story and it was great. I got the picture clearly in my mind and i liked it. You tell it right lol keep writing.

February 11th, 2011 14:09

Fast Time
Emi said:

Awww this is amazing!!! I love it!! :)

February 8th, 2011 20:26

Fast Time
Lonelykaren said:

ha ha i know time goes by to fast....!! good poem...

January 25th, 2011 14:10

Fast Time
StormyDay said:

Sometimes the simplest poems are the best. (Read for example, Fire and Ice, by Robert Frost. It is one of his most famous poems simply because of it's simplicity and appeal.) Your poem is fun, light-hearted, and flows wonderfully. The rhyme scheme works well with both the subject and structure of the poem. I haven't been a member of this site for very long yet, but what I've noticed is that the people here are not out to bash on your work--just the opposite. Everyone is so kind and considerate, and often very supportive and encouraging. If there's something they disagree with, they won't just tell you what you're doing wrong, they'll suggest ways to make it better. So please don't be afraid to post up what you might think is silly or childish, no one is going to silence that writer's voice in you.

January 24th, 2011 11:35

A War
StormyDay said:

I liked this very much, especially the objectiveness of the poem. The transition between tones is fairly smooth, great job!

January 24th, 2011 11:26

A War
nikhilps said:

this is a nice piece of work... and the end-rhyming is very nice that gives a flow to it.... keep on writing...

December 10th, 2010 01:59

Fast Time
nikhilps said:

wow! its a good poem... u have the flow... and a feel in it... there r mistakes but.. don't mind it... bcoz it has a flow and a feel too... and i think u also love nature isn't it? i like this poem...

December 10th, 2010 01:56

Fast Time
Cheeky Missy said:

Oh no, I won't give you a poor mark for this one, for it is so good! Your favourite line is excellent in its poetic expression and the entirety is quite good as well. Frankly it reminds me of some of my old pieces and I do love this piece of yours very well!
Excellent....write more of this! What I might, if I may be so bold, is suggest you tamper with that favourite line to make its syllable count equal to the one above it....drop two syllables and keep the metre I think it might be anapestic(?) but don't quote me, and the couplet will flow is a delightful piece in its rhythm and expression...well done, just needs a touch of editing to bring it to perfection! Another example is the concluding line which seems it could use an extra syllable for the line above like you might alter "great" to say, "excellent"? or add another syllable somehow.... That's my poor uneducated opinion for what its worth. Mind you, I really like this piece!!!!

November 25th, 2010 22:32

A War
dbremner said:

Good piece. I like its optimistic nature whilst it does not avoid the wickedness of the atrocities we carry out on one another.

November 24th, 2010 16:34

A War
Cheeky Missy said:

Very fascinating piece! It has implications of something spiritual, and then can be argued with against the Bible, so I will not enter into that now.
Your end-rhyming is very nice and I quite enjoyed this piece!
Keep posting.... you write well!

November 24th, 2010 11:18

A War
mikeal said:

beautifuly put togather very nicely done bravo

November 23rd, 2010 23:01