Comments received on poems by Thomas W Case

And I Will Rise
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words Thomas, keep rising into that wonderful world ahead of you.


November 5th, 2023 02:23

Lonely Little Vagina
Goldfinch60 said:

Clever humorous words Thomas.


November 5th, 2023 02:18

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
Goldfinch60 said:

Such true words Thomas, so many people are ignorant about what is really around them nowadays.


November 5th, 2023 01:59

And I Will Rise
Positive Girl said:

Your poem is real.

November 4th, 2023 16:21

And I Will Rise
evenwheniLie said:

Beautiful triumphant poem!

November 4th, 2023 12:48

And I Will Rise
Neville said:

It aint easy but you can do it .. everyone needs a safe haven .. good luck

November 4th, 2023 12:44

And I Will Rise
Bella Shepard said:

Day by day, moment by moment you move forward my friend, and each day you renew your commitment. Beautifully penned dear poet!

November 4th, 2023 12:19

And I Will Rise
Teddy.15 said:

Rising from the bottom to the very top dear Thomas such poetry not only relatable but I feel humbled to even know you. ❤️

November 4th, 2023 08:48

And I Will Rise
Lorenz said:

Resilience the word !

November 4th, 2023 07:21

And I Will Rise
orchidee said:

Good write T.

November 4th, 2023 02:47

Lonely Little Vagina
David Wakeling said:

This is very clever .Some humour here and personification of the female anatomy.What more could a red blooded boy want? Well done

November 3rd, 2023 15:01

Lonely Little Vagina
Neville said:

Hey Tom sorry to disappoint but I got those same pics ..

well maybe not the same one\'s exactly .. or maybe well who knows

.. I now see them, her you n me in a whole new light .. a new fave for me sir .. Neville

November 3rd, 2023 14:23

Lonely Little Vagina
Teddy.15 said:

The poet and the pussy lol 😂 different angles that bring such emotional insight and memories and also overwhelming reflection. LoL you just made it sound almost human. I\'m a woman so that\'s a huge compliment dear poet. 💜💜💜

November 3rd, 2023 14:14

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
MendedFences27 said:

Today\'s youngsters are slaves to technology. It seems their lives get updated every 5 days or so, with the release of a new App. They never \"read\" or \"write\" anything that isn\'t encoded for their screens. \"The Cosmic Dance,\" is now overgrown with wallflowers, - Phil A.

November 2nd, 2023 19:40

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
Introverted Sage said:

Makes me think movies like \'Idiocracy\' coming to fruition sooner than later
Good write!

November 2nd, 2023 15:20

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
Yassin Tamam said:

so funny to me how people could have this unlimited access to knowledge and chose still to be as one-dimensional as one can be, sad
loved your poem sm

November 2nd, 2023 14:05

Carried Away By My Dark Obsession
Michaelpoet said:

I very much enjoyed this

November 2nd, 2023 10:53

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
Neville said:

absolutely .. I have no hesitation in concurring

November 2nd, 2023 08:07

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
LIZ said:

Spitting truth!!! Love the title!!

November 2nd, 2023 06:55

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
Lorenz said:

Bless be the day of the big bug ! I will make fun of their idiot faces without prostheses !

November 2nd, 2023 04:14

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
Teddy.15 said:

Sieze the day, absolutely wonderful we have all this beauty around us, I live in Florence Italy and i can tell you our culture although magnificent, people are bringing their children up to have cell phones at 8/9 years old and It just breaks my heart. This is a poem that only the intellectuals and those who appreciate art and nature and so on will only truly understand. Sad but a fact of today\'s world. ❤️

November 2nd, 2023 03:59

Carpe Diem Motherfuckers
orchidee said:

My problem is (or was) that I took so long finding out what Carpe Diem meant, that by the time I found out, it was night, and no more day left to seize. Doh! lol.

November 2nd, 2023 03:14

Birth of a Poet
Jon Nakapalau said:

Well done!

November 1st, 2023 17:40

I See Monsters Eating Quiche
Kinsley Lee said:

Hi! Thomas
Thank you so much for your sharing poem and reading. It gave me much impression.

November 1st, 2023 17:32

I See Monsters Eating Quiche
Teddy.15 said:

Fabulous and thought provoking as it is powerful and strangely beautiful all at once sir. ❤️

November 1st, 2023 15:41

I See Monsters Eating Quiche
Lorenz said:

a good man cannot love dogs and little children !

November 1st, 2023 13:21

I See Monsters Eating Quiche
MendedFences27 said:

We\'ve all done it one time or another, the thoughtless portrayal of hatred. You\'ve captured the banality of it very precisely in your poem. From the first \"You do it,\" to the last \"Your as useless,\" you purge every complaint against complacency. Great work. - Phil A.

November 1st, 2023 11:52

I See Monsters Eating Quiche
Neville said:

Gripping stuff sir .. I think this must surely now rank among my favourite Thomas C Case poems to date ..


November 1st, 2023 11:30

I See Monsters Eating Quiche
aDarkerMind said:

well this one hit home Thomas.

well impressed;

November 1st, 2023 10:03

I See Monsters Eating Quiche
orchidee said:

Good write T.

November 1st, 2023 02:58

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